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The Skateboarding Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ASEN, Apr 17, 2005.

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  1. darkstar

    darkstar Senior Member

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  2. thatkidyouknew

    thatkidyouknew Elite Member

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    tonight kick flip nose manny nollie shuv out
  3. WoeInfinite

    WoeInfinite Elite Member

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    thats your goal? or you landed it?
    cuz thats fuckin dope dude. film that shit.
    i skated last night at like 11:30
    i love skating at night, when no one is around, its cool in the air, so you dont sweat nuts, and its just like the best stress reliever
  4. aeSOP.314.

    aeSOP.314. Senior Member

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  5. aeSOP.314.

    aeSOP.314. Senior Member

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    flat rails def. dont help with handrails unless their FLAT handrails...considering majority of handrails are round.....good luck getting that balance for round bars on a flat bar
  6. thatkidyouknew

    thatkidyouknew Elite Member

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    ^ thank you
    haha yeah i have been filming mad bad lately more then doing graff
  7. mosezone

    mosezone Senior Member

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    after learning all my tricks on a flatbar, i had them on round rails no problem, so i'd say it helps. also, most grinds are easier to learn on flatbars. but it would probably be better in the long run to just learn on a circle rail.
  8. JustKoolinB

    JustKoolinB Member

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    i was riding a skateboard down a hill and i fergot what i did
    but the shit screwed me over. I fell off and slid down the hill and tumbled.
    AHA. that shit was priceless.
    turned to the right and i was getting video taped.

    Aint that a bitch?
  9. WoeInfinite

    WoeInfinite Elite Member

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    ha, that sucks, yeah i fucking hate speed wobble, but i never tighten my trucks.
    i love em loose.
  10. thatkidyouknew

    thatkidyouknew Elite Member

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    when you skate loose trucks your tricks get better and your balance gets a million times better
  11. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    see much like my women my trucks gotta be tight. that way when i land something its just like blop and i roll away straight i dont like none of that wobble around bullshit haha.
    As far as shoes go i rock DVS's 90% of the time im also a big fan of globe but its been awhile sense ive owned a pair.
  12. Sewn

    Sewn Senior Member

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    Yo is anybody down with skate photography?
    If so, let me know I have a couple questions.
  13. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    umm i have photographed skating. And ive done alot of other photography too. So just throw em out there and if i cant help im sure someone can.
  14. Sewn

    Sewn Senior Member

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    Alright, what's the best lens for it?
    I'm not to big on the wide angle lenses though, but I think those would be the best for it idk

    And for night pictures, what's the best setting as far as shutter speed and f stop
    There a double five with a kinked rail in the middle that my friend skated before and wants to again, but the only time to do it is at night, and even then security comes in like 5 min (it's a sallie mae building), but the lighting there is kinda shitty, two regular street lights right above it and then like four little ones guiding the stairs.
    I basically only get like 5 shots at this picture before security comes and I want to get it right the first time
  15. thatkidyouknew

    thatkidyouknew Elite Member

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    shutter speed you want haigh for night time at least its like that for video cameras. you maybe wanna go 1/5000
  16. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    As far as lenses go, wide angles are some of the more popular ones for skating cause its easy to get the whole scene on the photo and it usually makes gaps appear larger. If you feel that you can get whatchu want in the photo with out one than give it a shot. you can also get closer to the subject with a wide angle which is why they are popular in skating. Also being closer helps a stock flash to illuminate the subject fully. 90% of the magazine photos of skating use multiple flashes from different angles while shooting at night so that quality of photography is hard to acheive at night as an amateur.

    youll be using a flash i assume? If so then yes youll need a pretty darn quick shutter especially sense its a fast moving object. its kinda hard to tell you real close specifications with the f stop without seeing the lighting and angle and that. If you do alot of this sort of photograohy you might look into a light meter. They come in handy alot cause it makes it real quick to know what settings you need. both shutter and f stop. One cheater trick you could do is shoot a picture there with a digital camera and look to see what shutter and f stop it used and kinda go from there if your usin a full manual camera but you would have to make adjustments because of the fast moving person. Lemme look for a little guide thing ive seen about f stops and ill post it up if i find it. its handy
  17. TronMzero

    TronMzero Senior Member

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    Soo much E-Beef on the first page. ahaha.

    I skate. I stopped for a while but I got back into it.

    I have odd problems though man, I fucking can't kick but I can heel.

    btw - I wanna start doing pics, I need a good yet reasonably priced cam

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  18. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    if you have no expeirence with photography just get a $150 Digital. it'll do fine for you. Put it on the sports setting and get used to the 1 second shutter delay
  19. TronMzero

    TronMzero Senior Member

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    word, word... I got a digital with sports settings, never really used it.

    I should try it soon.
  20. thatkidyouknew

    thatkidyouknew Elite Member

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    naw i wouldent get a cheap cam because you have to get way fucking tricky with it.
    i would go with a crappy canon rebel eos you can learn alot of shit with it then move up onto somthing better then a rebel