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Graffiti writers' motives survey

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OSKAR, Oct 14, 2014.

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  1. OSKAR

    OSKAR Member

    • Messages: 10
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    Hey everyone, I'm a student in the UK and am currently doing a research project based on graffiti writers' motives and lifetstyles. I would hugely appreciate anyone on here willing to take 10 minutes to fill out an online survey I've put together with some general questions about graff. Obviously I'm more than aware of people's reservations towards sharing info on the topic considering its legality, so none of the questions ask about specific crimes and are all to do with attitude and mindset. Please rest assure I'm just a student trying to gather some real opinions and thoughts as opposed to being a cop/pig/snitch/whatever.

    Feel free to contact me at [email protected] to discuss further, as I'm also looking for anyone willing to share any good stories which capture the experience of being a real writer to be included in a book I'm making. And yes, all information supplied will remain anonymous of course.

    Many thanks.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
  2. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    Thought you could get past me hey?

    Not that easily.

    PIG PIG PIG **** **** ****

    This guy is a cop 4 sure don't click his links or give him any info
  3. OSKAR

    OSKAR Member

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    It's a link to a very well known survey website, all the questions are general, and only about motives. I haven't asked you to talk about any criminal activities you may or may not have been involved in. I personally haven't written for a few years now but it still highly interests me hence why I've chosen to look at it for this university project. It's not much to go by but look at my brief post history from a few years ago from when I was more active.

    If you're more comfortable not clicking the link here are the questions, feel free to answer them just by replying on here:

    What was your first impression of graffiti? What drew you in to take part?

    Considering public's general dislike for it as well as the ever growing risks concerning legality and sentences imposed on writers, do you care what outsiders think about graffiti? Do you care if they like or dislike it?

    How would you justify writing illegally to someone who doesn't like it? Do you care about their opinion as an outsider?

    What's your honest opinion on 'street art' and why? Does the public's acceptance of it and the potential money involved not attract you?

    Graffiti writers often compare their habit/lifestyle as an addiction, if you agree or can relate, can you describe what it is you're addicted to?

    "Being lower/working class and of an ethnic minority often have a part to play in being a graffiti writer", do you agree or think there are often exceptions to this statement?

    To what extent are you your own driving force to write? Do you think your crew/friends/supporters spur you on to do more?

    If you've had any brushes with the law has it deterred you to permanently stop writing? Do you think it would if you haven't?

    Do you personally know any female graffiti writers? Why do you think it's predominantly males who take part?

    Do you enjoy competition, rivalry and beef with other writers and crews? If so, why?

    Do you cover all bases of traditional graffiti? (tags, throw-ups/dubs and pieces) Which of these aspects (if any) would you consider to be more important and why?

    How old were you when you first started writing?

    How do you feel when you are writing - for example, excited, scared, etc?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  4. osber

    osber Senior Member

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    I have issues with question #6 because all the writers I grew up with were bored middleclass white kida.