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Can Control Problems

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by the infamous one, Oct 16, 2004.

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  1. noxi

    noxi Elite Member

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    Those are some sick ass flares
  2. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    gayy... thats not you... llol
  3. vus_01

    vus_01 Member

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    who even sad that this is me? -.-''

  4. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    really.... your callin The Baze meister a noob.....?? It says one and only infront of his name for a reason haha
  5. vus_01

    vus_01 Member

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    like noxi sad, those are sick ass flares.

    (i don't like when somebody puts words in my mouth. ok?)

  6. bilal_tariq

    bilal_tariq Elite Member

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  7. KarmaOne

    KarmaOne New Member

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  8. vus_01

    vus_01 Member

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    yea, but they aren't something special, believe me....

    about this video, guy uses Astro cap i think or maybe Montana gold...
  9. Shiva.

    Shiva. Senior Member

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    Needle Cap for Ultra thin lines, High pressure. Slightly hard to control, recomended for experrt users only.
  10. Phantazm

    Phantazm Senior Member

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    The belton stocks only drip loads and have a fat line if you press down really hard since the belton cans have this special valve that if used properly it works very well with short bursts of paint kind of like sketching :D
  11. letsgobombin

    letsgobombin Senior Member

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  12. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    "recommended for expert users only."
  13. +[{∑$∑Я}]+•åßk•ıwk•

    +[{∑$∑Я}]+•åßk•ıwk• New Member

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    something i found that helps is just like not gripping the can to tight just real loose. this way you have more control and your throws and shit will be lookin fresh in no time
  14. Ekos1nr

    Ekos1nr Senior Member

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    my dick

    swallow dem words captain
  15. noxi

    noxi Elite Member

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    I think ny thins would work good for outlines because they come out pretty low pressure. At least the ny fats on my rustos do so it doesnt really drip.
  16. Hobbes

    Hobbes Senior Member

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    Wow, a lot of you for some reason stick behind the idea "you just gotta go out and do it!" well thats true but that doesn't mean there aren't useful tips. Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. Its no good to tell a toy to "practice!" if he is practicing wrong.

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm always tryin' to invent new ways to practice 'n shit, especially since I'm not painting right now.

    One good thing to help you practice your can control is to just do lines. I saw this dude at a graff exhibit and I think he was only a legal eagle but he had mad shit, seen his portfolio and he does all kindsa 3d wildstyles - art student though.

    But thats what he told me. He also said that krylon is pretty good and he used that a lot when he started, so don't get the idea that "ooh krylon just sucks!" because its like skating, if you skate with a shitty deck and can land a kickflip, then its not like its gonna be harder to do a kickflip when you get your new board.

    Some shit I do too, is just pick up and cylinder and pretend that shit is a can, then just practice on a wall trying to move it around quick-slow- and at the same distance.

    But if you really wanna practice can control without fucking up a lot of walls, GET SOME PRACTICE AEROSOL! What I mean, is any sort of cleaner like window cleaner, or what I use is steel cleaner at my work.

    I've been sneakin' out the back lately and practicing my throws and tags on this big metal surface, its ill, it has a fat cap.

    If you let your wrist flow and move around, your gonna get flares and shit, so if your not wanting to have an uneven width on your outline, practice keeping your wrist stiff - not too stiff, but so that when you are drawing a line and it goes out to the side, you don't let your wrist slid and end up doing a flare while begginning to shoot away from the wall.

    But hey, I'm just a toy and these are things I'm doing for practice, its seeming to help but I guess I won't really know till I go out and try to piece again. I be practicin' straight letters and shit too...comin' out much better.

    Ohh, and toys should definitely know that holding the can at angles produces different results, you can hold it parrallel to the wall, at an angle, etc. experiment and see what happens.
  17. Sadistic.Child

    Sadistic.Child Elite Member

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    this might sound stupid,
    but ive been trying to find some good caps for painting characters
    lately ive just used NY thins, and German outlines
  18. Ekos1nr

    Ekos1nr Senior Member

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    try grey dots nice thin lines personally i dont really like german outlines for any thing but tags but thats just me anyways
  19. Phantazm

    Phantazm Senior Member

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    Late response but the caps i was talking about are commonly referred to as calligraphy tips since you can literally write calligraphic stuff with that cap, as for trying to do calligraphy without that tip good luck...about the only cool thing you can do with out calligraphy caps is flares...hope this helps
  20. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    there is no way to "practice wrong"
    every time you pick up a can you learn something new.