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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Mc Satan

    Mc Satan Senior Member

    • Messages: 204
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    lines are shaky mainly cause of the pen if i go quick it doesnt mark it well, i just need to either get hang of the pen or get something else. also at least in this last one it kinda felt right not to cross the A's i know i fucked up that M but realized when i was to late. decided to point it out myself. and the devil cause i needed to draw something that wasn't bars today. always been drawing on and off never liked straight lines.
  2. Ace.K

    Ace.K Banned

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    @ian: for the Noise piece, the N is overpowering the other letters, and the top curve of the E looks a little goofy. Otherwise nice work. You might want to revise that Basoe piece. The letters gradually get bigger and smaller with each other. Compare that A to the B and S. Its miniature to them. Good work on the extensions on the B though, they look natural.

    Can I get some crits on my entry for the battle? Just the rough draft.

  3. Urbanosity Ltd.

    Urbanosity Ltd. Member

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    ace, all i can see right now is the E is a little low and i think the S is going over the O a bit too much
  4. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Mc Satan, stop asking people to draw your letters for you. If you can't even do that on your own good luck ever coming up with an original style.

    And 3D is extremely easy to draw. All you need to do draw diagonal lines that are all the same length and parallel to each other. (Don't do perspective yet, you clearly don't understand the concept well enough to do that) Then connect the lines but make sure to keep the line that forms the 3D the same distance from the letter throughout. That's why the top of your C in that sketch with the yellow 3D is so fucked up.

    Try playing around with the wordart feature on MS Word. It should help your understanding.
  5. Ace.K

    Ace.K Banned

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    Fixed it and filled it. Any better guys?

  6. manik00

    manik00 Member

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  7. Mc Satan

    Mc Satan Senior Member

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    allrite i did some sketches this morning thought i'd post em. i think im staying out of 3d for awhile and stick to drop shadows till i get better hang of it
  8. Strange Journeys

    Strange Journeys Senior Member

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    drop the mc. Mc Satan is a dumb name. That first Satan is alrite, just straiten up the S and move it closer
  9. Mc Satan

    Mc Satan Senior Member

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    i kinda like it plus it's something ive been called by friends for almost 10 years. before i started trying to write it i asked in the question forums and you are the only one who has said anythign negative about it. plus i think just satan sounds like 12 yr old trying to be hardcore
  10. DaFugg

    DaFugg Senior Member

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    Mc Satan sounds like a 12 year old trying to be hardcore just as bad..
  11. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    McSatan, your 3D on that middle one looks terrible because your diagonal lines aren't even close to parallel.. The ones coming off the top of the C are going almost vertically downwards, while the one off the top of the second A is almost horizontal. You seem to have no hope.
  12. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    Ace.k- thats a nice simp but... that arrow in the background is pretty gay, in my opinioin. the B is bulgy on the bottom part, and the E is too close to the O.
    Manik- give your word a baseline, and dont extend the bars past it, like on the A and K. and pay attention to bar width.

    dude mc satan is suck a rad name
  13. Mc Satan

    Mc Satan Senior Member

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    on a srs note how many ppl think mc satan is to long,if you don't liek the name i dont care it's length that has me doubting
  14. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    ok, enough with the banter about mcsatan's name.

    bottom line for mc satan: your name's no good for graffiti, it's too long and isn't fit to be a writer's name. your friends called you that for 100 years, that's cool, and you don't have to change it, but know that it sucks.

    bottom line for everyone else: you're all still gonna go on with your lives if a kid's name sucks. no more discussions on that topic please, we all know that his name isn't gonna change shit, and it's his choice.

    end of discussion. the person after me has to post a flick. no crits, no shit. flicks first. crits later.
    thanky yu
  15. EWL24

    EWL24 Senior Member

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  16. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Phat2, don't kill me for this, but McSatan, if you plan on getting up illegally, it's a bad idea to write something that people call you. Other than that, do what you want. Maybe you could shorten it to McSat or simply McS because having a 7 letter name can be a little long.

    Anyways, I here's a quick sketch I did of your name. Don't bite it because it's pretty whack, but maybe it can give you some inspiration.

    [Broken External Image]:
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  17. Ace.K

    Ace.K Banned

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    Neses would be good. Lots of opportunity with those letters.

    Pic for talking. Here's my Basoe entry as posted before and an exchange I did with a guy from another forum who goes by Poker but used to write Pocet. Self crits: The poker chip and the R suck ass.

  18. Strange Journeys

    Strange Journeys Senior Member

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    i dont like the arrow or color scheme on the first one and the second one has a lot of inconsistincies with bars, especially the K, and the hole in the p e and r are wack. why no 3d?
  19. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    the usual style

    @kils thats for the tags thread isnt it?
  20. Mc Satan

    Mc Satan Senior Member

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    here it is inked, im really proud of this one, so crits please