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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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    the link didnt work for me either.
  2. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    what he means is the contast between the shirt and his shorts, one has mostly very dark area (painted), the other has white (wall), personaly i dont mind it that much, i suggested (and still do) to do it multi so the white area isnt wall

    colour it white or any colour as long as painted lol
    canadian spelling, god bless ^_^

    **** about kase's stencil
  3. Keffer

    Keffer Senior Member

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    im gonna cut one of the fonz
    [Broken External Image]:
    yes, god bless canada, and god bless canadas urge to have different spelling just to piss me off and get marks off my essay cuz an american spellchecker *shakes fist at southern neighbors*

    i wanna make like a (its overdone, but..) WWII bombing scene, with little fighters and big bombers and flack (that should be easy ;)) maybe do it on a map or something, make it mean something.
  4. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    thats not impossible, youd need alot of stencils and a large blank surface, but its very possible

    i took my skull stencil from way back in these posts and made a simple multi layer out of it... i figure i should post something everyonce in awhile if im giving advice and suggestions to people lol

    [Broken External Image]:

    did it in the wind..... hate wind :angry:

    cheers :p
  5. ECGA

    ECGA Senior Member

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    zane i like that one. its simple but nice. i like doing people alot though. try a black person sometime... its hard when you desaturate it and make it a greyscale. i tried making it a negative, but that didnt work...goddamn you gary coleman...
  6. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    zane that is a dopeass stencil....respect
  7. -GEKS-

    -GEKS- Elite Member

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    for all those crazy stencils that look like real things, how do u do that? how do u know where the shadow is and stuff? do u use photoshop then draw it? or do u just kno? plz tell me. i want to make sum stencils 2 after seein all those.
  8. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    photoshop, play around in there with filters and shit
  9. ECGA

    ECGA Senior Member

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    get the pic you want, and load it on to photoshop. then go to like edit image or somthing, but eventually somewhere youll find a option to "desaturate" the picture. when your done it comes out all black and white and grey. Now just throw the contrast up pretty high (the lower it is the more detail you get but its harder to cut, and has to be multi-layered sometimes), and mess with the brightness until you get what you want . once your done you just got to make sure there are no islands. just make sure if your cutting out the black parts there isnt any white inside of the black areas or when you cut it out youll just get a big circle.

    if you dont have photoshop like me :D then just google IrFan View. Its a program like photoshop, and does the same things, but not at such a professional level. (good enough for stencils) good thing is that its free. no many things are free these days.... legally that is. yeah 1 more thing on irfan view its not desaturate your looking for, it says converte to greyscale instead.
  10. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    thx guys ;) ,

    and yah you either have to draw it all from scratch, or take a existing photo and use photoshop to make it black and white....

    gona make a really big version of this new karak i did, black and white, at least gona be three feet tall, gona be sweet... ;)
  11. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    A few stickers, I have loads more, but only pictures of the old ones.



    (bomb the system)






    (the last three go together, they're a silver mt. zion lyrics)
  12. fitzy5814

    fitzy5814 Senior Member

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    I like all of them, nice
  13. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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  14. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    I like the one on the right, however, as much as I love throwing the rebel alliance sigil in my stuff, it feels like it clouds up the nice stencil. Either adjust size/placement or consider putting something else there. I'm partial to minimalistic stuff, so maybe I'm a bit bias. Consider the use of empty space. Also, try to make a cleaner cut on that cute signature under it.

    As far as the one on the left, I don't know your rep, but chances are you aren't a city king may get static for the crown. Either way, it's a bit overused anyhow- nice tag on that one, though. Borders make it look clean.

    The second image is pretty okay, you may want to clean up the right (our left) eye. But I can be a perfectionist, clean cuts.

    The third has some clean cuts.

    Also, nice spray on all of them. I know they aren't the most detailed, but I'm impressed on the clean outcome.

    (edit- I can't tell ym left from my right apparently. :( )
  15. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    ratz i like your stuff, though iv got a diffrent opinion on graffiti

    nasty, your stuff is good, but never, and i mean never, put a crown in anything garffiti, it screams of toyness (its interpited a personal decloration of your ownership and rule of the city its cocky and wrong)
    otherwise, your on the way to doing some really awsume stuff

    also having your tag name in the stencil isnt always nessicary, sometimes it can bog down a good stencil, so dont incorperate it into the stencil directly, make a secound one and put it off to one side or above or below it a few inchs so it doesnt crowd it (carefull bout over spray though)

    goodwork and i want to see more ! :)

    ***cocky and wrong unless you prove otherwise to everyone in town ;)
    but till everyone in a 20 mile radious praises you, its best untouched (crowns)

    and there over used :p
  16. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Member

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    damn you guys got mad skillz, i can make stencils for shit.
  17. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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    thanks for the criticism guys, i consider myself an artist first so i love being critiqued by anyone.. i can see what you mean about the crown.. but the reason why i did it is because part of my name is "king Nasty" cause we had the nasty crew just whenever we talked about shit one of us would start making the conversation nasty and uncalled for (a couple friends of mine and there was little nasty, big nasty and then i came along and one-upped everyone with the nastyness... so i claimed the crown as king nasty...) so on my tags and throwies i write NASTY or NASTY ONE and then NST KING OF FILTH... so it wasnt in refernece to being an all city king.. its a reference to being the king of nasty...

    anyways, yeah im a noob and i guess could be called a toy, but i've been doing stencils for awhile now, i actually just started writing and doing some throwies...

    i made a squid stencil today, i'll post flicks soon...

    i also did an ACKBAR stencil and if anyone has seen the movie ENVY with Jack Black i did one with the Mobil Logo that says... "UP YOUR ASS WITH MOBILE GAS" which was what ben stiller had to tell christopher walken... anyways.. yeah more flicks soon.
  18. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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    hey, how do you guys carry your stencils with you when you go out? i actually use my old portfolio... it's solid black and works quite well, especially when the stencils are wet.. you just throw them back in there... but it's kinda inefficient
  19. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    kind of hard to get around with them, they need alot more planning than bombing or random throwies

    clean pizza boxs, binders, portfollios, anything thats big enough to hold them, just throw a little wax paper on both sides of the stencil when its wet and throw it in, it shouldnt stick and you can carry more when they dont stick to each other ;)

    just use whatever, if its really big you could just wrap it in a garbage bag
  20. uhhh

    uhhh Elite Member

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    get the pic you want, and load it on to photoshop. then go to like edit image or somthing, but eventually somewhere youll find a option to "desaturate" the picture. when your done it comes out all black and white and grey. Now just throw the contrast up pretty high (the lower it is the more detail you get but its harder to cut, and has to be multi-layered sometimes), and mess with the brightness until you get what you want . once your done you just got to make sure there are no islands. just make sure if your cutting out the black parts there isnt any white inside of the black areas or when you cut it out youll just get a big circle.

    if you dont have photoshop like me :D then just google IrFan View. Its a program like photoshop, and does the same things, but not at such a professional level. (good enough for stencils) good thing is that its free. no many things are free these days.... legally that is. yeah 1 more thing on irfan view its not desaturate your looking for, it says converte to greyscale instead. [/b][/quote]
    i can't find desatrurate?
    somone gave me cs2 so were you using a differnet version or what?