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Country Crunk Milk Shakes - Underground HIPHOP(daily updates)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GeSuS_KRiST, Oct 25, 2004.

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  1. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    Miss Meeto's Mix 1

    Miss Meeto's Mix 2

    2-part mix of some chill rap, r&b, a little bit of reggae and jazz and some other random stuff i've been listening to lately, to make up for some lurking i've done today (thanks to everyone for upping shit!)
  2. oni.kin

    oni.kin Member

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    would just like to say that im proud to be part of a forum, in which some of the largest replied to/read threads are about either

    1.underground rap


    3. bitches

  3. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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  4. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    mike jonies. who
    mike jones
    who?! mike jones!
  5. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    :lol: mike jones is one fat moefugggg
  6. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    mike jones, the long lost ninja turtle!
  7. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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  8. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  9. theoneC

    theoneC Senior Member

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    *shakes head*

    You can get alot of inddo for the price of that ticket. And the mileage... and putting up with all the fucking pacifist hippies... damn.

    Let me take this chance to say f**k the new Dj Shadow and El-P noises. Does anyone know where to lay hands on the 'Bomb the System' soundtrack? Also, f**k Aesop Rock and every noise he ever made. Whack MC. Big up REAL NY MCs. I can flow just like Aesop Rock, just get me like 18 voice filters and a fuckload of postproddy engineering. Dude has ruined joints for countless other MCs. I would like him, but I've never been a 14 year old girl. Ima up some shit soon. Does anyone have the Yak Ballz joint? I got it and I can up it, but allthe tracks are of varying qualities and some of them sound like ass - 96kbps n such.

    Sixtoo's 'Psyche Intangible' sometime this evening...
  10. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    heres the other one i upped that didnt work...


    Dosh - The Lost Take

    and no offense mr c but i know exactly what i can get for that kind of money.. and i know what ill have to put up with while im there. its not so much for the music that ill be going.. the other people that are going and the times we'll have have a lot to do with it too. i agree. bonaroo is kind of ridiculous. but theres a little more to it than just seeing dj shadow or el p.
  11. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  12. theoneC

    theoneC Senior Member

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    thanks for the dosh.
    yea... i been to a couple festivals in my day. eaten enough L to see through walls 24/7. nothing like some L, some nitris, and a couple puffs of DMT... i ran my skate right into a dumpster at 15mph at the last festival i went to... hallucinogens become problematic when you can't see anything real. nothing like a bottle of scotch to bring back one's vision. nowadays though, i abuse mind drugs in private. and the last thing i would ever want is to get popped, trying to have fun, in Tennessee. I don't rock nitris any more either. I decided I like my brainbetter than a 2 min buzz.
  13. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    im not huge on the nitrus anymore either though.. i have had my days though.. haha. i generally hate festivals like that.. i mean the music is good or whatever.. but i dont like all the stupid people. bonaroo is one ive managed to skip out on every year so far but this year ive got a few friends going id really like to see.. more than a few triple sixers.. so that has a lot to do with it. im not even really that huge on the lineup this year.. so i dunno.
  14. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  15. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    were the last two people u need to tell that too...
  16. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    were the last two people u need to tell that too... [/b][/quote]
  17. theoneC

    theoneC Senior Member

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  18. Sou - Mvd

    Sou - Mvd Senior Member

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    Not Busdrivers best album but I like where he went with this. You can tell he forced himself away from his usual style, especially the tracks with Boom-bip doing the producing. One of the main things I didn't like about it was how he was alot more obvious with his sarcasm this time around. I dunno, I still listen to it at least 3 times a week what can I say I'm in love :wub:
  19. SpLiTbomber

    SpLiTbomber Elite Member

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  20. Sou - Mvd

    Sou - Mvd Senior Member

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    haha I up'd the first disk of that album a while back, I would have up'd the second but I kind of only racked the first and didn't realize it was a double disk until I got home :lol: