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Markers That mucho sucko

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by sKope, May 23, 2004.

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  1. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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    Harley, I think you and I should get to know eachother better. ;)
  2. harley.

    harley. Senior Member

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    sure? :)
  3. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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  4. harley.

    harley. Senior Member

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  5. RUDE_Bwoy

    RUDE_Bwoy Elite Member

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    pentels whites suck ass
  6. g!

    g! Senior Member

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    i fuckin HATE kiwis.. i know all these people who think there the shit even tho they always leak and pop open and get all over there hands and clothes and shit...
  7. Allthegoodnamesaretaken

    Allthegoodnamesaretaken Senior Member

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    Are you fucking retarded?
  8. The_NaMEz_BaNKz

    The_NaMEz_BaNKz Elite Member

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  9. Allthegoodnamesaretaken

    Allthegoodnamesaretaken Senior Member

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    Sharpies fucking suck for tagging thats because they are not MADE FOR TAGGING... they are made for construction, Classroom, work purposes. They're made for normal people who want to mark there Cd's and shit. I would say Sharpies are decent if you want to outline your shit, but they suck for fills. For sketches I mean.
    You guys can stop saying sharpies suck because its pretty obvious.
  10. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    Just because it isn't made for writing, doesn't mean it isn't sweet. Yeah, sharpies suck, but there are markals, dalos, pilots, griffin, garvey, and none of those are made for graff.
  11. Allthegoodnamesaretaken

    Allthegoodnamesaretaken Senior Member

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    Sharpies are made sort of against graff. They make it on purpose that when you write with it itll fade like a bitch in short amounts of time they dont want a bad reputation as a graffiti marker even though there are many misconceptions that they are.
    The other brands you mentioned, they are from foreign countries that have no idea what graff is so they just make hardcore shit without realizing what people use it for. Dalo for example, I have one right here and it has german writing on the back of it which suggests its from germany.... they probably dont know what its used for, they just made a funky marker.. pentel white has japanese on the back... I think its safe to say that all the non graff markers that are used for graff are made from different countries... which is then imported here.. I bet you back in the 70s-80s all the graff writers were rocking fucking sharpie magnums and that probably upset alot of people because it was easy to get your hands on.. so sharpie made it fade alot faster... They're trying to avoid people to use sharpies for graff.
  12. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    Just because they have a different language on them doesnt mean that they aren't from america. Dalos are made in america, kansas to be exact. Pentels are made in japan, though, you're right, so are pilots. But griffin, garvey, and markals are all made in the good ol' u.s. of a, man
  13. rise_&_fight

    rise_&_fight Senior Member

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    your general ignorance is astounding. had it ever occured to you that alot of products have foreign writing on them as they are sold in many countries around the world?
    claiming that foreign countries have no idea about graffiti is mind blowing, especially the germans of all people. they happen to have one of the strongest scenes in the world and produce brands such as molotow and montana...and they dont know about graff?!

    its clear you've never been abroad.
  14. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    No way man, everything with another language on it comes from that country, america is too patriotic and awesome to export goods.
  15. Platz

    Platz Member

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    really not feeling the molotow 420pp . Picked up a neon green and gold... As much as I pump it the nip doesn't juice up as much as it should giving me streaks on my tags.
  16. Pesky_Human

    Pesky_Human Senior Member

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    That's bold. I am sure dudes are going to flame you for this, but once I found those .5" minimops, I forgot about Kiwis. The foam nib on the Kiwi sucks - dries out, blows chunks on anything that isn't totally smooth, and the cap just begs to pop off and cover you in ink.

    However, THIS marker here just sucks. Could be so ill because of the nib size, but 1) leaks all over the place and 2) is shitty at depositing ink. Wack all around.

    [Broken External Image]:

  17. JadedSketches

    JadedSketches Elite Member

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    Montana XXL markers, don't bother, shitty.
    And for people inquiring about the Molotow Masterpiece, it looks almost identical to this. Too wide for it's own good, streaky and the stock ink sucks.
  18. Yuckasfuck

    Yuckasfuck Senior Member

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    :eek: 30mm's are the shit man.
    Looks like ur usin the white shit in it, thats probs y it sucks :p. Get a new nib n refill with ink (thick in ur case seeing as u dont like leaks) n it'll be shithot
  19. kog_throwie

    kog_throwie Senior Member

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    yeah i got one of those white ones, fucking gay
    personally id rather tagg with my shit
  20. balls deep

    balls deep Senior Member

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    moltove tar based gold suck ass. cold sweat suck ass well my'en writes all streaky. pentel whites' kick ass for me and zigs' filled with home made. as for mops you can never go wrong unless to nib it gay and n o durable