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Thread Suggestions

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Jun 9, 2008.

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  1. Scratch

    Scratch Senior Member

    • Messages: 464
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    I was thinking, there should be a stickied thread in the toy forum thats like,

    "Can I post in the Big boy forums?"

    Where toys can post there shit and better writers can nicely let them know if theyre ready yet, rather than having people in the good threads getting all pissed off and stuff.

    let me know what you think ;]
  2. LiMe..S.B.C

    LiMe..S.B.C Senior Member

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    has any one considered a one liner thread...4 everyone....
  3. Hobbes

    Hobbes Senior Member

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    Eh I'm not so keen on the idea of having a thread for it no more.

    SWIM was just wanting to encourage writers to utilize their space more to get a message out about something they might wanna change.

    SWIM is thinking it wouldn't be a total waste of time to put up fact sheets and anti-governement propaganda, but that is definitely straying from the graff scene.

    SWIM was talking about say...writers writing certain shit on certain things to piss people off and utilize vandalism.

    example: mark territory as police-gang turf, slander those fucks with all your worth. Someone was writing a police officers name in graff and I think thats a good idea. Shit, write roll calls of your local police enforcement all over and put info about police scandals and brutality in your area.

    But like SWIM said, its just kinda an idea for a future project and SWIM doesn't even get up right now. SWIM thinks its a better idea to just go do it himself instead of making a thread for it on internet forums, that never gets things done....maybe some flicks will get thrown on here in the future though.

    oh, and for banksy, I think sometimes his messages are quite clear, namely the one where the police officer is patting down the little girl. Thats a strong message, police are anti-kids. I never said he bombed though, I said he didn't, but the reason he is famous is because of the spots he hits, and the fact that he is doing some sort of message, which is why many graff artists don't stand out because they don't send a message, but its a different game what he does and writers.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  4. mekosbc

    mekosbc Senior Member

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    i agree wit lime on this one... one liner thread
  5. Hobbes

    Hobbes Senior Member

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    I would also like to see a one liner thread, I don't have one of those yet, only heard about 'em a time or two before but never really seen a lot of 'em and they sound really sick and useful.

    I had a good idea for a thread but I know its already been done to an extent, but basically a 'how to not get busted' only more for not getting busted by bad form ettiquette.

    For example, kids talking about spots and shit, there should be legit ways to communicate and have ideas implied, but not give the cops shit so even if they used your post as evidence then it would be worthelss.

    One thing I hope people start doing is using SWIM when talking about more serious stuff at least.

    But also, I'm wondering what technological ways could be used to throw the police off. Such as masking your IP so they can't trace your posts to your provider and find out your location.

    I think a lot of kids don't realize the...ironic seriousness of painting on a wall. That and most kids on here smoke weed/steal/ do at least 1 or 2 other illegal things.

    If there was a nice clean thread which outlined certain guidelines to follow, I think that we could eliminated internet busts almost entirely. At least on this site.

    What would be great though is if there was a way for bombingscience to block anyone from accessing the site on a computer which is located in a police station. Not sure if that could be done...but maybe, depending on what sort of computers and connection the police use, if its distinguishable from average users, maybe it could be blocked.

    I would like to know what bombing science does to protect the privacy of members though.

    But yeah...I can think of a ton of guidelines which would make it a hell of a lot harder for police to come in on bombing science and get the info they need.
  6. hammer_time

    hammer_time Banned

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    you mean so a cop could just look throught the thread and learn the code?
    shut up, if your not a complete and total dumbass you wont get busted no matter what happens online, its all inadmisable in court........
    that means they cant use it against you
  7. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

    • Messages: 3,112
    • Likes Received: 6 You lost me dude. You've been swimming in your own head a bit too long. Police roll calls? I get it... it's just kinda stupid. You're so protective with your "SWIM" shit, but you wanna do everything you can to personally piss off cops. Lemme ask you this... Somebody breaks into your house and nabs all your shit or punches your moms in the tit, who are you gonna talk to about it, and don't go off with the " I'll just go ninja on them and I have an Uzi too"... bahh... whatever. swim away.
  8. Hobbes

    Hobbes Senior Member

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    what are you talking about?
  9. GIzUrD

    GIzUrD Senior Member

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    i think there should be a drug experience thread
  10. GaZm13

    GaZm13 Elite Member

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    It's called the Herbal Remedy thread.
  11. Hobbes

    Hobbes Senior Member

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    no one wants to hear your little 12 year old drug experiences those aren't even real drugs in your sig 'n I know 'cause I done 'em, go to erowid.
  12. GaZm13

    GaZm13 Elite Member

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    Maybe a graff related toys thread. There are a shit ton of figures and toys designed by graffiti artists. IDK just an idea?
  13. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    post it.

    that shit could be in the throwie thread, but post it up ill approve it.

    post it.
  14. hammer_time

    hammer_time Banned

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    dont waste your time, i told him that shit was way stupid and has ZERO effect, on keeping your ass covered....but honestly dude i dunnno if youve ever had to call the cops, but it takes on average 32 min. for police to respond to a 911 call, in that time a burglar could rape your wife, smoke a cigarette, flip her over and go back in for seconds.... plus 90% of the laws they enforce are bullshit or unconstitutional, noone will ever convince me there is such a thing a decent cop....but i still think the kid who thinks he's ninja, subversive, anarchist, code breaker kid is stupid, and to top it off he wanted a thread, that would tell people how to read what they were typeing in code? doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of being secretive?
    actually c3zr i dont think i would be a good mod on here, too many people would catch the ban hammer, for being too stupid, in my opinion, to participate in graffiti, sorry i made you vouch for me
  15. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    How about a thread Threads you want deleted lol or disapproved such as the Your names meaning one.... Baze said him self he has delted 29 posts from it in 2 days.... Thats over half of the total posts............................................. So if its over 50% bullshit it should get the delete hammer
  16. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    well folks, moding the toy forum is kinda like trying to train a cat to walk on a leash. the more and more u try to get the fucker to get the picture the more the cat fights u. no way to please everyone.
  17. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    AY-Muthafuckin-MEN! I did that shit for a long ass while by myself and it sucked. Is Baze or anybody else helping you out in here on a daily basis?
  18. Hobbes

    Hobbes Senior Member

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    You are delusional, I have no clue wtf you are talking about. Just keep making an ass out of yourself because that's not what I meant at all.

    But for the record, there is forums out there with regard to illegal activity that requires their members to use "SWIM" because if police where to do a bust, all their records would say "someone who isn't me" and that wouldn't hold up in court- or it would discourage police from even doing an investigation to begin with.

    I don't think I said anything about 'secretive codes' per say, but uhh, we use slang a lot...thats kind of the point of it. "I ganked like a hundred cans today" is going to gain a lot less attention from authorities as apposed to "So I robbed about 100 cans of krylon from a walmart today, my area is real easy to steal from" - it would be a thread for forum ettiquitte so people learn to not say blatantly dumb and obvious things. Not like "yo I leats shizzit all the timesfromwalworld" or anything dumb like that.

    But hey, ignore the posts on the BS home page that says police use technology to bust graff writers all the time.

    Ignore the fact that people have been busted off this forum.

    Maybe all that shit I said would be a bit superfluous but I really don't see whats so dumb about someone saying "So SWIM was bombing this heated roof in LA and the night ended in a police chase after the heli spotted me"

    if police did happen to come and try to find out who they were chasing, they wouldn't have shit on the person.

    But hey, what do I know? I'm just some ninja kid with a fucking uzi, apparently. Where the fuck did I get a gun? My ninja gaiden guru guy teacher man lady told me to never use ballistics!

    But hey, I know you got nothin' better to do, so quote me again, and rant the fuck on.

    But shit...I came here to actually post something, oh yeah.

    Is there a thread already about names and shit. So toys picking a new name don't have to worry about writing something someone else is already writing.

    There's a lot of obvious no-nos when it comes to writing names, but if you start writing the name as someone else, it would suck for both of you to meet up years later and have total beef of who gets to keep the name, and who has to let all those ups go to waste.

    I usually do a google search and what not, but sometimes it can be hard to find names. I don't wanna start writing something that someone in another country has been writing for a year or so and you know...

    Anyway, thread idea: Check your graff name before you up it
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  19. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    keep your beef out of this thread guys, if its not about something u want approved then it dont belong here.

    i poke my head in daily but the way i keep myself sane is just monitoring the stickys unless i hear something out of control.

    baze is puttin in work. i think all mods should troll through the toy forum for a while before they do work somewhere else.
  20. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    Posted. :)

    Thanks for trying to get the toys forum out of destruction fube :)