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Weapon Of Choice

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by ghost_tsg_2005, Aug 3, 2005.

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  1. keenur

    keenur Banned

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    tee juice mop with drippy white ghetto krink
  2. BadUncing69

    BadUncing69 Senior Member

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    otr coldsweat mixed with grog
  3. GaZm13

    GaZm13 Elite Member

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    Krink K-60, K-66, Sakuras and these.

    Attached Files:

  4. keenur

    keenur Banned

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    why would you even post that shit? whats the point? showing off on the internet?

    get a life
  5. barack_obama

    barack_obama Member

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  6. drunkenshits_one

    drunkenshits_one Senior Member

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    my fists, fucking pussies.

    stock tips, bic pens, glue pens filled up with kiwi ink, you rich little yuppies.
  7. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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  8. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    ^^^ that dude was a tad dramatic.
  9. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    and bic pens, prisma, sharpie, white elmers, deco, good fade markers.
  10. barack_obama

    barack_obama Member

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    if you chek the truth vid the guy is askin questions they start harasing him ,cut his mike,grab him when he starts trying to ask questions with out the mic,then drag him off ,tazer him numerous times whilst sitting on him telling him 'get on the ground'....not that dramatic
  11. pocket change

    pocket change Senior Member

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  12. South-Pole

    South-Pole Elite Member

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  13. EgoZen

    EgoZen Elite Member

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    My MOP and my earlobe knuckleduster
    Filled with Zenstar Baby Crunk (my own homemade colour..soon for sale..)
    (Zenstar is copyrighted btw;))
  14. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    you're a dumbass, i can't believe a dumbass is running for president......

    were you there? did you see the entire meeting? maybe he was pushin' the limits of some people in there and they saw him as a pain in the ass and that sealed the deal and they tazed his shit...

    the truth video by the way? the fuck? did you know that the rodney king video only had the part where he gets beat up, making the public ignorant to why he got his ass beat. and because they edited the tape/started filming late, there were riots across the nation. so fuck awf.
  15. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    and for the record i'm telling it as it is, i don't care for police, and i'm not racist. but the ones who stay havin' cameras are the ones that stir the shitpot of the media.

  16. hammer_time

    hammer_time Banned

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    hell yes!
    can i get an amen
  17. hammer_time

    hammer_time Banned

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    dude it doesnt matter what he did before, have you watched it? the mother fucker is curled up in a ball, noone is trying to arrest him, or anything, just whoppin him with sticks, and a couple boots to the noggin....that was a perfect example of police brutality, they could have cuffed him and hauled him off, but no they refuse to treat him like a human.....

    the whole started taping late thing was a lame excuse used by the defence to try and justify what they did......
  18. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    it's a matter of popular opinion man. the court said this he said that the video tape showed this. he was resisting a previous arrest, and george holliday figured he'd make a quick buck if he videotaped what he saw. police would beat the shit out of me if i resisted arrest too. shit, i got the shit beat out of me for loitering and prowling in a neighborhood where cars were getting broken into... but there were simply no riots for the white race because noone videotaped it and put it all over the news... and words don't mean shit. even if i stood on national tv and explain in detail what i did, noone would give two shits because there was no video of it happening.
  19. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    its called elmers spray glue with rusto tips.
    Its called walk around wal mark or any huge store and pop the tops off aerosol products to find caps.
    its called fountain pen ink in art supply stores.
    its called shoe polish mops.
    its called racking. pussy.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  20. Sadistic.Child

    Sadistic.Child Elite Member

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