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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,847
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    so far my plants have not even started to smell yet and they are like a foot tall.... for nutes you can use MIrical grow or other garden foods and shit go to home depo and just buy some stuff for growing plants
  2. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Not quite. The problem is that your plants will be competing for root space and nutrients. Its not essential that you transplant them, but it is a good idea. Also, keep in mind the bigger the pots, the bigger the plants will get.

    As far as nutrients goes, you can pick up normal ferts in home depot, and they even carry them in some grocery stores around here, just make sure your picking up the right kind. If you've got the extra cash just goto your local hydroponic store. Just a heads up for any locals, Homegrown hyrdoponics has free samples of DNF.

    You should deffintly drop your lights lower to your plants. And I'm curious about this heatlamp you said your using. Alot of lamps can't be used for growing, because they don't give off the right spectrum of light. Unless your grow area is cold, I really don't think there's a need for a heat lamp. I hope it doesn't have a very high wattage, I wouldn't want one of those running on a 24/0, or even a 12/12 light cycle in my house. House fires are no joke. I personally don't use a 24/0 cycle on my clones and seedlings, I use 18/6 but if you using 24/0 isn't a bad thing. Its been debated that having a short dark period for your seedlings, and keep it nice and humid you're supposed to get a better male to female ratio. I've never heard of anyone using sugar water, whats your source and what is it supposed to do for the plant?

    Even my vaporizer is making me cough up a lung. I'm too sick to smoke, so I should do some baking.
  3. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    mirical grow? doesnt that kill mj plants? :huh:
  4. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    Thank you. On another note i smoke 2 joints before i smoke 2 joints and then i smoke 2 more.....
  5. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Today was fucked up, I was kicking it early in the afternoon and mowk'd a blunt with the hombre, then I remembered 5 minutes later that I had a dentist appointment in 15 I ended up at the dentists 20 minutes late and had my teeth cleaned high as fuck....bump for labor unions giving me dental plan
  6. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    I just woked on the local labor unoin today just came in from work
  7. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    have you ever done gravity bong? Out of everyone who smokes only me and a couple other people I know have even heard of it/ done it.
  8. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Unions are where its at, not having to pay for check ups or the dentist is always good, more money for my personal habbits
  9. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    once a year i got to stay clean for a week,other than that i got stooooooooonnnned
  10. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    I smoke blunts dayly, and also the same for the bong, about every 3 days I hit a pipe. About once every month and a half or so I smoke joints, and only if I don't have a pipe (almost never 'cause they soo easy to make) and no money for a blunt.
  11. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    I just smoked a joint.

    This joint was 1 third marijuana, and 2 thirds wormwood. I feel like really weird and my skin is like a hollow out side around me its nuts I'm like floating inside of me. I feel as if I was playing a third person game about some guy one the internet.
  12. rifmaster

    rifmaster Senior Member

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    i miss gravity bongs havent had one in years we used to make them with 2liter bottles of coke then this one sotre had the 3littre bottles and after tat no more almost killed me ha ha ha h<
  13. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    by gravity bongs do u mean mop buckets full o water an the top half of a bottle
  14. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    your pad looks pretty chill

    have i ever heard of gravity bongs? lmfao, im gunna ignore that lol!
  16. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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    yeast you like sublime?i love that song dude.i smoke 2 joints in the morning,i smoke 2 joints at night,i smoke 2 joints in the evening it makes me feel alright.somthing like that.
  17. CaptSnuffy

    CaptSnuffy Senior Member

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    that was a remake of the bob marley song

    sublime is good shit though

    Bo ma too
  18. curve

    curve Senior Member

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    atxbomber i hate you.
  19. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    car2n gravity bongs are sick

    pre-school, yet sick still
  20. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    atx, your a fucking moron... you little kid you...

    anyways, i tried quitting smoking... lasted 2 days lol, today being the second... yea, i smoke so much, that i have pretty bad withdrawals, like today... the 2nd day, consisted of the following:

    1.) my tongue went numb... mildly (until i smoked)
    2.) very very very irritable... (...i hurt some feelings today)
    3.) small headache (by the 5th day, its the worst, been there)
    4.) i'll try stopping after smoking this quarter of dank i just got :X