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Meat Lover's Paradise (No-Homo)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cds_dogg665544, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    hey i watch "pam: girl on the loose" (Pamela Anderson's reality tv show), and shes always talking about PETA
    is that not enough for the cause?!?!

    and sketch3, nope...not one bit
  2. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    What a great fucking post. "they eat and drink like we do" like that is the part that makes us human? The fact that I eat and drink? are you fucking kidding me, Jesus you PETA mother fuckers will pull anything out of your ass.

    "A vegan diet is appropriot for all ages even for a new born baby....Sadly the baby died" Go figure, the baby died from lack of a balanced diet. Good job there, you pretty much just made yourself look fucking retarded by even saying that.

    "hunting for meat" Ok, let me step out of my house into the cement forest and go get me some "free roaming" cattle out here in the middle of San Francisco. Not everyone lives on the country side, and if everyone hunted for their food, there would be no animals left in the wild. How about you watch your videos a little more closely.

    You see how tightly packed those animals are, how many thousands they have to breed, how fast they have to make them grow,just to meet our needs and feed us. Do you honestly believe that there is enough "free roaming" animals out there to supply us with food? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

    I don't mind vegans, you don't like the taste of meat? good for you, I love it so why are you trying to get me to stop eating it?

    PETA is just total bullshit, they break in and burn down animal testing labs killing the animlas. Great job. They want all animal testing to stop? If the testing of all new medicines on animals were to stop right now, 99.9% of further medical advancement would stop. All those meds you take to keep yourself healthy, cure you from a sickness, all that make up your girl friend puts on, you wouldn't have 90% of that if it weren't for animal testing. Fuck off.
  3. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    msfyt lies an deceat
  4. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Fuck PETA its all about Green Peace. Free Jeff Luers!
  5. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    the old boss of peta had glucoma or sum shit an used eye medican tested on pupies...her excuse was on the lines of'' a few need to suffer so i may continue libirating the magority''

  6. Slushi

    Slushi Banned

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    That's what somebody sounds like when she has her head up her ass 24/7
  7. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i do have to agree if you choose to eat meat, choosing wisely where you get your meat is very important

    buy locally and organic, its not for the sake of the animal but your own

  8. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    Yea well im from the city, and there pigs n cows have way more room than people, pluss they live happy lives....and they are so much tastier than regular meat,
  9. tha wite rabbit

    tha wite rabbit Senior Member

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  10. Obiz_BFM

    Obiz_BFM Senior Member

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    whatever they do to those animals it tastes real good anyway peta dosent wat hunting with i love no pets witch i love my dog so fuck peta and their vegans
  11. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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  12. adreniline_zero

    adreniline_zero Senior Member

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    i fucking hate peta ive been vegitarian for about 4 years simply because im not keen on the taste of meat, granted im not keen on the fur trade infact i hate it but peta are just a waste of space
  13. Beats_His_Wife

    Beats_His_Wife Senior Member

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  14. triple6inthemix

    triple6inthemix Senior Member

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    BBQ is where it's at. period.

    doin it for the lulz!

    no seriously, BBQ is where it's at.
  15. TrandomnesstwO

    TrandomnesstwO Senior Member

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    Im vegetarian.Used to be a macrobiotic for 9 months.Then I ate that kids little piece of ham sandwhich.Three years later,fuck not eating cheese being a macrobiotic is tough nowadays its more strict then the vegan's diet.
  16. NiL

    NiL Elite Member

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    People Eating Tasty Animals.
    PETA is bs rofl.
    And Vegan parents forcing kids into be vegans is wrong.
    The cow wants to be milked it's how surivial is.
  17. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    if someone becomes a vegan or vegetarian because the animals get shot in the head or hung by their hooves or whatever the fuck they do in the industrial slaughter houses, then that just means they're softer than baby shit because we're human they're animals cows don't serve a purpose to me besides the meat on their bones so i'm going to the store to get some ground beef. why? not to be cruel. because i fucking like burgers, and steaks, and chicken, and spicy chicken crisps, especially extra hot no lettuce. come on, how can someone honestly think to themselves "that cow had a life. a good one at that. that'd be so terrible if a huge claw machine just picked me up by the ankles and blended me. oh no! that could happen! but not if i stop eating meat!" fucking tools.

    i'll take this shit to the next level now.

    so if you have so much compassion for the cows and chickens you don't want to see be tortured... then what does that say about your reaction when someone breaks into your house and you're sleeping on your handgun... are you going to say "no, he's a human just like me, i don't want to see him get tortured, i'll let him swipe all my shit and rape my daughter"? fuck that shit.
  18. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    you fool
    ''cows don't serve a purpose to me besides the meat on their bones''
    how could you leave out milk and leather
  19. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    i just read my little article... i could be a lawyer and shit.
  20. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    i dont eat em.. but fuck em? i do it gentle. humane.