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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Msfyt, May 7, 2007.

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  1. SAID

    SAID Moderator

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    Yes I understand that, but sometimes there's shit going on in your brain and it's not your fault that your fucked up and wanna understand why yedig?
  2. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    People are so all about self healing these days...don't get me wrong I was so stubborn. It took a near death experience to get me to the therapist. And it took the mindset that I could help myself to get me to that near death experience...
    Most people make that mistake and it ends up too late for help...
    Therapists are like mental secretaries. they sort your biznass into seperate piles and help you do your work.
    get help. It Helps.
  3. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    I'd only do therapy if Robin Williams is my therapist.
  4. prefer

    prefer Banned

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    i can relate to the paranoid thoughts thing alot, im very paranoid, however ill tell you something that is true when i thought i was possesd, lying awake in bed at 12:00 at night lights out after watching a disturbing beating video on youtube, i couldnt get to sleep i swear i saw a demon appear right in front of me that looked like the beating victim, shortley after i vividly saw a large image of a face of one of the atttackers appear right in fron of me in color and consistency of a cloud, that shit was scary.
  5. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    Well, Idk man. Its a struggle.
    I've been talking to someone religious lately..which i FUCKING hate.
    I hate christianity so much.
    this is the shittiest most confusing time evar.

    Idk, my anxiety comes and goes whenever it wants..but Im thinking some pretty twisted stuff. I wish I could explain...
    So many loop holes...but I'm needed for something..i havent figured it out.

    or am i nuts.
    .now im pissed.
    dont worry its all my fault

    i started therapy again. its helping a bit, but this is a harder shell to crack for sure...

    I cant even look at how I explain myself without wanting to smash the fuck out of my computer.


    Ive been thinking that maybe I should take somethinggggg....but the drugs they suggest are too much.
    I mean, i hate even taking advil.
    Why do I want a drug to stop my thought process and turn me into a zombie
    plus it makes you gain weight, and i am a woman. So fuck that.
    Stupid medicines...
    Thats the icing on the cake right there
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  6. prefer

    prefer Banned

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    i feel you man, just dont believe in christianity if you dont like it i guess, dont get too pissed, you shoud draw out your thoughts thatd be sick
  7. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    I do draw you want to see?! Thats like, how I cope. I draw what I see you want to see?! Maybe you can relate...if you feel anything like me...
  8. prefer

    prefer Banned

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    post em up man for sure,
  9. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    just a few thoughts
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  10. Chippey

    Chippey Senior Member

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    From the pictures i gather, you feel like you are controlled by something, and you feel rather alone and mental, and that your dying from it? Correct?
  11. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    oh yes. you should see...its insane how many sketch books i keep drawing these hands in. I filled a bunch.
    If you rip the image apart more, and go deeper, there are so many more messages...
    but you have to read a lot of weird shit to understand them..or know about it atleast.
  12. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Don't be hatin on christianity. There is nothing wrong with the religion itself, it's just some of the people who practice it and media manipulation.
  13. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    Well, I hate it haha. I can't help it. It ruined so much of my life.
    But I don't hate on Christians, everyone has their right to practice whatever they want.
    And I respect that its a choice for other people..
    So if youre a Christrian, Right on!

    But I choose to practice other things.

    Freshmen year..this painting was intense at the time...
    some crazy emotions...
    I got in trouble during this painting, because I refused to stop painting when the period ended.
    Eventually I was forced to move to the guidance office..where I wouldn't stop painting still.
    I even threatened the teachers to not touch the painting or else. lol.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  14. prefer

    prefer Banned

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    loki are you getting help man cuase i think you need it
  15. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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    Loki- Those are some powerful painting and drawings... And honestly, they scream 'I need halp' not to make light of your situation, but I can tell from those that your suffering.. alot...
    Get help, please :(
  16. "Mafi"

    "Mafi" Senior Member

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    Good job anti, keep it up :)
    The first few weeks are the hardest
  17. Bilnek

    Bilnek Senior Member

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    if u want to kill yourself go paint a heavens spot....if u don't die u won't think of suicide again cuz the adrenaline will last forever
  18. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    That's just silly. ^
  19. elks443

    elks443 Member

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    I dont believe in suicide I see it as a cowards way out. and think about it Hitler killed himself you want to be put in the same boat as him (metaphorically) i say If your feeling deppressed or schizophrenic do what I did and do PCP and shoot at the cops because
    death is not an option its a consequence
  20. "Mafi"

    "Mafi" Senior Member

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    Okay hard ass.
    Everyone who has suicidal thoughts should instead turn to pcp and attempted murder. FUckin brilliant