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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Msfyt, May 7, 2007.

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  1. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,014
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    You just got trolled, my friend.

    Anybody who has suicidal thoughts should seek help of SOME form. Whether It's talking to a friend, a parent, somebody, or seeking real medical help. People shouldn't just bottle it up, trust me.

    Or shoot at cops and do PCP. One of the two.
  2. Messer

    Messer Senior Member

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    i did option two, it didn't work out.
  3. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    I give myself 4 years top before i pull the trigger, at this point i feel like i should take risks or make a bucket list or some shit.
  4. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    that is possibly the dumbest fucking argument i've ever heard.
  5. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Agreed, wtf is that shit.
  6. Ovel&TheJetts

    Ovel&TheJetts Senior Member

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    I lost my girlfriend of 4.5 years last week and have been thinking of offing myself lately.

    Not over her...but because I'm so fucking lonely. I had someone to spend all my time with 24/7 for almost a whole year (thats how long she was living with me). I based my entire day, my entire schedule, all my plans, everything around her.

    She was my best friend, it was real tough losing her.

    But, its been a week now...and I feel better for the most part. Still sad a few times a day, but I'll pull through.

    Anyone considering suicide should wait a week and see how it is then. If you still wanna do it...nobody knows whats best except you. I would hate for someone to kill themselves, but what do any of us really know about their inner suffering? Either they did it on a whim, or had an actual reason. None of us can really know.
  7. Chippey

    Chippey Senior Member

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    Its hard to move on when youve lost someone youve been close to. Just try to get yourself out of bed every morning, and go on, things will pick up, you'll get used to it in a while hopefully and find someone else. But at the end of the day its your body and your life so whatever you choose to do I respect.
  8. Ovel&TheJetts

    Ovel&TheJetts Senior Member

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    Yeah. I'm not gonna do it over her, or anything else. I'm stronger than that.

    And, hell, I'm already talking to a new girl. IDK about her though...shes all over the place. Shes so gorgeous and awesome to party with, but IDK what kind of girlfriend she'd make.

    I was with her a few years back...didn't last long, but it was a hell of a run.
  9. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    May I ask, how did she pass?
  10. Siner

    Siner Senior Member

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    Your an idiot, lots of people with drug problems end up killing themselves because they can't live like that anymore. Of course this thread is depressing, it's the suicide thread.
  11. streetology973

    streetology973 Senior Member

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    well i have a drug problem and im happy as can be
  12. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Not everyone is the same. Also what drugs do you do regularly?
  13. streetology973

    streetology973 Senior Member

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  14. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Ehhh, most people with drug problems that commit suicide do Crystal and Heroine.
  15. streetology973

    streetology973 Senior Member

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    Those are pretty dangerous and ok i guess you guys need somewhere to vent so you dont shoot yourselves
  16. Siner

    Siner Senior Member

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    I said drug problem, insinuating drug addiction. You obviously don't do all those drugs every day, just recreational use. If you have nothing on topic too talk about in here then GTFO.
  17. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Get used, Get lied to, Get led on, repeat. I finally let go of shitty people like that in my life that I rely on and I meet new people and same thing. What the fuck is the point?
  18. PulseWithLife

    PulseWithLife Elite Member

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    True. Life is bullshit. Only thing i like doing is smoking weed and drinking. Only thing i really want in my life is to go live overseas and get the fuck outta Australia. But i need money for that. Only compleated year ten and any time i try and learn some thin i cant because weed fucks my attention span up. School aint for me any way. Go back to school and find out most people dont smoke weed every day. I wish i could find a job i could take overseas but it doent look like its gonna happen. I dont see myself ever being happy in this life time. Fuck Sluts Whores women who cheat i hate having cunts i dont even know after me because of what sluts claim.
  19. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    It doesn't help im christian and im straight edge. None of my friends are but i don't judge or dismiss people if they do drugs, drink, etc. But i wish they could do the same for me. I get this "oh that so cool." "i respect that." Sorts of bullshit but they always see me for some arrogant shallow prick, which im really not. I keep my religious beliefs and moral values to myself and only judge my own actions, unless heinous. I dont get it, are they jealous or does it bother them that im spiritual?
  20. labmadelift

    labmadelift Senior Member

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    lost a beautiful person to this shit, feeling of no self worth is extreme and very powerful, shit, i got depressed just reading through here.