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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Msfyt, May 7, 2007.

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  1. labmadelift

    labmadelift Senior Member

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    jealous, i wish i could have faith in something so invisible and unseen, and believe in some long "life creating" story, but i can't, i see what i see and i do what i do.

    but i almost give you props for having the will power and belief in something you can't see. amazing. hats off to all people having faith, faith in anything.
  2. jiveONE

    jiveONE Senior Member

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    All I can personally say (from experience) find at least just one really cool friend who can really see you for who you are...and if you're strait edge don't hang out with that party crowd; they are douchebags, and this is coming from someone who isn't edge. A true friend will always accept you for who you are, and see through your faults....
  3. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Thanks man, im keeping an open mind when meetin new people in my life.
  4. TheToy

    TheToy Elite Member

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    Real *****'s do real shit.

    Nuff said.
  5. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Can some mod please check this thread once a week or so and ban these fuckin' pricks that come here to talk shit.
  6. RFI. SPit

    RFI. SPit Moderator

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    Yea I'm going to try to keep an eye on it, any shit talk in this thread isn't going to fly, and I'll ban you immediately
  7. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Appreciate it Zof.
  8. The Kidz

    The Kidz Senior Member

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    i thought about suicide a few weeks ago, even broke my widow but i just could not bring myself to jump just because i knew what it would do to my friends and family
  9. downunder

    downunder Senior Member

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    I once punched a hole in my door, so close to killing myself m4n!!!!!!!!!!
  10. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    you could tell who's never lost anybody due to taking their life. this is no fantasy... there are people out there living this world knowing that their afterlife will be more peaceful but they know they have people to take care of on earth. man i feel like doing myself in sometimes just because i don't want to get a job, don't want to have to worry about where i'm gonna live, i don't want to worry about borrowing money to start my car to drive down the street, i don't want responsibilities. i don't want anything.
  11. Papa Crucifix

    Papa Crucifix Senior Member

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    I am currently relapsing back into my depressive state after all these years of my 'small mood changes' i have finally clonked onto a large one and its not gone for a couple weeks ever since i was lied to, cheated on, abused, and just all round treated like shit.

    i mean i don't care about the being treated like shit but all my life i have had suicidal tendencies i love the thought of death and this is the thing i have set myself up to do, usually i spend my time listening to peoples problems and curing them of there hatred for their own lives but when it comes to me needing a helping hand, no one has the time of the day to spare a minute to help me sort my life out.

    I just believe i cant handle life at the moment, I'm living a false life, i get up in the morning put a mask on that's happy and cheerful so that i don't get angered by people pestering me, i know it seems pretty contradictory saying i dislike being pestered about how I'm feeling but there's times where i wish to express them and times when i seek to just leave them to fester.

    I cannot control my urges for self purging of the blood in my body, i wish to spill blood that is mine, i seek to end my pain and torment i want it all to end so that i have nothing to do with this Plane of existence or this world that has so many problems with it.

    I do not see why i should live my 'False Life' just to keep others happy when i myself am not happy, and i cant be happy because I've tried everything to be it, I'm over it all

    This is no a plea for help, this is but a knowledge of my feelings for future reference to guide someone in my state from this point back to reality.

    This may not make sense but, It's my attempt.

    - Papa Crucifix
  12. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    You could always leave the mask off for a day. Live the "real" life for a day, and see how things play out. Some will think you're a fucking asshole, some will be able to understand where you're coming from, change, or help you.

    I feel Suicide is never an answer in my life. There are always a multitude of choices, even if that means burning my apartment for the insurance policy, or ditching everything and going squatting (something I plan on doing anyway), but I feel suicide just isn't ever an answer. I've been doing the fucking exact same thing for about two weeks, and I need to get out of it, but even then, I still don't feel I'm living a false life.

    tl;dr: Papa Crucifix, don't do it. Take your mask off for a day and let people know what you really think. It's freeing.
  13. Papa Crucifix

    Papa Crucifix Senior Member

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    Tomorrow (well today but couple hours from now when i actually get some sleep) shall be my day without my mask, if... in fact it does work, then i shall continue to leave it off

    if on the other hand, it doesn't work... then back to square one...

    I'm still in my depressive moods, every now and again, but when i get them, boy are they hell...

    Crust, you're a kind stranger my friend... thank you for your words of wisdom

    i think my life may turn around when i finally move into my other flat with my mates and relax away from most of the stress
  14. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here.
  15. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    Its cool to talk on here man...Its a good way to see that you're not alone and others share similar situations. So, I understand that they say you're socially anxious and you don't really agree, but what exactly do you feel like...Its really hard to lose a good friend, especially with no explanation. Its not your fault and unfortunately we have no control over others life choices. You can't blame yourself, and since there was no reasoning thats one of the first things you'll probably do...but its not good to be presumptuous because most of the time, the situations we create are only happening in our heads.

    Sometimes when I feel like I'm at rock bottom, I force a smile on my face...just the act of smiling makes things a little better. A lot of the time when I'm depressed I need a change..If things aren't going well the way you're living right now, then make some adjustments. They don't have to be big ones, but simply adding an extra walk to your day, or do something you never thought you'd do before..and as for being socially ancxious..I feel ya. I used to have terrible anxiety..I've lost jobs over it before..but I got better. It just takes time. I started hanging out at a local record store, and it was people, good music, good times. You need to occupy yourself. I notice I'm the most depressed when I'm alone and doing nothing.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2010
  16. Bilnek

    Bilnek Senior Member

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    well my friend commited suicide a week ago....but she was really actin okay before she killed fuckin feelin like shit since then....what i want to ask what are the reasons except deppresion and bad relations wit friends.....u guys that want to kill yourself just think about the pain you will cause to the people that love you and understand that suicide aint the solution...
  17. viseversa101

    viseversa101 Elite Member

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    i dont really care to read thru n help out as much as it looks u guys do but i will say that i share the same thing, ive been on meds since i was 17 n almost 25 now, ive been to a psych ward like 3 times n hospitalized for shit ive done more then a few...i duno how but i kinda bury it away now adays and am pretty okay. i slit my wrist a while back n its a constant reminder to look at the scar n remember im not as bad as i was then..figured id share a little
  18. Bilnek

    Bilnek Senior Member

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    u should go out and get laid =)
    i really mean helped me
    what i wanted to know is can it be reckognized when a person wants to commit a friend was actin usual till the day she killed herself
  19. syne7

    syne7 Senior Member

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    People plan suicide for months, thinking "should I do it today" every single morning that they wake up. I've had plenty of friends who tell me that they have considered suicide at one point. My bestfriend almost commited suicide when he saw his mom smoking crack, and even for me was harsh because we were young and after that day she would always tell me he wasn't home or that he didn't want to see me and when your 10 the feeling that someone hates you so much that they would lock their door just so they didn't have to see you leaves a pit at the bottom of your stomach that you slowly fall into. Mix that with being bullied physically by your peers and emotionally by your parents, leads to you staring at a knife in the middle of the day in your room with the lights off. Thinking how much would it hurt if I jabbed it through my neck, just so it would all go away. Even though that was a long time ago, I could never consider suicide anymore. Since I was 8 my dad had given me unlimited access to the internet and I grew attached to it, especially the gaming and coding. To me playing a few rounds of UT2k3 was almost a release of all worries. Then I found languages like VB which was easy enough to learn that I would spend days upon days trying to code a MP3 player or make a webpage out of HTML. Looking back I have to thank the internet for being an outlet to me, and if you consider suicide then you have to find your outlet, may it be graffiti or computers. Just keep your head up.
  20. Bilnek

    Bilnek Senior Member

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    pilerskee....u have some serious problems....try that free hugs helps