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Chemistry 101:Beginner Ink Labs and Pics

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by HëRbN, Jul 2, 2008.

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  1. anu-Hiero

    anu-Hiero Senior Member

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  2. Bets369R

    Bets369R Elite Member

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    put it under some flame and let ome of the alcohol evaporate.
  3. Noz

    Noz Senior Member

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    or just put some ciggerate (sp?) ashes in that shit
  4. Noz

    Noz Senior Member

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    or well grinded chalk
  5. sodi

    sodi Senior Member

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    Nice thread. I hear beet-root juice can be used in ink. To make it purple and make it stain a lot more. but don't get it on your clothes

    edit: I bought a red K-71 Krink. I'm still waiting for it in the mail
  6. Noz

    Noz Senior Member

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    yea, alot of natural shit can b used in ink..
  7. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    it has some staining potential but its not very opaque you might get a faint red ghost but theres better things for staining
  8. bless111

    bless111 Member

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    i cant find the fourm or where i can learn how to make the sakuras anyone no?
  9. massacreman

    massacreman Elite Member

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    you cant make it that easily.
    better just buy/rack one
    or stick to normal markers
    but if you wanna know,
    its about letting paint sit and dry and melt and put it in a mold or something
  10. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    it also involves oil pastels. i know how to do it but 8 posts arent enough to buy that sort of knowledge.
  11. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    So... the ink recipe that i have been evolving for like 2 years now(for those that know who i am lol) is now the shizznittle bomb snip snap. I need to get a few more buff tests but as far as holding up in the sun and through weather its a beast.

    Anywho TECKN i woulda used ink not paint. you probly fucked the nib up. those arent really moppy enough to be puttin paint threw like that.
  12. 2FNK?

    2FNK? Senior Member

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    Acrylic paint is thick as fuck bro, don't use it. Oil based, and use paint thinner, not water.
  13. KAZonee

    KAZonee Senior Member

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    i used behr acrylic paint and i doesnt wash away in the rain or fade in the sun but u can scratch it off.

    it lookd really really really really nice u get nice perfect drips it has a perfect blue color

    but some ppl will say its not good its buffs really really easy
  14. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    Trust Herbn, he knows his shit when it comes to mixing ink and/or paint.
  15. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    :), but yes if you wanna stick with paint then ide go with oil and thin it more. but i feel ya on the colors of acrylic.

    Ink wise make a base of pen ink with like 100 to 150 pens in like half to 3/4 cup of pvc primer.

    Or you can use 99% alc but only use enough to cover about a half inch in the jar your using and give it a shake and let it sit for a couple days till their see through. the alc with now basically be just blackish purple sludge. cut that into your pvc primer.

    I dont use alcohol anymore though.
    PVC primer Base(100 black pens)
    Black Shoe polish
    Carter Stamp pad black ink, (alcohol based)
    N-Heptane,Naptha or Acetate(used as thinner if needed)
    Blue Resin dye
    Caligraphy ink (alc based)

    Made a batch of that a lil while back and it has held up nicely, cause its a mostly staining ink mixed with pigmented pre-made's. and when you have a high pen count your ink will take longer to dry allowing the stain to set with out Dot3. Cause Dot3 is dumb. lol
  16. KAZonee

    KAZonee Senior Member

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    i ffound some nail polish and i poured it into a cup and i thinned it out with nail polish remover u think its a gud idea to put it ina a mop or iis it even worth?
  17. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    Yeah it's a good idea
  18. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    just nail polish by itself? lol just seems kinda silly to be tearin shit up with nail polish lol
  19. zaco

    zaco Senior Member

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    i really dont know shit about inks, but why did you put nail polish remover in it to thin it out. it seems backwards to me, wouldnt that make it not permanent anymore?
  20. KAZonee

    KAZonee Senior Member

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    idk lol thinkin about it knoww it seems stupid but ima get a mop to try it in