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The World Cup Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SALVO, Jun 12, 2010.

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  1. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,803
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    If it weren't for my race you'd have no pizza, no pasta, no water ice, no meatballs, no tiramisu, no risotto, no spaghetti, and have shitty art (no renaissance).

    So, You're welcome and good day.
  2. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    Pizza was invented in China, I was told. Or America. So that kills half your argument, because pizza is 234970132x more awesome than anything else you just posted.
  3. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,477
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    Ice cream, spaghetti are both Chinese. Ever heard of Marco Polo?
    And "water ice" has got to be the stupidest name ever. Its a fucking slushi, snow cone, slush puppy, anything but "water ice." I argue with my girlfriend from New Jersey about this every time it comes up.

    Anyways, the Italian team are a bunch of floppers, they play a different brand of football, the dirty theatrical kind.
    What they have in talent, they lack in class. Everyone I know is extatic that they're out of the cup.

    One last thing, Italian isn't a race, its a nationality.
  4. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    damn. korea are going home.


    i've got their flag on my car... found it in a parking garage. haha
  5. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,803
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    Water Ice isn't ice cream. Chinese had different noodles, plus they never put Bolognese sauce on it. I call it lemon ice, but i know most ppl know it by water ice, plus it's no where near a slushi cone or shaved ice, the texture is all different and the way they make it. I had a buddy who worked at rita's on south street in Philly.

    No offense man the USA plays dirty as well, and Italians are the ones who got fucked over by the french with dirty shit.

    Italians are a race numb nuts. Enough said.
  6. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,477
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    "and Italians are the ones who got fucked over by the french with dirty shit."
    What? are you talking about the last final? If so Zidane broke down after 90 minutes of having his shirt pulled by Matzerati then he goes and says some nasty things about Zidane's family. Italians are infamous for playing dirty, its well known.

    The only difference between water ice and a snow cone is the consistency of the ice. There is absolutely no difference between water ice and slush puppies.

    And No italian isn't a race, its a nationality you fart knocker.
  7. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    don't forget to mention Lazio and Roma supporters. fuckin horrible.
  8. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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  9. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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  10. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    How about no more pizza?
  11. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Germany vs England, I'm gonna wake my ass up at 6:30 in the morning to watch, should be good. Argentina vs Mexico, should be good too. Tomorrow should be good.
  12. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    poor Lamps... that ball was clearly over the line.

    linesman is pathetic for missing that.

    Lazio supporters are the worst. not for their hooliganism but just their conduct at matches. it's ridiculous. i can't think of a more racist supporters group.
  13. AlphonsoRawls

    AlphonsoRawls Member

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    LOL you strugglin homie! so far your "people" invented a new consistency of ice and some other shit nobody cares about and probably would have invented without you

    those riot photos are dope
  14. RES4

    RES4 Elite Member

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    and match fixing too
  15. iPwnF00lz

    iPwnF00lz Senior Member

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    So pumped for the Argentina v Mexico game. Fuck yeah Argentina.
  16. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    I saw thrice's stupid "pizza, pasta, yaddayadda" comment in a sig and came here to talk some smarts into him, but I see you have all done that already.
    Thrice, you are an idiot and I love how everyone rips apart everything you say, with ease.
  17. C H E N Z O

    C H E N Z O Elite Member

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    fuck the queen.
  18. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    i swear all of you guys are like 14-17.
  19. C H E N Z O

    C H E N Z O Elite Member

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    and you are shite at graffiti.

    what's your point please caller ??
  20. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    Salvo I was there!!!

    And by the way take that England :p GEHTZ DEUTSCHLAND