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Raves and Ravers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JustChillin, Jun 26, 2009.

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  1. Tyler.

    Tyler. Senior Member

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    I dance the best on K. Never fucked with LSD, Crack or E. Are those fun?
  2. zaco

    zaco Senior Member

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  3. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    E is fun
    Crack what the fuck?
    hah but get a little ket in me an a couple pills and I'm dancing my ass off.

    I wanted to go to EDC so fucking bad but I had work :/

    Also to those of you saying E isn't addicting you're getting it twisted
    Hell yeah that shit's addicting.
    Just look at it's name Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
    Everytime you drop E you're taking an amphetamine.
  4. AlphonsoRawls

    AlphonsoRawls Member

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    yeah my homie is mad addicted to E, i keep telling him its pretty much a meth addiction and he laughs it off

  5. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    Yup yup
    I used to roll every two days
    Did that for like 5 months
    Shit's not good man it is addicting and you have to watch your pill intake
    E isn't like weed at all
    E will take you in and spit you out and make you a complete wreck if you overdo it.
  6. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    not only is there meth in e, but you don't even know how much.
    not to mention the other shit it could be cut with.
  7. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    Funny story about bad cuts

    I once was buying like 30 pills to flip and they were "white butterflys"
    I got a hella good deal on them
    Took them didn't feel shit so I looked it up online and it turned out to be birth control pills or something along those lines
  8. AlphonsoRawls

    AlphonsoRawls Member

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    chyeah i was doin about 4 -5 pills a time like 3 days a week/when i could for over a year

    took some when i was first starting to do em that were pretty much straight meth.. started sketching out and i didnt wanna leave the party, but had so much energy i could have torn the house down with my bare hands

    you definitely aint the same person after doing that stuff
  9. otter

    otter Senior Member

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    luls birth control pills,i hope you're all good inside after them.
  10. Tyler.

    Tyler. Senior Member

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    I know right? Who in the right mind would smoke that?
  11. NiL

    NiL Elite Member

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    Haha someone over here got arrested for selling birth control pills as e's. Poor cunt.

    Closest I've come to is snorting speed and putting it on my tongue. First time was really bad speed 2nd time I felt it kinda.. I was pretty stoned but I was cleaning shit that was clean.
  12. Ani-33

    Ani-33 Moderator

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    did meth for almost ten years while I was hitting parties. I loved it I won't lie, to be like yeah this drug is great but you're messed up for taking this or that drug is fucked in my head. People would be like what e are you on and I'd be yeah I only take meth...always they'd be oh dirty dirty. Whatever I was having my fun. Well untill the day we based it over the stove...after 45 min of doing it there were like a shit load of dead misquitos around the stove....hey come to think of it never did get any bug bites back in those days. Anyways ended with a 4 month every day use...17 days a wake to top it off...dropped to about 115 pounds. Called my parents and said i was in over my head. They let me come home(i was in the next province when i called) and clean myself up. Kept hitting parties for the next few years....CLEAN...I'm still clean now but there isn't a single time i see tin foil and get the shivers.
  13. PulseWithLife

    PulseWithLife Elite Member

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    Drugs can be fucked up. My mates just become a meth addict. Pretty shit seein cunts ya walked home from school with go down the path. but ay drugs are a part of life
  14. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    yeahh mang,, one of my closest dudes is addicted to that boy right now, he was a baller, and a shot caller,, now he's goin through it man.....special k is that shit though. e isnt even that tight, not even worth doing unless you get ahold of some actual mdma and just do a rail of that
  15. Thrice

    Thrice Elite Member

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    I love how this thread went from raves to drugs. It seems that 80% of Bombing Science forums do that.
  16. Ani-33

    Ani-33 Moderator

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    I just brought up my drug story to show that even for a person partying over ten years on drugs could turn things around and continue partying clean.

    As far as rave memories here's a short version of my favorite.
    A friend and I made a costume for a two man stand. We didn't wear the suit all night but for the short time we did it was a blast.
    He was a giant pair of pants, head to feet. Giant addais with fat laces. Huge pocket on his back with a teddy bear in it.
    I was the shirt, massive collar and gigantic buttons. Sleeves to the ground.
    We also made a four foot banana peel.
    Party was called JOKERS HIGH, had maybe 4000 in attendance.
    He suited up first and disappeared into the crowd.
    I followed and started asking people if they saw my legs go by. People would be like what are you talking about, and I'd be like...look at me I got no fucking legs where the hell did they go. At one point I had 4 hotties helping me find my legs.
    Finally we saw them legs go by, I threw out the banana peel and my legs feel to the ground. I then helped them get up and as I did I stood onto my friends shoulders.
    We walked around in the two man stand for about ten minutes.
    It was a fun night, we had the idea after another party earlier that month and it was just kind of cool to have an idea and see it through.
  17. AlphonsoRawls

    AlphonsoRawls Member

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  18. zaco

    zaco Senior Member

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    just stick to weed and head over to the jungle tent :)
  19. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    that story was pretty damn gay.
  20. REMS F.U.

    REMS F.U. Member

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    first rave was this past Together As One. Got addicted to that shit going every other weekend then i finally got over it like a week before EDC so i sold my tickets the thurs before edc and i dont even regret it. haha