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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. militia

    militia Senior Member

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    Like the letter forms swae, not sure if the arrow on the S is necessary, but it doesnt ruin the piece.

    finished the one i posted the other day, not sure how i feel about it.

    Photo on 2011-02-09 at 00.50 #2.jpg
  2. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    justin ill
    free exists
  3. Stigma02

    Stigma02 Senior Member

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    swae i want to see that piece with the w the same style as all the other letters
  4. leash

    leash Member

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  5. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

  6. Rehz

    Rehz Member

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    I don't really have any crits for that, just a question. Why do you write so many words? You could be sooo much better if you got used to whatever the word is that you write. But everytime you post it's always a collection of like 6 or 7 things.
  7. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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  8. OG x KUSH x

    OG x KUSH x Member

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    some recent stuff

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  9. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    its called practice... if you only write one word, you'll only be good at writing its letters, unless your word uses all the alphabet's letters
  10. Female

    Female Senior Member

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    @OG x KUSH x Try using bars or going simpler
  11. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    basically what paht said. I just get bored of my name and like to do different letters. And yeah its good practice.

    @kush dont fucking write kwest! :mad: google that shit before you make it yo name!!!
  12. BlacktodaFuture

    BlacktodaFuture Elite Member

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  13. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    quick simp

    safe i like that a lot, it has nice flow and the fill looks nice. only suggestions id have is to have that one part of the a go through instead of going over (take out the horizontal lines where it overlaps) and make your bars more equal. some of the flares are good but the middle of the S, right of the a, middle of the f and top left of the e seem too thin IMO
  14. HUMAN

    HUMAN Member

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    I've been practicing with a new handy, "Bow", because I figure it will be faster and easier when I go out, and tried out some new stuff.
    I know the B in the really wild one is the tutorial one, but I couldn't find one that worked well so just critique the O and W.

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  15. Cl4sh

    Cl4sh Senior Member

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    NO NO NO NO NO. Alright, First of all, your name isn't called a handy. It's a name. A handy is what is know by most people as a tag. Second, three letters is a crew, so unless you're a whole crew by yourself, new name. Third of all, never try anything remotely similar to that last one for a LONG time. Lastly, Simples.
  16. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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  17. Ante

    Ante Member

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    First try?

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  18. EWL24

    EWL24 Senior Member

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  19. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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  20. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    haha the longer im on this site, the funnier the series of events with new members seems to me. It seems like everyone comes on this site, makes a first post with some whack ass piece(s) with 1000 extensions/arrows/addons with absolutely no structure or flow thinking theyre the shit, then everyone yells at them to do simples, usually it takes them 5-10 more fucked up pieces to realize that a simple is actually just plain keyboard letters, then they do a few, either get bored and leave and go back to their shitty shit or continue to progress through simps and shit. that being said, EWL go do some simples. should look like GETH and SONAR


    speakin of aliens,
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011