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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Dcicfhbimv that character is fucking sick. I quite like the R and H up there, but the F and E need some work. Those extensions coming from the ends should be dropped. If i was you, i'd slant the ends inwards, maybe add an extra bar going downwards (if that makes sense) but youve clearly got some talent anyway so keep it going and youll be fine.

    Just the two pieces i uploaded the other day with a bit of colour.
    Did the other two earlier, not sure if the pink one has the right colour scheme, or maybe it needs a thicker outline.. cant really decide. Crits would be appreciated anyway.

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  2. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    bump for more crits?

    dcicfhbimv-char is dope, letters are pretty bad. do some more simples, keyboard letters, dont go puttin those shitty ones on such a sick char, just makes it look bad. keep doin your thing but i would wait a while before combining your characters and letters because they are on 2 completely different levels.

    skope-first one is alright, i dont like the squiggly bit on the I and the N is a little strange looking, second one is pretty good, but some of your bars are a little thicker than others, the E's and 3d on the 3rd are sickkk but all of the other letters need a lot of work, the D kinda looks like a U, the N kinda looks like an M. lose some of the weird bends, and that orange one is sloppy, the right side of the D that blackness needs to come down more
  3. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    well the middle bar on the first n looks dodgy mabye widen it and drop the first bar and make a flat line on the bottom where the second and third bars connect if you dont understand just say.

    on the second one looks alright just remove the addon on the first bar
  4. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Lol I'm giving you the same crits you gave me hahaha but the N and O on the second one are good but the Y S are stuggling, also I agree with nah, take out that extension on the N
  5. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    might not be a "sketch", but I managed to finally pick up some canvases/new paint markers....I hate the "T" on this with a passion.

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  6. Cl4sh

    Cl4sh Senior Member

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    Last* T looks like a B, Looks like there is an E between the F and the L, first F looks like a backwards B
  7. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

  8. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    DENIE - I like the first and last one, your Ds are struggling on the 2nd and 3rd, and the rest of the letters have some problems too.
    FLAT - I think you might have the entire alphabet in that piece...
  9. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    excellent page so far guys, thanks for being active, constructive, and helpful
    you all shall be rewarded with constant battles :)
    keep it up like this and there just might be prizes for the winners of future battles. no promises though, just MIGHT be... keep your hopes up
  10. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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  11. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Skope-On the 2nd one try adding a strong outline you know a thicker one. I think it would help your piece consderably. My personally favorite of the 4 is the 3rd the color scheme is pretty sweet.
    Ian-the 2nd Noise with the "y' it kinda looks like a 4 and it messes with me.Idk what it is I ust don't like it. Would like to see some of your work done in pen and maybe colored.
    Flat-nice colors..what kind of markers do you use?
  12. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    yo sick i hit you in the exchange thread, although i feel like its shit compared to that, ill try another either later tonight or tomorrow
  13. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    @ Dcicfhbimv, I use europe deco's
  14. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Are they any different than regular Deco's? Cause I'm not a fan of those. Molotow 127hs are pretty tight though. It's still not done but it feels kinda generic. any ideas? I think its the color scheme that really screwed me.

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  15. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    Colors brought it life. Don't know what inspires the characters but I they look anime style.
  16. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    While the colors are all nice and dandy the letters aren't shining really...
  17. Shofs17

    Shofs17 Member

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    Unfinished piece..
    crits/advice so far?

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  18. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Im reading your S's as E's, but i think that because I make my E's that way. I'd drop the extensions on the bottom of the S too.
    Overall looks pretty nice though man, that fill is pretty sexy.
  19. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Yeah drop all unnecessary extensions, and yes I can't tell what your S is either, looks like and E and like a backwards G and is just confusing. I can't really give ya better crits til ya make corrections.
  20. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Tried something new with the top bar, not sure if i like it. What you think? Not finished obviously.

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