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The Dumpster Diving Thread!

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by sk8er6, Jul 23, 2007.

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  1. jaerjaer831

    jaerjaer831 Senior Member

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    found a slice of pizza at the bottom of the mucky dumpster and gave it to somebody
  2. SoZoner

    SoZoner Member

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    Nice Rhyming There Buddy.:cool:
  3. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    You decided to live in a dumpster? I stopped reading after that sentence. I mean. Of all places you could live as a homeless person. You chose a dumpster.
    You're obviously one of the brighter lads of our generation
    either that, or you have mad crust street cred
  4. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    i have never dumpster dived because i can afford to buy the things i need and i would lose respect for myself if i did. plus its illegal and hows that gonna look if u get busted searching through a bin? the pigs would laugh at you, plus anyone you told.
  5. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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  6. Stuck

    Stuck Elite Member

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    that kids a joke... anyone who paints on the regulare knows its way to expensive to pay for that shit. Unless u have a good job or paint once in a while theres no way you can buy paint. besides i was taught if you buy ur paint your a toy. fuck buying paint
  7. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    used to rack, prolly racked more cans then you too. plus u cant rack anymore here they put the paint in cages or keep them behind the counter.
  8. Stuck

    Stuck Elite Member

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    highly doubt that....i love playing whos the better theif
  9. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    dont look at it as theiving, look at it as borrowing and givin back to the economy... rack paint today creates jobs tomorrow... like the buff man and loss prevention homos
  10. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    i used to be the king of thieves, what i would do is go to bunnings warehouse back in the day when the paint wasnt behind a cage. and put about 3 tins down my pants they would hold in place but when i walked out i had to suck my gut in so it wasnt noticable, then go to another cheap discount store and go in and out a few times never buying anything they were too busy serving other customers they didnt notice. also ive stolen a monitor from someones house when they werent there, was gonna steal their VCR and DVD as well but i couldnt carry it all. also got a huge pair of bolt cutters. haha its fun when u get away with it.
  11. my.favorite.addiction

    my.favorite.addiction Banned

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    Dude,a cage is just another obstacle,not a fucking prison cell for paint. break it or have them open it for you.

    And stealing shit from other peeps is fuckt in my humble opinion. Honor Among Thieves lil Mr. self proclaimed King of Thieves. We dont know their living situation,we dont know what they had to do to get their shit. A business doesnt matter so much though. They can afford that shit,they EXPECT people to steal from them.

    But back on subject. I think this threads dope,definitely wanted to try this,will once I have time to,post my findings then.and Itchy,more props to you. Some people will talk mad shit,but if they havent had to sleep on the streets they dont fully grasp the mindstate. Ive only had to a few times and am extremely grateful,but I think it was an overall healthy experience for me.
  12. SmellsBad

    SmellsBad Member

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    Just jumping in. I don't post here much, but this is my kind of thread. smokeitup, you sound like a fucking 13y/o little baby. The "king of thieves" doesn't rack 3 cans of paint at time. If you were true champ you'd push out carts. But that's not important. What's important is that you're a spoiled little brat that thinks re-use is a bad idea. Personally, I've been living on the streets for a good while. (Internet is from the library, fools) The trash can has been my best friend for a long time. Food, tools, toys, and you'd be surprised how useful cardboard is. Don't knock it, 'til you need it. You never know where you might end up.

    But ok, from one street urchin to another, Phillip McDougall, dumpsters are a really shitty place to sleep. Not because of health issues (it's called a cardboard dumpster, folx), but because they get emptied. I've found that it's never a good idea to sleep in, behind, or near a dumpster unless it's abandoned or it's you last option. Nothing like waking up to being crushed!

    Sorry for the long silly post. I'm a drinker!
  13. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    ye man if you got boltcutters ur a pro thief man omg ur so dope i wish i had boltcutters then i would be PRO
  14. hasemler

    hasemler Senior Member

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    i knew a local homeless guy who would find slightly expired food, and old shipments of water and juices in the dumpsters. another mans trash IS in fact another man's treasure.
    i worked at an arts and crafts store called michael's and they would have me stomp out of season merchandise so people couldn't loot it. shit made me sick. as to diving, i haven't tried it yet, but my mind's definitely open.
  15. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    i got about 12 full buckets of assorted buckets paints. All different colors out of 1 dumpster last time and all i had to do was reach in, not jump in there n shit. if you got some time to kill or know good stores to look behind its amazing what you can find.
  16. twisties

    twisties Elite Member

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    never dumpster dived before..I know a few that might turn up the goods but it just doesn't appeal to me but I have seen the results of doing it so i don't knock it.
  17. theEmenhiser

    theEmenhiser Member

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    Office Depot has some jam up dumpsters, too. I've scored lamps, dvd's, cd's, memory cards, office chairs, a printer, and a wireless mouse. A lot of times they cut the cord on electronics, but the other half of the cord is always in the dumpster and not hard to find. Just splice it and wrap it. Good to go.
  18. criscros18

    criscros18 Banned

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    they might sound like hobos, but in the end of the day. they might have gotten some good FREE stuff, that they didnt have before. So i can see how it's economical, and usefull. but i dont do it...
  19. 2mor

    2mor Senior Member

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    id do it if there was something decent in there...but id disinfect it after just because i have terrible ocd...
  20. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    If you have terrible OCD, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't touch a dumpster anyway you fuckin loon