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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i treat some people like shit, if they deserve it, but other than that im really down the earth.
  2. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    Whoa i didnt even notice the lsd on there. i dont do lsd. gotta change it
  3. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    you're 13, you shouldnt be doing shit.
  4. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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    Car2 were u live
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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  6. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    real hash is a good time, but i think its more of a by yourself kinda thing... doesn't put you in the most social of moods...

    some nice pure honey oil is good shit though, hits you hard and is good for more social-times...

    can't go wrong with the green though.

    oh, and i'd do acid if i wasn't scared shitless of flashbacks or otherwise not ending my tripping when the drug is supposed to wear off... yes i'm a pansy. shrooms do rule though... any half-decently-safe hallucinogens anyone can recommend for a good trip?
  7. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    ive droped acid a dozen times now, my tips be in a safe place, not to sound gay or anything but do it at a buddys house and make sure he stays straight, ive know ppl to go crzy on acid and like beat the shit out of there brother cuzz they think he is some monster or some shit,

    and depending on how good the stuff is a trip might last 18 hours or more, i only do it on friday nights so i have the whole weekedn to let it wear off
  8. segway

    segway Elite Member

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  9. 10-103m

    10-103m Senior Member

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  10. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    One time me my pops and my cousin was driving around smoking joints and this cops pulls us over and being all stoned and parinoid we start yelling "eat the stash, eat the stash!", so my stupid ass cousin eats the J and we get popped with an 1/8 of dro. And it was a funny coincidence that I was carrying pornography in my pocket (hahahahahahahaha) the cops just looked at it for a while and let me and my cousin go, taking in the head of the Stoner Brigade.

    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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  12. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Indeed, fuck the police.
    I wish I had a pretty white girl...
  13. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    Car2n, not that it makes a difference, but im 14, and i only do weed. so what if im 14, its not like i do it every night.
  14. ASEN

    ASEN Banned

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    Only problem or advantage (however you see it) of young smokers is that they can't figure good herb from bad. At age thirteen i used to go to this spanish guy's apartment, and he'd sell me this really dry stale herb. No one to tell me there was anything better.
  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    you're fucking stupid, go fuck yourself and die.


    i honestly respect cops, why? because i know a good few, and they dont give a shit about weed much down here (because at the end of the day, writing a marijuana charge, is more than a traffic citation(at the end of every cops day they write pages and pages of reports) ive talked to cops about it, they say that it should be legalized because they're spending too much money on something as small as marijuana when they'res much bigger things to worry about than a kid peddling herb.. But back to why i respect them, its cause they're paid nearly shit to do a job not many people would really like, they're people too, and they are BETTER people than DEVILS faggot ass will ever be. grow up.

    and spitz, you shouldnt start at such a young age because the younger you are when you start smoking, depression will creep up on ya like a mugger in NYC, its sad, i wish i never started, but then again, i love doing it, keeps me... well... as me...
  16. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    Yeah, but I had depression before i started smoking weed. I take Zoloft. I've been taking it for about half a year now. And I have a good friend who sedds me shit and I also can tell whats good and bad, so I dont get ripped off.
  17. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I hear you.. In a way I wish I never started smoking weed, and right now I'm doing the same with cigerettes, shits wack. Back in the day it was cool for me, because I could easily draw a line and limit what I smoke, but it hit a certain point where I didn't have as much control as I used to, and thats when it hit me that I was addicted.

    As far as cops go, I wouldn't go as far as saying I respect them all because we all know there are dicks out there, but I respect(for the most part) what they do. No matter how much you want to hate them because of what you do, their just doing their job and when it comes down to it you gotta get by. If you treat a badge with respect, chances are their going treat you with the same regardless of the situation.

    When it comes to smoking at a young age, it seriously isn't worth it. Not only will depression creep up on you fast, your fucking with your brain when its devoloping, and with moderate to heavy usage you could fuck yourself up. I remember a few kids who started smoking early, and the few of them I still see around are all hurt bags with no jobs, who steal what they can to get a fix, and the majority of them have cocaine addictions aswell. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying herb is a gateway drug because when it comes down to it, its your choice what you put in your body but at a young age weed isn't worth it.
  18. ASEN

    ASEN Banned

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    Dude, i took accutane for a year and half before realizing how dangerous the effects of weed and powerful medication combined are. Don't let yourself get diagnosed with manic depression before making sacrifices.
  19. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    I could easily draw a line and limit what I smoke, but it hit a certain point where I didn't have as much control as I used to, and thats when it hit me that I was addicted. [/b][/quote]
    ...thats so... TRUE!

    ive been trying to limit myself... but its hard when its usually always around you, so i havent smoked yesterday, and i usually try to keep myself down to 1 or 2 bowls a day now, and its made ALOT of my depression go away, i used to smoked ALOT, wont say, cause i really dont know, but yea, back then suicidal tendencies were kicked in from a day of not smoking, or smoking, and realizing whats up, but now, i just go through life like its my plan... ya know, school doesnt come easy to me, because I do have ADHD, and i took one test back when i was on 'medication' for it, back when i was 15, i took an IQ test entering a 'alternative school' for kids who misbehave heh, yea, i was a bad kid, and anyways, my IQ was a whopping 149, and i was put into the 'smart' kids classes, they seperated you to keep the annoying trouble makers all confined to one class (with low IQs), and all the ones with potential, in one... i remember alot of the black guys there (no offence) had lower IQs... like 90s... and they were in the more 'remedial classes'...

    WHERE THE FUCK THIS WENT I DONT KNOW, heh, im high, you prolly guessed, went and burned out a hooka and smoked a 2g j o dank, with 4 friends, and its been a day since i smoked, so im pretty high heh, so i rambled on.... i suddenly forgot where my story was going haha.

    this frisco thickburger is dadadadank
  20. Art Vandilay

    Art Vandilay Senior Member

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    aww dude with ham and sourdough bread. those are so good.

    i faced a dutch a minute or 2 ago.

    and i smoke way to much also.

    ive basically givin myself insomnia, from smoking to much and painting to much.

    and i dont really eat untill i get high.

    fuck it though. i guess its better then some bad habits. smoking cigarrettes is like an 8 dolla a day habit where i live so fuck it.