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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Just screwing around. Lets just call it practice.
    Tasty-Idk how to critic yuor style since its really different than anything I've seen but as far as it goes the overlap on the 1st pic really hides the 2nd letter.
    Cobra-The sideways letter thing isn't working there. Like at all I had a really isse figuring out that that was an "A" it is an "A" right? it reads AEnt? Or AMnt? not trying to be a dick but can you see what I'm saying?
    Subconscious- I like it seems old school though the esa on the end seems really crammed and Im not a huge fan of all the bits there on virtually every letter . the fill on the 3d is pretty cool though.
    Jdub- don't know what to say. Sorry broski tired as fuck I owe you a crit.

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  2. centrysam

    centrysam Senior Member

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  3. SpireOne

    SpireOne Member

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    DSC06927.jpg DSC06929.jpg [/ATTACH]

    Crits Anyone ? :)

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  4. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    that looks bitten from lol ahha
  5. -SoK-

    -SoK- Member

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    I was thinking the exact same thing when i saw the first 'A' lol whatever though
  6. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    Personal Thought: I need to work on my T
    Crits are welcome.

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  7. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Hate to bitch but seriously Crits for crits guys. If you want someone to crit your shit crit someone elses shit.
    CentuarySam-2nd one down-H looks like a K wit ha sideways A attatched to it. THe fills are interesting like the pastel look.sorta reminds me of easter eggs
    Spire-the 1st two all the letters look virtually the same no joke.the other two need some work try bars .
    Flat- the extension on the L looks wonky and unneccesary same with the one on the T. I know the one on the T is supposed to be behind but without coloring it loos like an E. The A is pretty sweet though.
    Maybe you guys could do me a solid now and crit my little scribble THANKS!
  8. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    @Flat looks pretty wack, all those little arrow extensions you put coming out of nowhere look real stupid, the only letter that doesnt have them is the A, which is the only decent letter you got there. Middle horizontal of F is crooked. Work on making your bar width consistent like on the bottom right bar of A, and your T is your F except even worse... cheers

    @dchiv I critted yours b4 but i didnt have pic so it got deleted i think... but uh id say go more simple and not as much conceptual ya digg? make your letters do the talking and not an idea. As for your letters, id say start by squaring off all your corners instead of making random sharp ones like on your I, and on the top right of the T. Then define your letters, those ones are straight except for the last, cant tell if its an H or N

    uuuuuuuuuhhhh need a pic i guess so ima bump this old ass unfinished peice of shit, by no means finished... prolly ink it soon tho so be quick if you got ideas fo it
    View attachment 604381
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
  9. ChronicKush

    ChronicKush Member

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    JDub- Piece is pretty nice but i think you should work a little bit on your R, and color that money bagg. lol
    Dchiv- I actually like it bro, its something different which is good. Like ricage said tho the last letter is kinda hard to tell what it is, and work on that "I" too. But overall if u keep workin with that style i think it will look nicee.
    Humr- The only one i like is the second piecee, and your throws are pretty nicee. You need to even out your bar widths in some places and take more time with your lines and make em clear.
    FLAT- A is hot but IMO the rest isnt so good.
    Ribcage- I like it, but i dont like the R. The top of it looks wierd. But nonetheless i think you should ink and color that bitch. lol

    Well i think ive done enough critting, lol any crits for my exchange with WILBUR?

  10. jdub

    jdub Senior Member

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    ^^the u looks kinda funky needs work, the cuts above the w look misplaced and the drips could be straighter but i like the style
  11. ChronicKush

    ChronicKush Member

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    the drips look crooked cause im holding my notebook in the air :p

    lol thanks for the crits homie
  12. swlost13

    swlost13 Member

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    ehhhh. idk i find this one kinda boring. any ideas on what to do to "jazz it up" a bit?

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  13. jdub

    jdub Senior Member

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    swlost- id say redraw it and use bars it could turn out lookin alot better in my opinion
  14. ChronicKush

    ChronicKush Member

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  15. kweezy

    kweezy Member

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    Any Crits? Please & Thank You. :)
  16. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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    View attachment 604407
    sorry this took so damn long soar. it sucks ill probably end up doing another one sometime
  17. pez 1794

    pez 1794 Member

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    Swlost - I agree with jdub but make the part of the A a bit fatter and do something to the end of the V it just kinda dies
    Chronic - It might just be the picture but the date and some of the other letters should be cleaned up IMO but other than that it looks pretty sweet

    Kweezy - Make the 3D closer to the same length and angle. Maybe make the black part a little thinner. Nice piece tho, really clean

    Here's some of mine
    Dubz Small.jpeg
    Yea I know I messed up the D that was just a quick one
    Bring It On Small.jpeg
    Alesana Small.jpg
    Mind Small.jpg
  18. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    ^^ you need to work on letter structure and spacing
  19. pez 1794

    pez 1794 Member

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    Like more space? And thanks
  20. jdub

    jdub Senior Member

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    ^^he means space your letters out more so they arent bunched up like that