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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  2. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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    this was for crits on my geezer leans work i fucked up my piece and decided to throwie over it

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  3. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    you using belton? ya boys lines are clean but his letters are wack
  4. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    Prod with Taz, Lux, Rufes, and Basel

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  5. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    Quicky burner.

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  6. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    meh, at least you distinguished the letters in the last 2 of yours, the one towards the top of the page in blue ooks like FLLAL
  7. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    so this time yo chose the words 1- "3LBE" and 2- "JLAO"
    nice practice
  8. Eclectic Boogaloo

    Eclectic Boogaloo Senior Member

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    tbh phat that extension off the P and A are pretty wack, along with the top part of the H
  9. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    Flat, you suck at graffiti. Seriously. Learn some letter structure, flow, and learn where to put your god damned extensions. fuck.
  10. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    truth about you, you've dropped alot of pieces, and most turn out like shit and are not very clean (your last one for example). I've only dropped about 10 pieces at max, and my lines/can control is alot better than your, my letters might not be the best, but atleast I can pull off whatever I'm doing, and make it clean, unlike whatever you drop most of the time, especially the last one you posted.
  11. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    But do you see him using montana and what other quality paint u use?! I don't think so. You must be young for the other dudes you paint next to/with to not give you a heap of shit for letter structure. Or your not paintin with em just next to em... Them other dudes pieces you posted were dope, because they all got letter structure

    oh yeah one more thing, looks like almost every wall you paint on is a chill spot/legal spot, that ***** phat be bombing, lets see a bomb from you where you dont have all the time in the world to make your lines clean
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  12. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    you give phat some fuckin high quality paint and i guarantee he could put out something 10x better than the stuff you post man, i dont know why you even bother wasting time on these forums, you post the exact same shit over and over and dont listen to anyone when they try and help you out. Not only are your letters shit on their own, next to those other pieces, you're lookin like a complete toy in a town full of kings. why not just listen to what everyone has to say for once and get your shit together so you dont end up lookin like a fool
  13. lostyoursense

    lostyoursense Senior Member

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  14. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    @Sense, those are dope, really digging your style.
  15. Stuck

    Stuck Elite Member

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    the truth about this forum is its 95 percent bitches.... and 4 percent who write for a week.... and flat and phat.... both of you should not be talking shit. nuff said

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  16. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    fills outlines highlights and such are on point and come off clean but your letters are pretty messed up. middle of the S is way to thin, sharp point on the bottom left of U and C and top left of S are weird and the hole in the K is a bit too big, just get your bars together and shit will be tight
  17. lostyoursense

    lostyoursense Senior Member

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    your letter structure aint the greatest either your shit looked prety wild to me
  18. mekosbc

    mekosbc Senior Member

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    yo hop off his cock bro lol dude shit rocks hard and i love every one is still on ths structure shit...really? yall must be writtin a damn text book with all the shit you guys know about graff.. like you guys should be legands and kings off the graff world... man i envy you guy sooooooooooooooo much! like omg totally! i dunno worry about paint and gettin your name up and stop tellin ppl how they do yeah give the ideas dont tell them how to do THIER style... yo flat your shit is your shit fucks these internet text book graffiti producer do you homie get your name up... and its funny half these ppl in the TOY threads are preachin about the dude that get up more then them? i dont get it i dunno stop bitchin and post flicks no one wants to see an ETHUG with a viagra induce boner ok
  19. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    I'd like to see you pull off half my cleanliness with the shit I use - dollar cans (not even rusto or krylon) + stock caps
    and yeah, I've dropped a lot of pieces since I started, but unlike you, I've progressed and my style gotten better and better within my first 10 pieces, and now a year or two later I'm STILL developping and improving by listening to the crits others give me. not by being a stubborn dick and sticking my own shit up my nose thinking I'm king.

    you have the luxury of rolling with these good heads there, you could learn a lot and take their advice you know. if nothing else, you could cross the street and find about 5 pieces for inspiration. whereas I had to learn everything the hard way running solo for a year in a COUNTRY (not city or town) that has ONLY A HANDFUL of good writers, literally... less than 10, so u can imagine how rare it is to stumble upon a tag, or a throw let alone full blown burners to look at and get some inspiration.

    face the music, for someone in your shoes, you're doing horrible, in graff and in attitude.
    and I'm not even gonna talk about the chill spot vs bombing aspect that you and I differ in.

    with all that said, a flick from a couple nights ago on the highway must be posted:

    [Broken External Image]:
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  20. Eclectic Boogaloo

    Eclectic Boogaloo Senior Member

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