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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    bill- clearly you have drawing skills, because that charac is dope as fuck!!!!!! but your letters need to be simpler for now. so look at what dankbudz is doing and start from there, the gradually work your way up friend. and once again that character is sooooooooo sick
  2. BillBonham

    BillBonham Member

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    Ok thanks for the advice guys. If I'm not busy tomorrow I'll draw up some new shit that puts what you guys said into use. As for the character I can't take all the credit as I didn't invent him, I just drew him, but thanks a lot :)
  3. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    rushed sketch for some wardrobe or something im painting, reads brianna, not fussed if you can see all the letters, dont lie if you cant, cos im still trying to work it out myself
    Brianna sketch.jpg
  4. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    woah, why so fucking big?
  5. EWL24

    EWL24 Senior Member

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    @dankbudz looking good as usual
    @Shroomsh sorry man but after the BRI i cant make out any letter, i think u should make it a little more legible

    did this yesterday, trying to work on bar width and letter structure. crits please
  6. SHUT

    SHUT Senior Member

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    Ehhhh. R is absolutely terrible. Not sure what I was thinking. lol

  7. BillBonham

    BillBonham Member

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    Practice before bed. Best letters? Shittiest letters?
  8. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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  9. SHUT

    SHUT Senior Member

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    Nice. Only thing is the a should be a point to a flat top, instead of rounded. Otherwise, This is good. I think I'm going to do this tomorrow. I seriously need to start at basics again. I'll follow the path to good graff with you friend:D
  10. SHUT

    SHUT Senior Member

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    Simple practice. I realized that the hole in the R should have been different once I uploaded it and I'm too tired to fix it. Last flick for the night. Night everyone.

  11. arsebanditskaelsucker

    arsebanditskaelsucker Senior Member

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    -dope ninja n like the letters rezume
    -Good shit bill! :)
    -shut cracking characters in the other thread matey! not so sure bout your r in the pink one either and the little bar in the a and the tiny hole in the r and the one end of the s being straight and the other end being curled suck on the one above for me :) think am just being picky lol
    will crit a bit more n post some of my newer shit up cuz i needs help with my letters too as they suck big fat hairy cockend! lol
  12. SHUT

    SHUT Senior Member

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    Thanks. I'm decent with characters, thats why I want to make my letter structure better. S is a little thin and the top of the R is a little big.

  13. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Shut, the left side of your A is very fucked up as well. The bottom right part of the K, the bottom of the S are bad. That extensions goes nowhere... The top of your R is huge. Go simpler dude. You still really lack structure.
  14. TheBombersDream

    TheBombersDream Member

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    SHUT. - Looks good man. You are right about the R, but no biggie. Stay up!
  15. smack1one

    smack1one Member

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  16. Ace.K

    Ace.K Banned

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    The H. Capitalize it.
  17. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    @Charm, the lowercase H doesn't help the flow at all. The Bars of the A should probably slant in towards each other instead of just being vertical; it would look less blocky and help you develop your style better. The right side of the R is bad where you have that small line separating the top and bottom halves. The 3D is mostly good besides the top of the M where it's slightly off, but it seems like you understand the concept of it. I'd personally narrow your bars a bit and try to get away from the big block letters.

    Just keep doing simples and you'll eventually develop your own style and flare. Don't start getting fancy before you have your letters down. You'll just end up going overboard, and it might look cool to a toy or a non-writer, but experienced writers will immediately recognize the lack of letter structure, flow, and consistency. That's why it's so important to start simple and go on the track that dankbudz is on. Once you understand the letters better, you'll know what looks good and what is off.
  18. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    ahah i didnt want it to be legible, its not for bombing, its a sketch for an abstract piece, and the people who dont write are only into unreadable art so its the best way to get decent pay
  19. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Yeah tell me about it. Sometimes when I'm drawing something for someone I'm tempted to make it a weak piece that "looks cool" because people who don't write never understand what makes graffiti good. I liked it though; I could make out almost all of the letters, although I'm not sure if I'm 100% right or not with my guess haha. Either way it's good art. Props.
  20. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    cheers bro, i also think that if you cant do simples then you shouldnt attempt pieces that 'looks cool'. because thats what all the new kids do, and it just looks disgusting.

    where you from Rasm, a bloke who lives down my area writes rasm or rasmo.