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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  3. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>America's shitty Drug Plan finally Collapses - [War on Drugs]</span></span></span></span>
    Washington's "war on drugs" in Colombia is collapsing in chaos and corruption, while drug producers remain the winners. 'Plan Colombia', which has cost the US more than 3 billion dollars in the past 5 years, is being abandoned, Condoleezza Rice has announced.

    Last year, the hugely expensive effort to poison coca bushes - whose leaves are the source of cocaine - by aerial spraying ended in complete failure. More bushes were flourishing in January this year than in January 2004. Meanwhile, complaints have been multiplying regarding the damage done by chemical poisons to the health of humans, especially children, as well as to livestock, fish and the environment. Plan Colombia was designed to eradicate narcotics, control powerful left-wing guerrillas and strengthen the position of the US military in South America. The scheme was eventually expected to cost $7.5bn.

    The government of Colombia, the world's principal source of cocaine, has sent out an emergency appeal to the Bush administration for an extra $130m to supplement the $600m it already expects to receive in 2006. Kiss your tax dollars goodbye, Americans. Bush fucked up, once again.

    No wonder the CIA has smuggled cocaine in the past - how could they afford not to?

    Colombia's appeal for more cash comes in the wake of the details quietly put out by the White House during the Easter holiday about last year's spraying débâcle. On January 1st, 2004, US satellite pictures showed 281,323 acres of coca in Colombia. Nearly 340,000 acres were sprayed with poison, in vain. The acreage of coca bushes has since increased and will probably continue to do so.

    Consequently, as Congressman Bob Menendez, leader of the Democratic caucus in the US lower house and a critic of Plan Colombia, remarked last week, the international price of cocaine has refused to rise - as it would have if the anti-drug efforts had dented its availability.

    Drug profits have corrupted some US troops stationed in Colombia. This month a US Green Beret lieutenant-colonel and a sergeant were caught selling 32,900 rounds of ammunition to the right-wing death squads who are flush with drug profits. In March, five US soldiers were arrested after 16 kilos of cocaine were found in the aircraft taking them from a military base in southern Colombia back to the US.

    The Independant

    I'm surprised the US hasn't gone after Colombia's oil yet.
  4. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    Why doesnt the FEDs just let everything be legal? Then there would nt be any Drug Wars in the streets of are citys... it would mean getting read of the D.E.A Less people in jail because there would be no more drug laws...ECT Ect... that sounds like a least it would save BUsh some money cuzz he dont need to pay all of the diffrent agencys to find, chase, and arrest drug lords and dealers
  5. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Legalizing drugs won't stop drug related crimes, and it sure as hell won't make the US a better/safer place.
  6. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    nice nugs my friend...

    today... was weird... very weird...

    i was walkin back to my house from my friends house, and i smoked 3 bowls of Northern Lights his aunt got it in cali (very good shit omg), so as im walkin and a drunk redneck goes "hey! you! come here!" and im like "fuck! hes gunna kill me" and then he starts talkin to me, then he starts talkin to me about his harley he was chillen on, and then hes like "you want a beer?" and im like "nah, i dont drink anymore" and he was like "oh, thats cool" and then says something and i was like "i do other stuff though" and he was like "like... smoke weed?!" and i was like "yea, i just got back from doin that" and he smokes a joint with me and talks about all his old cars hes had, and all the wrecks he got into, all the fights he got into, and why he lost his license... for like AN HOUR AND A HALF... i didnt care, i was high

    he was cool as shit, tellin me how he was pronounced dead with half his face ripped off (he had a scar, not a big scar though) and man, this guy kicked some major ass, lol, it shows what the rednecks in highschool end up as... he was livin with his mom still, but he gets paid a bunch of money for somethin, he had a rolex and a badass harley

    so ended up, me and my friends have a new place to smoke out, he said we could, heh, cool day... cool day... and it all JUST happened.
  7. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Watch out, he might try to touch you in unpleasent places.
  8. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i dunno, he did tell me he lost it to a black chick LOL

    nah, he was cool as shit though, one of those old timers, like in half baked.

    i never heard so many drunken' high stories i heard today...
  9. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^haha just becareful car2nist! you dont want to end up in a hole with some half naked guy with a barkin dog yellin at you!

    "he puts the lotion, on the skin!"

    hehehe. nah for real, just be careful! hah.

    in other news, im going to transplant my plants outside next weekend or so. theyre about 2 weeks old now. and since it still gets a lil chipper at night i decided to wait till there a little older and its farther into the growing season, although putting them out now, they would be most likely fine. but animals would be more attempted to eat them due to their size. i have about....35 clones right now. i have them on the deck, then i bring them inside at night time. i have about 25 or so more at my moms house. shes taken care of those. ;)

    boy i love summer....weed...skating....growing....bombing...the works!!

  10. Fear And Loathing

    Fear And Loathing Senior Member

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    word man i just ripped a triple chamber bubbler with my boy and skated some rails.
  11. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    just bumpin this wonderful thread!

    ^when im high, i cant skate for shit....or did u skate then blaze?
  12. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    man i fall off my board when i skate when im high
  13. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    i made a shitty ass bong in a creative McGyver mode, EVERYONE WHO CHEIFS SHOULD KNOW THIS BUT IF NOT, HERE

    Take a pop bottle and do the following:
    1. Put a lighter up like 1/3 the way up the bottle, burn a tiny little hole with the lighter on the plastic bottle, stick the pen in quickly and let the plastic form around it.

    Take the pen that is stuck in the bottle sideways, put the bowl on top of it, then fill the bottle with water about 2 inches above the pen inside the bottle. then if you dont know what to do next you're a moron

    |~~/ |
  14. 0oskiteo0

    0oskiteo0 Member

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    i smoked a bong and painted this painting.


  15. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    me and a few friends bought a half pound last night.
  16. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    that is the nastiest, cruddiest lookin bong i ever seen, and your lightin it with a candle... sad, thats a perfectly good example how marijuana SHOULDNT be smoked.

    go get a few bucks and go buy atleast an acrylic bong, damn, they're like 10 bucks.
  17. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    yeah that bong looks nasty as hell.
  18. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^haha im feelin the shades tho... B)

  19. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    christ he even has a adidas headband on!
  20. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    I havent been here for ever cuz my gay school blocked this website and i couldnt get anyone to tell me the password. Car2n, i wish i met a biker like that.