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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by benkser, Sep 7, 2004.

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  1. draino

    draino Senior Member

    • Messages: 486
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    heyhey i just say the thread criz
    Desoler pour le beef tlm la mais leur attitude me decoit

    you little kids a ruining the west side so dyall wanna battle or some shit oh and by the way ?? going over zewl if your talking about ACTEH CAC. well bitch your fuckin lost, that was some gay shit not done by acteh, and yeah as far as i know, cricri was good friends with zuel soo shut yo trap fool.

    KOMA TRA FXE Senior Member

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    im in Verdun. I hope to god you didnt heat or or do anything silly in our yard.
  3. pervoe.....

    pervoe..... Senior Member

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    KOMA TRA FXE Senior Member

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    ours as in, people who live here and know whats going on compared to someone who, because f lack of experience, will wander in and possibly ruin things.
  5. draino

    draino Senior Member

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    nice signature KOMA i like it a lot
  6. natothasa

    natothasa Member

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  7. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    im in Verdun. I hope to god you didnt heat or or do anything silly in our yard. [/b][/quote]
    he said nothing about a yard darlin

  8. Mr.NeScR

    Mr.NeScR Senior Member

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    yo fOoze
    Koma might have made a mistake because there's nothing else to do in browntown
    and protecting the yard Iz a good thing to do since right now most people seem'z to respect our little gold mine :D and we'd like to keep it that way!! SNAKES TOYE BANDANA STAY OFF!!

    Kazamm!! fuck your shit iz legal and it's not eaven 1/4 off the quality off wath we did +you probably never had to paint on this kind off wall because they take a shit load off paint to perfect fill + we used more paint that night then you ever used on a street in your strongest months off bombrush SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
    so please clean this shit bcause I'm trying to impress this bitch you see me!
    For those who blablahh on MTL dont take this tread 4 reaL because this iz mostly toyz posting!!
    peace koma
    werdawp Kp10z squad!!
    "No loose enas "
  9. seap!

    seap! Senior Member

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    props to whoever's been pouring paint on st. laurent. what's with the
    grand theft auto shit on moog? best be making money on that shit.
  10. HazeO

    HazeO Senior Member

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  11. $NAKE$

    $NAKE$ Elite Member

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    he said nothing about a yard darlin

    shhhhhshhhhh [/b][/quote]
    I noticed it, but never hit it up. me a Low hit some alleys and some basket ball court place. Montreals Jokes, theres so much fuckin little Tags EVERYWHERe. 180 feet high on the side a buildings and shit. bought a quarter of Montreal Hydro too. :lol:
    seen some 6'4 black guy yellin "NiggaZ GONNA GET SPRAYED BLAT BLAT!!!" walkin with a MAd limp, and like 2 gold teeth.

    VERDUN = chillin times and i'll be back there soon.
  12. UpInThisBitch

    UpInThisBitch Senior Member

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    yeah okay ....
    Put some damn pics <_<.
    Chit Chat is not here this thread should be filled of pics.
  13. killah-EF

    killah-EF Elite Member

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  14. LI_IcK_/y <----

    LI_IcK_/y <---- Senior Member

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    c deriere lekol sourp hagop c derier che nou a cartierville
  15. killah-EF

    killah-EF Elite Member

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    ahahah word man......j'aime bien me deplaccer pour des gangster hits nam saying...........fuck tout les writers ki bouggent pas de leurs coin, peace a nesar parceque nesar a des shit dans vraiment chaque coin dla ville et du pays meme nam saying, chu8 tired es writers qui front mais se deplacent jamais....niways.......jai vu une couples de ter tags werd up kasoe.........jme suis preske tuer en allant pogner le flik taleure, il fallais hopper lesti de mur beige.....jai slip....tomber a comme 2 cemtimetre dun char,,,,,ahhaha sa clacksonnais...jcrois ben quil ya meme un char de s-q ki ma spot enfin.....peace
  16. LI_IcK_/y <----

    LI_IcK_/y <---- Senior Member

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    word bro c mon hood crakville namsaying pi ca cun crazu spot mai le mur et deguelasse il absorbe trop la paint on la hit baxk then!

    KOMA TRA FXE Senior Member

    • Messages: 178
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    he said nothing about a yard darlin

    shhhhhshhhhh [/b][/quote]
    This is true, but for someone who has "hundreds of trains running" and has been painting only for a few months, might ruin the yardslike he did for my friends in sudbury.

    And arent you a mod? all he does is post in the freights section about his trains, how did you miss that?
  18. $NAKE$

    $NAKE$ Elite Member

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    This is true, but for someone who has "hundreds of trains running" and has been painting only for a few months, might ruin the yardslike he did for my friends in sudbury.

    And arent you a mod? all he does is post in the freights section about his trains, how did you miss that?
    fuck that, i never ruined SHit. i'm reppin where im from 100 and those other punk bitches just sit back and say "god snakes heats up the yard" maybe cuzz i actally paint unlike 85% of these hoes. and koma man, i aint puttin you down, your mad good i respect that. but you dont know how it is so stop pretending.

    how old are you?

    KOMA TRA FXE Senior Member

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    alot older than you, and trust me they paint alot. Dont tell me grim, glok, flik, neon, etc, arent up cause ive seen a ton of pictures and witnessed it first hand also.
  20. seap!

    seap! Senior Member

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    i was in hollywood and i saw alot of saer pieces.
    not the k6a, but strange to see.