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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Alchohlics_Anonymous, Dec 5, 2004.

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  1. Maxian

    Maxian Member

    • Messages: 33
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    OH yea, and at one part in order to "make a point" they used a stencil to stencil some statistics on the wall about numbers of reported graffiti...

    That made me laugh.
  2. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    yeah but yo that wasnt a kid tagging the electrical box...he was buffing it...i beleive he was scubbing it...if your talkin bout the box with the twicer handie on it.
  3. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,446
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    sorry to bust your bubble but yes that whats they think of us.... barely anyone outside of graffiti sees it as "creative" or "art"...
  4. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    they had a few old tosses of mine on one of the video montages in a few clips, that made me smile, then frown cause they were old as fuck and wack as hell
  5. dressdemwhores

    dressdemwhores Senior Member

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    bottom line, if they want the "graff -dilema" solved they're better off taking that buff money and designating a legal wall instead of pissing it away, what are they crying about anyway, they get to give their buddies clean-up contracts. polictical job security, and by the way is it election year?
  6. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    for certian cities yes, its election time. oh and i know someone off this site had some nice shit to say about me and din and cereal and whatnot. why dont you leave a name next time
  7. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^do i see a gay bash in the future? hmmmm....?
  8. Ray of Today

    Ray of Today Elite Member

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    Maybe they left you a PM. If not, I did.
  9. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    you did what, wrote on our wall or left a PM?

    im assuming its the first one seeing as i dont have any new PMs
  10. Ray of Today

    Ray of Today Elite Member

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    I left you a PM over a week ago.
  11. Scene*

    Scene* Elite Member

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    sorry to bust your bubble but yes that whats they think of us.... barely anyone outside of graffiti sees it as "creative" or "art"... [/b][/quote]
    even my grandma calls me a vandal
  12. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    apparently not, resend it
  13. settybomb

    settybomb Elite Member

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    even my grandma calls me a vandal [/b][/quote]
    True. The publics image of writers has always been negative for the most part, but then again, I am a vandalist if you look at it that way. And for some reason I gain a sense of pride in the fact that I do all of this for my freedom of self expression and as a hobbie when im risking alot more then most people would like to outside of writers.

    I have the special recorded on my tivo, but its not worth me figuring out a way to get it onto my computer.
  14. guest_1

    guest_1 Member

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    if you really want to watch that gay special again , just go to , they have all there videography special assignements on there ...
  15. afriendofafriend

    afriendofafriend Member

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  16. afriendofafriend

    afriendofafriend Member

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  17. joker00

    joker00 Elite Member

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    thats wut i said........some one should write a letter to the mayor or some one along those lines and maybe it will come true and it would be sweet
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    how about no. people dont like us, if you cant deal with that then dont be a part of it. fuck trying to be liked, if you wanna be liked do canvases and get in a gallery, not graffiti. id love to see you get laughed at if you actually wrote a letter to hartford's mayor in an attempt for him to like writers.
  19. dressdemwhores

    dressdemwhores Senior Member

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    blah blah bomb houses and private businesses(u should want a legal wall so u could practice and get halfway decent). ya might get a little respect from "local folks" (who would vouch on a petition) if you didnt dstroy working class citizens property, with pure crap that u think is dope, i havent seen any of u "ct heads" post even a decent bomb u did, u dont have the right to be out bombin shit anyway when your shit is plain ugly and your fuckin hand-styles suck to. if u knew the rules u'd stick to city, state and rich coporate companies.

    remember, when you lie, your only lying to yourself.
  20. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    not that im expecting an answer but what do you write?
    you can answer in a PM if youd like