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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    ew you let your bandaid touch your bud. dirty dirty bandaid hand.

    j/k. kinda.
  2. unknown_1

    unknown_1 Elite Member

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    the start of fear and loathin in the best tho "NO WAIT..WE CANT STOP HERE........THIS IS BAT COUNTRY" HAHAHAHA had me crackin up for ages
  3. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    sat out on my deck tonight facing the stars
    his the ice bong several times
    friend picked me up with a car full of girls
    got some extreme pita and relaxed
    good night :D
  4. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    i split a butterfly tab yesterday with my boy
  5. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    got no money ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. inimical critic

    inimical critic Senior Member

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    i was feen'n earlier i didnt smoke till 7
    i thought i was gona slap a hoe
    can stand it when they fukn with my money
    but i got some good buds now
    should last me through the night, hopefully.
    this blunt got me right now though
  7. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    well due to certain conditions, imma stop smoking for awhile, a long while, ill still post here every now and then i guess, Stay safe, and happy toking yall'
  8. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    this whole week has been really good for me and my buddie, smoked a 19gram blunt for his 19th bday on wed, got so ripped. and as of right now im smoking a 6gram fatty, wish it was a blunt, but meh im pretty baked off the 2nd hit, ill be comin here to post bout my weed stories, haha, werd!
  9. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    what a beautifle site..i dropped acid for liek teh second was fucked..

    that reminds me of the brief case in fear and loathing [/b][/quote]
    injecting herion n snorting yayo n smoking bud and drinkin booze wat a combanation stupid fucks only snort yayo n inject shit in them!
  10. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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  11. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    fuck i cant wait for another 30 minutes, ill be rolling up as much as i can fit into a centruy with my oz then im munching 4g's of shrooms, which we all no and love

    fuck i havent done zooms in a while, weekend before school fuck i miss them ooo so much
    have a good day to all
  12. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    haha fuck zooms weed only for me... use to be into hard drugs but i stoped b4 my life got got fucked haha

    420 needs to come soon!

    mad where bouts u from in 905?
  13. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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  14. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    god damn bro thats some creme nugget! wat that weigh out to? 9gs?
  15. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    I fucked up a small batch of crack cause like the pan had like some shit in it and it go into the crack and like now the crack has like black specks and defects...i hope they dont notice or i might have to discount it
    Its not my fault im learning from my dealer
  16. ASEN

    ASEN Banned

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    This kid just blows my mind every post he makes

    Conversations with his girl, Mr. Wiggles (poorly, i might add) bitten letters, and now he's cooking crack...
  17. Exploited

    Exploited Elite Member

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    slob taht is osme nice buds..and cror wa staht buf you posted really dry and like super easy to bid up...looks like it
  18. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  19. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    yeh i left it out on my dresser for the night by accident haha... n then it went super dry u culd push on it n it wuld crush to pieces but man is it ever good nugget.
  20. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    Just make 10 spots. Get a spoon. and put a little coke in the middle of the spoon, then heat it up with a lighter to get it a little hot. then eaither you can do three things....

    1. Spit in the spoon...
    2. Take a little bit of water and put it in the center of the spoon...
    3. Take Eaither and put it in the center of the spoon...
    The Eaither jus gets you more fucked up when u smoke the crack and makes it more addicting.

    When you choose what want to do out of thoes 3... heat the spoon up and wait for it to start broiling in the spoon.. then take maybe the Equivilent or half of how much coke u have on your spoon. that would be the mesurements of how much baking soda u need. and then take a Sewing needle and stir it together let it cool down.... and then you have your Rock. :lol:

    no reason to waste your shit making pancakes if u dont know how. start out small and then go big. dont sell it out of your house dont smoke it. cause u will get addicted.