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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Dr. Coffee

    Dr. Coffee Elite Member

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    who let all the rock fiends in the herb thread?
  2. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    you can find instructions and shit for LSD on the internet. had to find but you can. itll tell you what stuff u need for the process aswell
  3. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    ^ there is lots of fake LSD "recipes" (most are actually LSA extractions, and all the rest I've seen don't make anything) on the internet... i understand chemistry fairly well and i absolutely refuse to believe that real LSD-25 can be made in a bathroom with materials available to the average person.
  4. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    yeh i know most are fakes, but hell if ur dumb in enuff to believe you can make it in a bathroom they dont deserve the real shit. and no, i refuse also to believe it can be made with materials the average person can get their hands on
  5. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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  6. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    ^ he makes a good point. fuck crack haha. fuck selling the shit too, you get in heavy shit for selling crack. sell weed instead, and smoke as much of it as you feel like... now that's the shit and you dont have to worry about the police....

    unless you're selling outrageous amounts and/or live in a country that isn't canada. and i don't know about other people, but i dont think i could keep a clean conscious selling hard drugs... especially the crude street-made drugs i'm seeing on this thread.
  7. DARK1

    DARK1 Senior Member

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    i have the phattest glass piece......chamilion glass or however the fuck u spell it
  8. KireOne

    KireOne Senior Member

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    get a pic ^^^ ^_^
  9. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Bumsuckfun knows whats up.
  10. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Santannas back like cooked crack3
    everyone knows the real moneys in crack
  11. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    if you trick someone into smoking catnip, what'll happen?

    cause someone just told me they did that to a friend of theirs
  12. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    thats cool. you know what your talking about. (the stuff you said the last page aabout makin LSD and stuff. you sound like a knologable person) I'm not into making Meth or an other hard drug.

    not starting shit or anything...

    Selling weed... everyone sells weed. but how many people sell Rock and shit... where i live its hard to find rock.(not that i was looking for it) but if you do sell it here and there sence u know how to make rock. You can make a killing. but yes police are harder on cocaine, rock. meth and all the other hard drug cause its man made and it can deffinitly kill you if u take large amouts that your body cat handle.

    I'm more of a pill kind of guy. i know alot about percription medications. my frinds would find a bottle of pills and bring them to me to see what they are.


    LSD-25 Synthesis from "Psychedelic Guide to the Preparation of the Eucharist"

    Preparatory arrangements:

    Starting material may be any lysergic acid derivative, from ergot on rye grain or from culture, or morning glory seeds or from synthetic sources. Preparation #1 uses any amide, or lysergic acid as starting material. Preparations #2 and #3 must start with lysergic acid only, prepared from the amides as follows:

    10 g of any lysergic acid amide from various natural sources dissolved in 200 ml of methanolic KOH solution and the methanol removed immediately in vacuo. The residue is treated with 200 ml of an 8% aqueous solution of KOH and the mixture heated on a steam bath for one hour. A stream of nitrogen gas is passed through the flask during heating and the evolved NH3 gas may be titrated is HCl to follow the reaction. The alkaline solution is made neutral to congo red with tartaric acid, filtered, cleaned by extraction with ether, the aqueous solution filtered and evaporated. Digest with MeOH to remove some of the coloured material from the crystals of lysergic acid.

    Arrange the lighting in the lab similarly to that of a dark room. Use photographic red and yellow safety lights, as lysergic acid derivatives are decomposed when light is present. Rubber gloves must be worn due to the highly poisonous nature of ergot alkaloids. A hair drier, or, better, a flash evaporator, is necessary to speed up steps where evaporation is necessary.

    Preparation #1

    Step I. Use Yellow light

    Place one volume of powdered ergot alkaloid material in a tiny round bottom flask and add two volumes of anhydrous hydrazine. An alternate procedure uses a sealed tube in which the reagents are heated at 112 C. The mixture is refluxed (or heated) for 30 minutes. Add 1.5 volumes of H2O and boil 15 minutes. On cooling in the refrigerator, isolysergic acid hydrazide is crystallised.

    Step II. Use Red light

    Chill all reagents and have ice handy. Dissolve 2.82 g hydrazine rapidly in 100 ml 0.1 N ice-cold HCl using an ice bath to keep the reaction vessel at 0 C. 100 ml ice-cold 0.1 N NaNO2 is added and after 2 to 3 minutes vigorous stirring, 130 ml more HCl is added dropwise with vigorous stirring again in an ice bath. After 5 minutes, neutralise the solution with NaHCO3 saturated sol. and extract with ether. Remove the aqueous solution and try to dissolve the gummy substance in ether. Adjust the ether solution by adding 3 g diethylamine per 300 ml ether extract. Allow to stand in the dark, gradually warming up to 20 C over a period of 24 hours. Evaporate in vacuum and treat as indicated in the purification section for conversion of iso-lysergic amides to lysergic acid amides.

    Preparation #2

    Step I. Use Yellow light

    5.36 g of d-lysergic acid are suspended in 125 ml of acetonitrile and the suspension cooled to about -20 C in a bath of acetone cooled with dry ice. To the suspension is added a cold (-20 C) solution of 8.82 g of trifluoroacetic anhydride in 75 ml of acetonitrile. The mixture is allowed to stand at -20 C for about 1.5 hours during which the suspended material dissolves, and the d-lysergic acid is converted to the mixed anhydride of lysergic and trifluoroacetic acids. The mixed anhydride can be separated in the form of an oil by evaporating the solvent in vacuo at a temperature below 0 C, but this is not necessary. Everything must be kept anhydrous.

    Step II. Use Yellow light

    The solution of mixed anhydrides in acetonitrile from Step I is added to 150 ml of a second solution of acetonitrile containing 7.6 g of diethylamine. The mixture is held in the dark at room temperature for about 2 hours. The acetonitrile is evaporated in vacuo, leaving a residue of LSD-25 plus other impurities. The residue is dissolved in 150 ml of chloroform and 20 ml of ice water. The chloroform layer is removed and the aqueous layer is extracted with several portions of chloroform. The chloroform portions are combined and in turn washed with four 50 ml portions of ice-cold water. The chloroform solution is then dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 and evaporated in vacuo.

    Preparation #3

    This procedure gives good yield and is very fast with little iso-lysergic acid being formed (its effect are mildly unpleasant). However, the stoichometry must be exact or yields will drop.

    Step I. Use White light

    Sulfur trioxide is produced in anhydrous state by carefully decomposing anhydrous ferric sulfate at approximately 480 C. Store under anhydrous conditions.

    Step II. Use White light

    A carefully dried 22 litre RB flask fitted with an ice bath, condenser, dropping funnel and mechanical stirrer is charged with 10 to 11 litres of dimethylformamide (freshly distilled under reduced pressure). The condenser and dropping funnel are both protected against atmospheric moisture. 2 lb of sulfur trioxide (Sulfan B) are introduced dropwise, very cautiously stirring, during 4 to 5 hours. The temperature is kept at 0-5 C throughout the addition. After the addition is complete, the mixture is stirred for 1-2 hours until some separated, crystalline sulfur trioxide-dimethylformamide complex has dissolved. The reagent is transferred to an air- tight automatic pipette for convenient dispensing, and kept in the cold. Although the reagent, which is colourless, may change from yellow to red, its efficiency remains unimpaired for three to four months in cold storage. An aliquot is dissolved in water and titrated with standard NaOH to a phenolphthalein end point.

    Step III. Use Red light

    A solution of 7.15 g of d-lysergic acid mono hydrate (25 mmol) and 1.06 g of lithium hydroxide hydrate (25 mmol) in 200 ml of MeOH is prepared. The solvent is distilled on the steam bath under reduced pressure. the residue of glass-like lithium lysergate is dissolved in 400 ml of anhydrous dimethyl formamide. From this solution about 200 ml of the dimethyl formamide is distilled off at 15 ml pressure through a 12 inch helices packed column. the resulting anhydrous solution of lithium lysergate left behind is cooled to 0 C and, with stirring, treated rapidly with 500 ml of SO3-DMF solution (1.00 molar). The mixture is stirred in the cold for 10 minutes and then 9.14 g (125.0 mmol) of diethylamine is added. The stirring and cooling are continued for 10 minutes longer, when 400 ml of water is added to decompose the reaction complex. After mixing thoroughly, 200 ml of saturated aqueous saline solution is added. The amide product is isolated by repeated extraction with 500 ml portions of ethylene dichloride. the combined extract is dried and then concentrated to a syrup under reduced pressure. Do not heat up the syrup during concentration. the LSD may crystallise out, but the crystals and the mother liquor may be chromatographed according to the instructions on purification.

    Purification of LSD-25

    The material obtained by any of these three preparations may contain both lysergic acid and iso-lysergic acid amides. Preparation #1 contains mostly iso-lysergic diethylamide and must be converted prior to separation. For this material, go to Step II first.

    Step I. Use darkroom and follow with a long wave UV The material is dissolved in a 3:1 mixture of benzene and chloroform. Pack the chromatography column with a slurry of basic alumina in benzene so that a 1 inch column is six inches long. Drain the solvent to the top of the alumina column and carefully add an aliquot of the LSD-solvent solution containing 50 ml of solvent and 1 g LSD. Run this through the column, following the fastest moving fluorescent band. After it has been collected, strip the remaining material from the column by washing with MeOH. Use the UV light sparingly to prevent excessive damage to the compounds. Evaporate the second fraction in vacuo and set aside for Step II. The fraction containing the pure LSD is concentrated in vacuo and the syrup will crystallise slowly. This material may be converted to the tartrate by tartaric acid and the LSD tartrate conveniently crystallised. MP 190-196 C.

    Step II. Use Red light

    Dissolve the residue derived from the methanol stripping of the column in a minimum amount of alcohol. Add twice that volume of 4 N alcoholic KOH solution and allow the mixture to stand at room temperature for several hours. Neutralise with dilute HCl, make slightly basic with NH4OH and extract with chloroform or ethylene dichloride as in preparations #1 or #2. Evaporate in vacuo and chromatograph as in the previous step.

    Note: Lysergic acid compounds are unstable to heat, light and oxygen. In any form it helps to add ascorbic acid as an anti- oxidant, keeping the container tightly closed, light-tight with aluminum foil, and in a refrigerator.

    Yes, i would have to say that LSD is pretty hard to make if you dont know what you are doing.
  13. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    ^^ thats even a fairly accurate description on lsd 25 synthesis. most people dont take into account that most of the steps are light sensitive and not just that but require certain frequencies of UV light to come out right.
  14. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    of course there is lots of money in the crack market... but you have to admit starting a market is pretty hard to impossible and invading an already existing market that isn't already oversaturated (too much risk, not enough money) can get you shot.

    but if you sell weed on a commercial level, make just as much money with less risk... takes more work though cause you have to do a lot more higher-level transactions and ifyour selling on a commerical level you have to grow your own... but still its easier than a real job and still makes a buttload of dollah dollahz.

    anyway thats my feelings, i think the biggest things for me would be my conscious of making these people sicker and sicker for my own profit... money isn't a very important thing for me, infact i spent a few months homeless with no material possessions in a foolish attempt to find enlightenment... so people with different values wil lhave different feellings on the matter.
  15. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    if you still look at that attempt of being homeless and posessionless a foolish attempt then you didnt have the right mindset to begin with. things like that can change your life but you have to allow it to. fighting against what youve been ingrained with since birth isnt an easy thing to do. discouraged you might have been, but foolish most definately not.
  16. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    sorry, it wasn't foolisheness, and i definately gained A LOT of insight from it... but i'm definately not enlightened. i'm no longer homeless but i still try to keep my material possessions to a minimum and it's still values i hold.... but i was foolish to think that i'd get true enlightenment out of it... i have become wiser (well, just wise enough to realize that i'm actually not wise at all) though, and thats a step in the right direction....

    after my summer of floating around and reflecting on life i ended up at university... it has been great gaining knowledge in fields like philosophy and psychology but i'm no rich kid and i can't afford to pay back student loans and i'm not sure if i even want a job in those fields (i just wanted to learn what i could learn in the things that interest me) so i'm pretty sure i wont be able to continue my university education...

    thats the way the world works, the rich kids who just want to give daddy an honour roll bumper sticker and take over position of CEO in daddy's company get to learn lots of shit they don't care about... and then there is people like me. oh well, i'm not really bitter about... im just hoping to be able to work up enough money to go travelling and maybe put myself through art or design school sometime, and maybe get a job in that field since its something i'd like to do..
  17. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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  18. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    436 am. hit the hash, what am i doing up.
  19. @!Ck$

    @!Ck$ Member

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    HAHAHA......oh shit, now i feel bad :(

    just picked me up one of these bad boys

    [Broken External Image]: [/b][/quote]
    looks like a candied cock to me
  20. whatsgoinon

    whatsgoinon Senior Member

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    ya haha looks like women bongs put the whole pipe down ur throat now smoke bitch haha i miss my bong , forgot it at a friends house a few months ago but its no biggie i love my spliff more than i enjoy a hit from the bong i must say (H)