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What Happend To The Art In Graff?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CUDA-Guerrilla Krew<---, Mar 25, 2006.

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  1. CUDA-Guerrilla Krew<---

    CUDA-Guerrilla Krew<--- Senior Member

    • Messages: 222
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    So last Summer I visteda few cities, and I hit up a few hot spots. And I noticed that most of them had more throws than they did peices. And it made me think, iz the whole artistic part of graff dead. I know about the importance of gettin up, beleive me. But what happend to the artistic side of Graff, does it matter anymore?

  2. Puffer

    Puffer Senior Member

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    ofcourse it matters but people arent going to be doing pieces in heat spots , maybe you didnt look hard enough or that place didnt havealot of piecers
  3. FuLa

    FuLa Elite Member

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    you from KC?

    tues was from KC...but if you are from KC you should know that there are PLENTY of places with graffiti art in them.... I think that most toys have gotten the fad that graffiti is about bombing...they initially wanna get into graffiti to piece but then some "veteran" tells them "no, you gotta bomb first" and therefore they just stay in that game...but I'm pretty sure that piecing is FAR from dead.
  4. dark\gbk

    dark\gbk Senior Member

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    of course it matters to get up but if u just visited these cities you probably didnt look everywer.

    like wer im frm der r throws and shitty little peices everywer but u hav to be a local to no wer to hit the best spots dat everbody sees but is easy to hit up

    so maybe there are peiecs there but i think in my personal opinion that the new blood into graffiti only want to destroy shit and do throws
  5. Spector

    Spector Senior Member

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    ^^I agree
    Wait no the one on top of you
  6. Klaz

    Klaz Elite Member

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    throws are still art.

    but we are just keepin le art to the legal walls and let Daim and other legal kids do their thing.

    cos there is no point doin a full colour piece in the street when people will just bomb over it.
  7. textathief

    textathief Senior Member

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    graff is all about art, throwies are like little pieces with small coating and less effort u need to look harder to find the good ones. good luck

    MUSASHI Elite Member

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    They jus did a large scale wipe out in west dallas today...and as I watched these little kids on the evening news with rollers painting over some dope ass shit ,al;l i could think about was "NEWJACKCITY" meaning I hope someone hits them spots with some fine motherfucking art !
  9. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    let me break it down for you, the art of it isnt dead getting up is important but people who only do throwies do it to get up... thats where it separates the kings from the toys... if you dont peace then basically your a fucking toy... but if you think about it it is getting harder and harder to be able to spend the time at a wall... but no the art isnt dead its just hard to find people who have the dedication to do a little bit of everything...
  10. CUDA-Guerrilla Krew<---

    CUDA-Guerrilla Krew<--- Senior Member

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    let me break it down for you, the art of it isnt dead getting up is important but people who only do throwies do it to get up... thats where it separates the kings from the toys... if you dont peace then basically your a fucking toy... but if you think about it it is getting harder and harder to be able to spend the time at a wall... but no the art isnt dead its just hard to find people who have the dedication to do a little bit of everything... [/b][/quote]
    I hear exactly what your sayin man
  11. anarchy

    anarchy Elite Member

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    throwies are cool. just look at cope2 or seen their throws are better than some pieces i have seen
  12. Flair Heads

    Flair Heads Senior Member

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    What happened to the soul in hip hop? What happened to the rebellion in punk rock? What happened to the happiness? What happened to the peace? What happened?

    As time progresses, things begin to stagnate and/or begin another turn in the cycle. The people who do nothing but bomb will probably be replaced by those who missed the style to graff or come up with their own, new style. It's not a matter of what happened, but a matter of when it's coming back.
  13. Kause

    Kause Senior Member

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    wow...nosy painter "nose"(hahah i had to do that) what he's talking IA getting very hard to spend time at a wall, unless you find a blind heavenspot (blind=no one can see you) or a spot where only graff writers know of...i know sum spots here in boston completely run by graff writers, under these bridges, and they have massive walls...never been anywhere else besides here im not sure how to find great spots elsewhere...look for places YOU would go to i guess....

    getting up is great in the longrun...start as a toy, and slowly do pieces and throwies, while STILL maintaining the rep from stickers/markers....good its good to hold down all sides of the fort....markers....paint tags....stickers.....stencils....wheatpaste....throwies....and especially pieces, as in....murals/wildstyles/burners....its just some ppl dont find the time/are too lazy to do it...

    WOW long post
  14. Iamyourrealfatherbitchnigga

    Iamyourrealfatherbitchnigga Senior Member

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    let me break it down for you, the art of it isnt dead getting up is important but people who only do throwies do it to get up... thats where it separates the kings from the toys... if you dont peace then basically your a fucking toy... but if you think about it it is getting harder and harder to be able to spend the time at a wall... but no the art isnt dead its just hard to find people who have the dedication to do a little bit of everything... [/b][/quote]
    You have no idea what the fuck your talking about, theres different parts of graffiti . Its all about what you preffer, how can you call people like sake, or ja, or all the other nyc bombers or any bomber putting in mad work regardless what city or country that put in more work then you ever will toys just because they dont peice. Their leaving their mark in a different way. I see what your saying about dedication, but people like that who have been busted time and time again rocking spots and hitting shit hard with handstyles and fillins, how can you say thats not dedication. If that isnt then I don't know what Is
  15. koper

    koper Banned

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    more people care about fame

    but pieces as a whole are still alive and well as far as im concerned
  16. BANG BRO

    BANG BRO Senior Member

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  17. retnevni

    retnevni Member

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    one of the reasons may be that the buff is getting harder and harder nowadays and anyways id rather see a bunch of grimy throw ups than a bunch of generic biting colour schemed pieces.respect to piecers who piece illegaly. ps fuck those legal walls
  18. Klaz

    Klaz Elite Member

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    let me break it down for you, the art of it isnt dead getting up is important but people who only do throwies do it to get up... thats where it separates the kings from the toys... if you dont peace then basically your a fucking toy... but if you think about it it is getting harder and harder to be able to spend the time at a wall... but no the art isnt dead its just hard to find people who have the dedication to do a little bit of everything... [/b][/quote]
    no....not at all

    just cos u dont piece doesnt make you a toy.
    JA doesnt piece and he is king of the fuckin world.

    would you call JA a toy?

    thought not
  19. Bombers Ambition

    Bombers Ambition Elite Member

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    word klaz style gets u known but ups get you remembered
  20. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    can anyone honestly say they give a shit?