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Sneaking Out at Night

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Alchohlics_Anonymous, May 3, 2004.

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  1. GUNR

    GUNR Senior Member

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    graph is gud exercise to , no need to swim
  2. Attican

    Attican Senior Member

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    Uhh...swimming is gonna be a lot better exercise then graffiti.
  3. Nightmare_101

    Nightmare_101 New Member

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    Shit, getting out of my house is almost impossible, we have tight security (laser beams, alarm, big ass wall etc)....I live in South Africa so the crime here is quite bad, the scary thing isn't getting bust b the pigs or getting bust by your parents, but being scared of being mugged or raped on the way...
    Its quite dangerous but a nice place to bomb south africa is.

    last night I had a run in with some jackass, he chased me and my pals in a truck, good exercise :)
  4. Attican

    Attican Senior Member

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    Lol. I'd prefer to not get my exercise by running from a dude that wants to rape me.
  5. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    thats fucked up
  6. BestOne

    BestOne Member

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    I think if u have to SNEAK out for a paint ur a bitch
  7. Fluffy Bunnies

    Fluffy Bunnies Elite Member

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    The best thing to do is to just tell ur parents that you write...
    They can't stop it so just go do it. What are they gonna do ground you... haha.
    I told my parents. my dad is not ok with it but he doesn't bug me about it.

    When ever I go somewhere I don't even have to tell them I am gonna leave I can jus go right ahead and leave without them worrying... maybe cuz I am not white and white people have a lot of rules... so much it's not even funny. it's just stupid. My friends parents grounded him and he couldn't do anything and I told him why and he jus said he can't. kids these days
  8. merm 1

    merm 1 Senior Member

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    where in South africa, im going cape town this summer im hopeing to see some pieces, maybe throw up some shots
  9. Skore

    Skore Senior Member

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    i like to graff in broad daylight, only been caught once and it wasnt by a cop, thank god
  10. Mafioso

    Mafioso Senior Member

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    acoholics, eat a motherfucking dick)) u all pussies))
  11. BestOne

    BestOne Member

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    Yea Lad i have done that heaps of times LoL its a heaps bigger rush then sneaking around at night time.
  12. illicit

    illicit Member

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    me = 100% daylight graffing

    only went out few times to do some big peices at 1am thats it.
    and i was with mates + dog :)

  13. KONG

    KONG Member

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    im calling bullshit on the lazer beams.
  14. CROW

    CROW Member

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    I dont really bomb late , i go bombing around 8-9 because it dark and everyone is chilling out and i dont have to be in till 10.... if you have light sleeper parents thats sucks because they catch u if ur to loud.. Like my parents, they always get up in the middle of the night so theyll know if iam gone but i dont go late bombing....They best thing to do is when u leave close bedroom door, Then quietly walk to the front or back door then slightly open the door then closely. also teach urself to walk quietly to.......Make sure cans are upside down too so they dont ruin the whole mission.... i think the worst thing is coming back from a mission and ur parents are awake that sucks.......... Sneakyness is the key to getting it might be better if u have the paint outside already, more likely planned
  15. EGO31

    EGO31 Elite Member

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    if your young like me wait until the holiday's then say your going to a mates house and mission all night missioning rules!!! During school daylight might have to suffice or say your going for a walk if it get's dark early like around here for awhile (daylight saving's)

    I've been bombing and tagging in broad daylight early morning is good like 4-6 am i havn't been peicing yet though
  16. Faber

    Faber Member

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    I usually call up my friend to pick me up on the car , at the corner of my house , i fill my bed with pillows , clothes and a mask with hair on it which makes it look like im in bed, then i open my window very quitely and go out through the window

    Ta-da-da ! ! !
    simple as that ! ! !
  17. minor crimes

    minor crimes Elite Member

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    do you close the window just enough so it looks like its closed and so kno 1 breaks in and steals shit
  18. -AbSrD

    -AbSrD Senior Member

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    ............. honestly. if u dont give a fuck and just leave. what are your parents gonna do? ground you? leave again. yell at ur ass. shiiit thats so rough. beat ur ass... mabye but that shit toughens ya up lol.
  19. Special_K

    Special_K Senior Member

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    generally its not neccesary to go out late at night unless i hit the really hot spots in downtown.if i wanna piece i usually just go my lil spot in a drainage canal(twin caverns) where i can paint w/ out being bothered. but if im in the mood for a late night run ill go. i know it sounds toy but honestly in hawaii even though the state is supposedly "coming down" on graffiti its been all the toys getting caught. I used to go out at night but the rush went away after i figured out i probably wasn't getting caught so i started just going to my spot after school or when ever i have the time and energy. the only time i get the "high" now is if i hit up heavens that'll never go away.
  20. Mafioso

    Mafioso Senior Member

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    just go at 4:00 - 4:30 am say ur jogging

    fucking dumbasses