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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. cess!

    cess! Elite Member

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    i love resin

    just scraped my bowl and got about a dime sized resin ball ^_^
  2. Kingz514

    Kingz514 Elite Member

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    i don't see what youre getting excited about theres only a bout a stick at most an only the last pic if it's some of the bud i had looks decent man not the bst pics oh and acid doesn't hurt until you trip bad and burn your eye's loking at the sun biting your handopen to see if there is actually bones there but whatever your life your body your rules. [/b][/quote]
    i never said i was excited
    and i found that shit looked really green too
    but it got me fucked
  3. sloppymouthsex

    sloppymouthsex Senior Member

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    resin is butt nasty, id only scrape my pipe if i was desperate to get high, i stick with L's for sure, dutches to be exact
  4. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    do you even know what a fuckin dutch is??
    and its dutch's not dutches.
    on the same note... do you know what an L is?
    im not trying to be an ass just trying to stop you from
    making an ass of yourself. hopefully not that many people have read that yet.. there is still hope young sprout.
  5. Kingz514

    Kingz514 Elite Member

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    fannypack your my hero for that line in my sig
    i laughed for days

    anyone agree once you roll with king size and blunt wraps you never go back to little joints
  6. To.The.Beat

    To.The.Beat Senior Member

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    I'm a bit steond right now I'm going to get fucked this weekennd woohoo.
    A 'kool kat' at school told me about this saliva shit or something like that salvia yeah thats it. yeah someone give me some more info . After I post this i'll go back for a search and stuff. Paeace out homys gangsters whatever the fuck yeah
  7. segway

    segway Elite Member

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    Fannypack, you are wrong. Dutch's is possesive, dutches would be the plural. I believe an "L" is an El Producto blunt, or if you are talking about joints it would be a joint rolled using 2 papers stuck together in an L shape.
  8. cess!

    cess! Elite Member

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    or maybe an L as in a JOINT
  9. --SORE--

    --SORE-- Member

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    salvia is so funny's like a huge huge high for 10-20 minutes and than u come back to reality the first time i did i was totally gone thinking i was a bird or some kind of that shit i dont really remember my friend told me lol...even tho it was cool lol u should try like once.
  10. sloppymouthsex

    sloppymouthsex Senior Member

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    segway said it, its dutchEs, an no matter how its spelt you kno what im talkin about mr rogers, how did i make an ass out of myself by saying resin is nasty. i hate dealing with that black shit, like i said id only smoke it if i was jonesin like a mother. and btw an L is mainly known for being cigar wraps, not spliffs
  11. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    ive always known an l to be a blunt or a large joint, anythign rolled besides a spliff cone or tulip which are just obivous we call an l...i tend to call it a bliunt anywqyas but yah i smoke l's and always use the honey dutches as well...

    and salvia, theres a lot of tlak abtou it about 50 pages back me and spetzz tlaked a shitlaod abotu it...its basically a very short lasting drug with extremely powerful hallucinagenic fully experience it id recommend extracts not leaves and smoking it in a deep bowl with a torch lighter in large hits
  12. SIEN

    SIEN Senior Member

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    Put simply.......dont. its not that great. everyone keeps telling me shit like "yeah man I saw jimmy page fly over my head and he started rocking out and then the carpet started to eat my legs! whoa!" but that shit dosn't happen. Its legal, you could probably go down to your local bong store and get it easy. tastes like shit, burns like hell. The only thing it really does is it makes stuff bubble a bit. If you really want to try it, mix it with some sheesha. it gives you a great feeling, and you can smoke it for hours. its pretty cheap to, and you only really need a bowl to get ripped. so smoke it strait up if you want, or mix it, I advise you mix it, that was the best for me. Hope I helped.

    EDIT: but again, I only smoke 30X, or 20X, and prom what I read in the post above, I may have been smoking it wrong. it didnt do much for me, but since I dont smoke alot, it made me cough alot so I guess maybe I didnt get the full effect. the high only lasts about 20 minutes.
  13. segway

    segway Elite Member

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    Simply put, you didnt break through. If you use a torch ligher (hold it on the whole time you hit), a bong (to cool the harsh smoke), and hold the smoke for like 30 seconds per hit, you should be able to break through. If you break through, you will be in another world for a little bit, read some trip reports on erowid. Just because its legal doesnt mean it cant pack a wallop.
  14. Dropping Bombs On Society

    Dropping Bombs On Society Elite Member

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    I love marijuana... salvia is crazy shit tho. My friends were on it a while ago and one was freakin out. And then they took shrooms. that was fuckin crazy. But im down with straight up trees. And If you think about it Alcohol is some much more of a drug than weed.
    can be addictive
    is not natural
    you can "od" and get your stomach pumped
    and you just act like a retard when your drunk.
    But weed
    is not addictive
    its all natural
    you can't od
    and you just act chill and make more rational decisions.
    so weed should be more legal than liquer

    Not to say I dont like a drink now and then... :p
  15. Kao.Ali

    Kao.Ali Senior Member

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    yeah^^^^ but the founders of this country, (america) or many others did not smoke weed, they drank liquor and smoked tobacco, if they didnt liquor would be just as illegal (which it was for a while in the u.s) as pot, not to mention this countrie's cash crop was originally tobacco, alot start up money for the US came from that, if it didnt then it would be illegal as fuck
    if george washington smoked pot instead or drinkin you could go down to any conveinence store and buy a sac of bomb
  16. Dropping Bombs On Society

    Dropping Bombs On Society Elite Member

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    That would be so ill..... But you are right. The american goverment is really corupt... but I wont get into that now.
  17. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    well i wasnt being critical to you cause you dont seem to talk too much shit. but i really have to disagree that it isnt dutches. the term refers to dutch master blunts so i would imagine that the plural would be dutchs.. but whatever. and youre right about an L.. it is either a joint rolled in an L shape but its more popularly known as a joint rolled into a cone or tulip using 2 papers. aka a huge fuckin nice joint. but i do appreciate the input. information is key when it comes to drugs. knowledge before experience.
  18. darsone

    darsone Senior Member

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  19. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    yah that looks liek a shit load of extract, but im pritty sure thats like an inch tall and its jus ta real close pic cause i have the same bags and they're 1x1...

    i think if teh govt legalises mj it woould also be better because theyll make it soo much cheaper, theyll have huge farms all over growing it and youll probly be able to buy packs of joints lie ka pack of cigarettes for about $10-$20, which is good ocnsiderign thats like a quarter-half oz
  20. sdgundam

    sdgundam Senior Member

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    get the fuck out of here noway it will made legal.