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Small Town?

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Eye-Dea, Jan 24, 2006.

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  1. brm08r6

    brm08r6 Senior Member

    • Messages: 108
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    im from a small town in ohio and iv been taging for about a year now and i need some help on how to be better?
  2. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    huh? lets see the pro's of being one of the few taggers in ur area...
    clean fresh walls
    the ability to be infamous becuase of little competition
    piss off people who hate graff
    cops know little about graff

    tons of competition
    ur work is gone within the hour
    cops know alot about the scene
    people are more suspicious
    ur gonna have to put ur ass on the line if you want to be known
    be looked at like a bitch by better other writers
  3. HazeAmaze

    HazeAmaze Senior Member

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    haha i know right

    i live in a small town in southcarolina, and its me and 3 other good writers, one rolls with me, and the other two are some slightly older guys with way more experience, so we play throwie tag around town, we throw up on a spot, and within a week they hit it too, they hit a spot, we hit it, and there is one overpass where they tagged, then a lot of super toys (like hmmm no wordforms at all with superdrips and inconsistent fill that say "sk8t or die!", not to mention gang stuff) tagged there too, which really uglied it up, so me and my friend go up there and throw up crazy shit (the one in my sig) which blew everyone's out of the water, but i know the other two older writers can top it in a second...


    one of teh older guys started a graff movement in my town by putting his throwie everywhere

    which imspired me to write anyway

    (thanks for reading all that)
  4. HazeAmaze

    HazeAmaze Senior Member

    • Messages: 158
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    huh? lets see the pro's of being one of the few taggers in ur area...
    clean fresh walls
    the ability to be infamous becuase of little competition
    piss off people who hate graff
    cops know little about graff

    tons of competition
    ur work is gone within the hour
    cops know alot about the scene
    people are more suspicious
    ur gonna have to put ur ass on the line if you want to be known
    be looked at like a bitch by better other writers [/b][/quote]

    daylight bombing + small town = adrenaline rush x10
  5. fitzy5814

    fitzy5814 Senior Member

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    yeah i was bombing under the bridge and within a minute the cops were after me, it sucked but i escaped to my friends house not too far away, i just took the tracks since the tracks are under the bridge then i went back at night and finished it but then the cops were after me again so there was a box car door slightly open so i poped into that and hid for 4 hours
  6. pyro-bandit

    pyro-bandit Senior Member

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    i live in a small town in downeast north carolina and graff around here is slim to nill
  7. scoot

    scoot Elite Member

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    practice makes you better just keep writing your shit over and over and develop ur own style
  8. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    I like in the burbs about 10 min out from the city...but the city is only about 150,000 and nobody really writes there or in my not a whole lot is goin on.
  9. HoodRichSucka

    HoodRichSucka Elite Member

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    eyde, i live in ur town man, yea, ur shits ill but gets buffed a lot which blows. i dunno if u should write a lot cuz of how small the town is, i should just wait till i can go to the D. later man
  10. Mexiklan Beaner

    Mexiklan Beaner Senior Member

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    whoa.. u guys r from the same town. thats cool. i never seen that happen before on here.
  11. war terror

    war terror Senior Member

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    i live in baltimore... used to live in la plata... md... fuckin sucked
  12. Eskimo33

    Eskimo33 Senior Member

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    I got you all beat I live in Iowa, ive never seen another writer in my town besides mexican gang stuff.
  13. HazeAmaze

    HazeAmaze Senior Member

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  14. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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    to bad all that shit is mad toy, and noone cares. but good job on making the news. LMFAO THEY SAID IF THERE ARE NUMBERS, ARROWS, PITCHFORKS, OR STARS IT IS PROBABLY GANG GRAFFITI!

  15. HazeAmaze

    HazeAmaze Senior Member

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    haha yeah, most of the footage is just of Dust, Grim, and my own throw-ups, my stuff isnt all thet great, but dust and grim can do some real peices


    the night that came on we went and hit up some freights hahaha
  16. HoodRichSucka

    HoodRichSucka Elite Member

    • Messages: 657
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    whoa.. u guys r from the same town. thats cool. i never seen that happen before on here. [/b][/quote]
    yea, eyde is like the 'graff artist' of our town. tagged and bombed everywhere. but he just moved so its a let down..

  17. ChRoMa 11820

    ChRoMa 11820 Senior Member

    • Messages: 377
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    i kno what u mean kard
    someone wrote east side cripts on my high school snack stand near the football field
    posers are so beat
    they wrote in blue paint on a blue wall..... :blink: :huh: go figure
  18. metrodetroit

    metrodetroit New Member

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    who here is from michigan
  19. metrodetroit

    metrodetroit New Member

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    there is only 2 trhowups in my town because its a very small hicktown and its just an outline that says kip so im the only one and cops are at every corner so its pretty impossible
  20. Rein1

    Rein1 Member

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    Yea, here there ain't a single throwup nowhere, and you have to drive 50 miles out just to get decent markers besides Shapies <_< . Taking the drive this weekend 50 miles there and back(100 miles) to go to Micheals to get some markers, going to stock up. :D