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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    In the future, taping your piece of paper edge for edge under a sheet of acetate transparency makes cutting a breeze.

    Nice keene stencil ( I hate that game.)

    When you make bridges, It's best, in my experience to follow natural lines.

    [Broken External Image]:

    Here's a few things I would do *(this is a quick/incomplete example, it's early, and this is ms paint)
  2. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    Ps. I don't know if y'all do this, but I picked it up from making larger stencils- if a bridge is too noticable/awkward/whatever, just go over it with a quick line of paint, (if it is large enough to)

    If you have adequate can control, you can get those long bridges that break up your big painted areas, (like around sonic's ear)
  3. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    right, i think i could fix it, but it looks ok as is, so i dont think ill risk it

    and rats, thanks for the help with sonic there, ill keep that in mind about sticking to natural lines and going over bridges after wards, not sure if i have the control for that yet tho....
  4. a!Ds

    a!Ds Senior Member

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    yo rats, with them thin as bridges, what kind of material u use to make the stencil, cuz it looks like they'd flop over and shit?
  5. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    i dunno what he uses, but i use a manillia folder, which are pretty sturdy, still i make my bridges a bit thicker than that
  6. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    I use acetate.

    Islands never flip when they've got ennough bridges and the bridges never break (provided you don't cut too far and nick into them) because plastic is pretty tough.

    If a bridge is too short/island keeps flipping, I add one with a few layers of tape on either side (strong clear packing tape) and then cut off the excess into a thin bridge.
  7. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    ok, a couple of things i have learned thus far:

    >start with the hard intricate stuff, if your likely to screw up somewhere, do that part first, no use doing the easy stuff and THEN screwing up and having to start over

    >make your bridges bigger as opposed to smaller, you can always go back and trim them down.

    >think before you cut

    anyone else have anything to add to the list?

    damn, i love this, i think stenciling might be my medium of choice. theres an artsy creative side to it, but at the same time, its comfortingly procedural, thats my kinda thing
  8. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    +When doing intricate details, work from the inside moving outward, you're less likely to rip stuff you've already cut.

    +Lean your x-acto down so as much of the blade is touching the piece comfortably. Cutting with the tip of the knife will dull or snap it much quicker and you hae a better chance to rip paper.

    +Keep tape handy for repairs.

    +If you're debvating on putting a bridge, do so. It's alot easier to cut one away than put a (sturdy) one in.

    +Treat your stencils nicely, they will last longer.

    +Paper products will eventually start to curl in detailed parts, oaktag folders are good for stencils that you don't want to hold on for a very long time. If you want it to last, use acetate.
  9. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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  10. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    Totally rad.

    Consider moving on to multiple colours/layers in a stencil, with a simple design like this hedgehog.
  11. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Im really glad to see you guys helping each other out. As for me im searching for some good images to stencil. Some times thats the hardest part. Finding something meaningful.
  12. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    yeah, im planning on doing something like that soon, but in the meanwhile im gonna use my last folder and make a koolaid man one.
    yeah, it all depends on what your trying to do too. I know my goal is to find something that has a small, cult following, so even tho it may not mean alot to most people theres gonna be that one dude who sees it and its just gonna make his day.

    i know i would be thrilled if i saw commander keen stenciled on a wall, that would make my week
  13. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    been putting my latest stencil down alot, forgetting about it, and trying to forget i have to finish it at some point, lol but i have a totaly awsume idea for a life size...

    big tall guy in a suit, back facing viewer, with a gun behind his back,
    two layers, primer and black, possibly a little grey, or maybe a coloured tie blowing in the wind or/and even the gun silver...

    haha now that i think about it, I almost perfectly described a picture of that hitman bloodmoney game, any way it would be sweet to have that and maybe a big blood spatter stencil on the ground in a dark seedy back alley or naigbor hood.... i better finish that other one up lol

    not the most meaningful thing iv ever come up with but it would look awfully sick
  14. shifty!

    shifty! Senior Member

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    u tryin to say somethin about crack...if so, i maaaaay have to hurt you [/b][/quote]
    that aint crack retard...ya heard of cocaine?
  15. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    who gives a fuck, but really, lets not get on the subject of crack vs. cocaine here

    this thread is good, lets not fuck it up with beef
  16. shifty!

    shifty! Senior Member

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    word...ok what does spary adhevive do(i know i cant spell),spuck have you had an account on here before? i could swear that i have seen all of the same stuff in your sig before in someone elses sig, like before you made your account...
  17. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    no, i havent, but ive seen someone who had
    "g/r/a/f/f/i/t/i is my anti-drug" in their sig the other day

    and no, i didnt get the idea from them, just coincidence, its not that orignal of a thought i guess

    anyways, spray adhesive is basically like glue in a can, by spraying it on a stencil and then waiting a few minutes (for the spray to dry and get tacky instead of just wet) you can use it to temporarily attach a stencil to a wall. Although i hear its a little too time consuming for use on the streets.

    also you could use it to attach a picture you want to cut to whatever you want to make the stencil out of in lu of taping it on...
  18. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    If you spray your stencil with the adhesive before you reach the wall, you'll be okay.

    If you're doing something with lots of detail, especially if it's high risk, just do it portions with adhesive, holding it down will most likely ruin it.
  19. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    now ive never actually used adhesive, so i have a question.
    they say to spray the stencil and wait for the adhesive to become tacky as opposed to wet. they say this takes a few minutes.

    how long with the adhesive stay tacky? how long is the window of opportunity open?

    also, when it hardens, is it going to create a kind of shell which would help reinforce the stencil, cuz i imagine it would...
  20. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    oh yeaaaahh

    got a malenky bit of underspray on the hand there, but i had to use the old stealth so i didnt have much time to get it all set up. other than the hand i think it turned out real horrorshow.

    i really need to get me some acetate tho, one spray apiece an my folder stencils are already curling up and all that cal, im hoping that storying them under my textbooks for next year will help slow that down a bit, atleast long enough so i can get a good spray out of them when i try to transfer them to something better