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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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  2. El.Gringo

    El.Gringo New Member

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    My Lil Baby B)
    Im gonna do some extract with it
  3. otrfatcap

    otrfatcap Senior Member

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    haha i wanted to grow salvia a while back...seems like it wouldnt take much considering i've grown weed before. where do you get the seeds??
  4. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yea right i was buying 10 packs for 100 in canada maybe if someone was trying to get rd of some weak presses or a bad batch they would get rid of them that low but like i said buyin 10 at a time they where 10 dollars each
  5. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    Scribble jizzel!!!!
    and is AA still doing that shit and still goin to SJ?
    also those fuckin LFC mashpattoe bowls are sooooo fuckin good
  6. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    lmfao i have never paid more than 10$ for a roll, and i've taken hundreds. i dunno what kind of shitty hookup you had, but 900$ for 100 pills? no thanks. i'll hesitate buying pills that are even 7$. unless you're at a rave, the prices your talking are retarded. and yes, i've had everything from pure mdma to pills being cut with almost anything you can think of (meth, dxm, special k, mda, whatever).

    and pure mdma (molly) is certainly not derived from a plant.

    and if you think half double stacked pills have heroin, you my friend need to get your facts straight. heroin in ecstasy pills is nothing but a rumour. it's happened before, but it's so rare it's retarded. look at or thousands of pills tested, only a small handful have fentanyl, and even less have heroin. don't believe me? i'm sure you're not gonna say one of the most reliable sites for drugs is lieing, are you?
  7. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    i knew there would be one mother fucker that would disagree with me....

    ok firstyou cant tell me shit about heroin in pills, i persaonally test all the piss i get and a good deal in south florida have heroin i NEVER said doubble stacks are half heroin.... i said there dopey... an a good deal have heroin in them.... as for edwins maybe you try looking up fentanyl

    then maybe you'll find out its about 50 time stronger then heroin

    as for this
    "We have never heard of cocaine being found in an ecstasy tablet. "
    then i guess ive test more pills then erowid... which i probably have... there not right all the time you know

    dont forget that is about 6 years old when people actually cared about pressing pills and not fucking over people.....

    fuck off if your seriously going to tell ME to get my fact stright you've done hunreds.... lol ive tested hundreds (which u know testing pills is a waste if u ever done it before due to choping it up and then re testing it if your buying mass quanity....

    as for those prices... if you never paid more then 19$ a pill, i dont fucking belive yoy MAYBE back in the late 90s and early 200's but now adays BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT

    once again why dont u read my state me he asked "is it likely id find 100 pills for 400$" and i said "no your not likely to find them that cheap when first starting to but them maybe after u move a grip and get aqainted"

    but ANYONE who knows anything about moving mass quanity isnt going to sell to someone they dont know for dirt cheap...

    for for molling being from a plant i said they used moicules found in a flower in the process for making legal "bombers" ecstasy high

    god kids like you piss me off

    so yes im saying erowids is wrong in 2000, yes im saying in legal ecstacy and the making of mdma there molicues from a plant, Yes im saying your lieing about never paying over 10$ a pills, Yes im saying fentanyl is about up to 50 time more powerful then herion, Yes im saying i have personally tested a GRIP a of pills that have had both cocaine and heroin in them, and yes im saying any responcible drug deal wont even fuck with a kid for mass quanity LET ALONE break him a deal like 4$ a pill for 100 Pills on the first date....

    You get your shit stright kid, only where i can think of ecstacy prices THAT low with out lieing is europ
  8. koper

    koper Banned

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    oh i dont know about that last bit gesus

    like i said i can get pills here for 5 maybe 4 dollars depending on the quantity.

    It's all about where you live, and as you said it, the quality of the ingredients.

    But prices aren't worth arguing, maybe this guy lives next door to a lab.
  9. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    word he might not even live in the states. ive gotten molly pressies with 20% 2CB fresh off the presses for 4 dollars a piece not even buying quantity but that was outside of the states.. and just happened to meet the right person..
  10. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yea but looik where you also where homie no to menchion you got offered a job.....

    and kopper he said for each one nothing about quanity, but i guess its possible but he shouldnt act like thats the norm im tryin to tell these kids what up so they can be safe an heathly and do it for the right reason and this kids trytin to call me out and say what im saying is bullshit and not to listen to me cas i need to "get my facts stright" :lol: ive throw up more ecstasy then that kids probably ever seen.,... add a fannypack in there and we probably eat labs batches worth
  11. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    haha wurd gesus..

    pill monsters r us.
  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yo ask Aim if she wants to drop yo ill call tko in the morning and see how much for a 10 pack...LOL hopfully there still 8-9$ :lol:
  13. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    i eat pills like i eat pussy!!! not that often!!!
  14. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  15. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    from the older days

    muh nicka

    wish cops didnt take those pictires from me when the lsd bust went down, those where the last from the crew minus 1 other picture i have of me liana gipsy piper.... come to think of it that was the last time we were all 100% together... gipsys orgnizing a reunion to see how everyone is in half a year to a year... and were fucking going!!!
  16. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    you have tomaine poison on your tounge

    say ahhhhhhh...

    you have bees flying around your rectum

    you need a bad operation......
  17. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    please. i am fully aware of what fentanyl is, or else i wouldn't of mentioned it. and no, i have NEVER paid more than 10$ for a pill (and it's only happened once), and that's cause it wasn't through my guy. i would also like you to tell me how you would know pills contained heroin, cause marquis is the only testing kit that'll detect it, and it detects OPIATES. you gonna tell me you're doing masse spectrometry tests on these bitches? ya right. we both know opiate does not mean heroin. even when you fucking drop heroin it's metabolized as morphein in your body.

    and btw, after i moved the last 100 pack at 5$, i get 'em at 2.50 individually for personal use. what now?

    so again, get your facts straight.
  18. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    ahahahahaha as if you have friends that are candy kids.
  19. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    WOW...i never meant to cause so much damn controversy, and yeah spetzz lives in canada(im pritty sure)so his prices will be different, so hopefully ill just pick up a ten pack for cheapest i can...thanks for the help in between the beef :lol:
  20. koper

    koper Banned

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    And yeah, i may have a kid, but i still use drugs responsibly. Shit man. Whether or not you have a child, your life can be just fine using drugs, as long as you are responsible. It's not like am a frikin etard. Like i said before, it works out to maybe once every 4 months right now. My son doesn't live with me anyway. So please don't make it seem like this is going to end up like trainspotting. I may use drugs occasionally, but i am still a damn responsible person, and a damn good father.