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Abandoned Things and Urban Exploration

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dcite, Mar 16, 2006.

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  1. some guy from NCI...

    some guy from NCI... Elite Member

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    yeh I was meaning to get into UE for ages, but just never got round to lookin for places.. then I went down to my cuz's and we saw some factory which was gettin refurbished or some shit. I told him about ue and all that and we went in and had a look round..You find the safest fuckin shit ever! Our first few steps in and we see like 4 MASSIV rolls of this 'caution' tape... Well scannned the area, then wrapped the tape around everything :p (the mini houses, stairs, trees... such a fuckin laugh.There was bucket loads of paint everywhere, brushes, rollers, helmets, torches... the list goes on! We hit up usin there paint on the site... I was gutted as fuck that I didn't bring my bag :( .

    Well at the end of the day we snagged a packet of biscuits, and got some nice ups with their paint... The tips I got were:

    -Always come with a bag!!!
    -Bring a camera to remember your time there
    -Bring a lunch... you might find a nice rooftop to sit and eat on... I saw a few places which had well nice views, if only we had gone prepared.
    -Go with a mate, I wouldn't recomend too many though, otherwise you'll just cause some fuckin havok and somebody will fuck the day up, whether it's form getin caught or gettin hurt... you know they will.
    -Have a fuckin laugh, it's well wierd just walkin around at first... but then you just get used to it

    Seriously it was one of the funniest days of my life, we're plannin to go again next time I go down there, find some other places... see what stuff we can find.

    Oh yeh, be prepared to do a bit of climbin, there might be a fence or two to jump.
  2. Quadratic

    Quadratic Senior Member

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    it all kind of pisses me off becuz way back in the day me and my friend used to always go eat acid and cause havoc in this abandoned cement factory...

    probably might have been interesting to explore it a little more.
    but we did find a bum's bed and sandwiches so we stole his sandwiches.

    ahh.... memories... we did not eat the bum sandwich.
  3. b4t0g

    b4t0g Senior Member

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    exactly ie abandon industries ,houses,plants its dangerous at sum points u have to be carefull you dont get hurt but in the end its very pleasing and it brings back great memories and ya sumtimes you have to deal with sum grousum shit depending onthe area {decaying bum bodies} sumtime and other sorta of dead things [/b][/quote]
    Damn dude, im into checkin this kinda stuff out. But decaying bum bodies? Do people actually run into that stuff?
  4. Quadratic

    Quadratic Senior Member

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    i wouldnt be surprised to see a decaying bum

    i would probably be sexually excited

    **edit** only if its a dead fat dude bum
  5. b4t0g

    b4t0g Senior Member

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    ^^^ :lol: thats nasty. Anyone actually run into dead bums though? All I've seen are live ones just eatin ketchup packets and shit.
  6. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    i cant remember the site i was on but sum guy in philly went into a factory and found and man slaughtered in the men bathroom and in another building was maybe sumwhere from 18-23 years of age a girl that was OD'd on the floor with needles in her arm ..was pretty harsh but yes i mean u will find bums cause bum usually live in these types of enviornments so u will prob see some if your really into it.

    another great thing it keep thene buildings in good shape i mean dont go into the build and just start trashing shit specially if a bum does live ther i mean thats the homeboi's crib thats kinda raw and even just be polite about it if u see a bum talk the the dude ask him really if u can just look around just to show a lil respect cause well thats all they have :( kinda sad but just show a lil respect ...cause really most bums are nice if they ask for sum change i mean shit drop em a doller just to look around it dont hurt B)
  7. Quadratic

    Quadratic Senior Member

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    not sure if people know or not but there was a book about this that came out called "Access All Areas" im sure u can get it on Amazon or something.
  8. Mekr4

    Mekr4 Elite Member

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    thats sounds hella tight. me and my best friend are totally into that kinda thing, just fuck around and do your own thing, have fun. we have never really tried it though, but it sounds like it would be fun. anyone know any good places around seattle to get started?
  9. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    just drive aroud man most in liek indrustrial areas ghettos etctec find sum abandond building and go explore it take sum flix and see what you can come up with i find that goin early mornings u gwet the best shots from the light shining throught you can get sum amazing photos of just the smallest thing lieka broken door knob etctec
  10. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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  11. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    nice flix! thats the guy in the bathroom i was talkin about
  12. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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  13. RFI. SPit

    RFI. SPit Moderator

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    those are some nice flix guys. Not alot of places like that to explore here, except for a few small abandoned military outposts.
  14. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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  15. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    nice i lovin that one with the chair
  16. war terror

    war terror Senior Member

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    i wanna do this shit... looks mad fun...
  17. b3aT

    b3aT Member

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    Love this thread..

    theres this abandoned house near this park..

    its a pretty chill spot..

    usually go in there with my friends to go smoke nd what not

    perfect place to practice some art

    ill take some pics once i go there again
  18. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    it tizzz fun
  19. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    such dope flicks in this shit. might be better suited for the picture thread.. but none the less. fuckin ill.
  20. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    stolies! but goood!