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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LongQuan, Nov 16, 2004.

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  1. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Charlie Manson said it best. "The world is just one big fuck."
  2. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    haha, im taking an international studies course on the society and culture of mexico and central america. thats the name of it too...really interesting. if the mayans were right...were fucked. :lol:
  3. swich

    swich Elite Member

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    yeah man! i know ive studied it...and its some pretty scary shit...
    sumthing tells me they were right, so yeah were
  4. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,142
    • Likes Received: 0 learning about mayan mythology right now. its awsome. i just read the popul vuh last week. learning about their technology and everything is mind blowing...
  5. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    like how they had those temple things lined up perfectly with the sun and shit so when it rose they had their calendar with like the shadows made by it and shit or something like that...mad crazy dudes
  6. Zealot

    Zealot Elite Member

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    If there wasn't a God there wouldn't be anything to explain.
  7. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    yea, its nuts. but then again, there are alot of old cultures that did cool calendar stuff like that. Man, i could talk so much about mayan and aztec culture, its so interesting. i dont wanna get into that...cuz thats not the point of the thread.
  8. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    no...fannys right...

    what did indians and ancient civilizations think rain was caused by? god
    what about lightning? god
    the sun? god
    drought? god

    since they didnt have the technology to find out what it really was they used their ignorance to create gods and godesses to please their quest for answers

    find one concrete proof that god exists
  9. Zealot

    Zealot Elite Member

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    Everything in the universe points to a God that created it.
  10. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    find proof that he doesnt exist. Welp there goes your argument huh! religious discussions are pointless because:

    1. Defending your point is dumb because you dont know that you are right.
    2. None of this can be proven.
    3. Nobody gets persuaded
    4. Endless bitching ensues
    5. I dont have a number five
    6. Or a number six.
  11. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Lets all do tons acid, have orgies, and derive sexual pleasure from shooting and or stabbing people in their faces. I'm tellin you man, the universe is just one big fuck.
  12. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    back that up with facts zealot...

    and not the one who believes in god i have nothing to prove, zealot has everything to prove
  13. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    back that up with facts zealot...

    and not the one who believes in god i have nothing to prove, zealot has everything to prove [/b][/quote]
    hey duder, im just playin devils advocate here. But do have something to prove. athiests always say they dont need to prove anything. but come have no reason why you dont believe in a god? thats just as dumb as believing in a god for no reason. either side needs to back it up with something. youre taking the easy way out. he cant prove god exists. you cant prove he doesnt exist. you guys are beating the deadest horse ever.
  14. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    hey duder, im just playin devils advocate here. But do have something to prove. athiests always say they dont need to prove anything. but come have no reason why you dont believe in a god? thats just as dumb as believing in a god for no reason. either side needs to back it up with something. youre taking the easy way out. he cant prove god exists. you cant prove he doesnt exist. you guys are beating the deadest horse ever. [/b][/quote] an agnostic atheist...i havent denounced the presense of god nor have i embraced it...i havent been provided with solid evidence for a god to exist so at the moment i dont have any reason to believe
  15. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    agnostics are lazy...chose one or the other my god

    jk before people get pissy
  16. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    ill just quit while im ahead...goin to bed now

    goodnight all
  17. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,142
    • Likes Received: 0 can you be an agnostic athiest? that doesnt make sense...fuck it im goin to bed too.
  18. Zealot

    Zealot Elite Member

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    hey duder, im just playin devils advocate here. But do have something to prove. athiests always say they dont need to prove anything. but come have no reason why you dont believe in a god? thats just as dumb as believing in a god for no reason. either side needs to back it up with something. youre taking the easy way out. he cant prove god exists. you cant prove he doesnt exist. you guys are beating the deadest horse ever. [/b][/quote]
    The debate between evolution and creation could go on forever. There are many facts for both sides. I can find you a ton of facts if you want but I suggest Darwin's black box by Biochemist Michael Behe as a starting point. Don't believe everything you hear in school.

    Really what it comes down to is why are we here?
    Assuming we did evolve out of nothing:
    Ask yourself this... If humans and our enviroment evolved out of nothing, despite the immense mathematical improbability of it all. Why are you here? What is your purpose to living? Why do you have some 80 odd years to live?

    here are some more Articles in support of Intelligent design.
  19. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    some of the greats knew that alot of their theorys were bullshit in some regards...

    "I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over, but I have got over this stage of the complaint, and now small trifling particulars of structure often make me very uncomfortable. The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick." —*Charles Darwin, in Francis Darwin (ed.), The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1887), p. 296.

    "Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed but rather evolved" Crick


    this is a good website. for however shitty and unprofessional this site looks it brings up alot of good points and it site its sources which is a must for this kinda shit

    some evolution facts:

    the homepage:
  20. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    well u guys keep lookin up at the sky for help and im just gonna be lookin at myself.