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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. FesterMRS

    FesterMRS Member

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    thanks, guys. You've actually helped me. I usually don't take my time on sketches, but i will next time.
  2. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    i think alot of people start out using really jerky little lines when they sketch. Guys- just try slowing it down and work on each letter at a time. Try loosining up your wrist and lettin that shit flow.
  3. m0dem_

    m0dem_ Elite Member

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    well um are you in the seattle, WA area?? cuss he;a local writer. not on BS
  4. LongQuan

    LongQuan Senior Member

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    To all starters:

    People will call you 'toys'
    be not dissuaded by this - it is just a term designed
    to put off those with not enough gumption to continue
    down the graffer path until it is shaken off. It someone
    says your a toy then you are (or they are) simply accept
    this and either carry on progressing or quit.

    Start painting NOW don't wait until you 'get better' any
    experience is still experience! Every line painted is
    another step towards being an ex-toy. Don't worry
    about it not being very good - another graffer will
    feel the same way and helpfully cover it up for you.

    Don't get stuck in a rut - Wildstyle rocks but is it your
    style? Keep searching the path is endless if you stop
    evolving then you'll become extinct.

    Lastly (this is more of a pet hate of mine) try not to
    'go all banksy' and attempt to produce semi artistic
    stencil street. Instead, if you feel compationate about
    something, make fully artistic street art - peeps can
    tell the difference.

    So have fun and don't just accept the things I've said -
    think them over and choose to agree or disagree.

    To quote a modern prophet:

    "the problem is choice"

  5. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

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    well um are you in the seattle, WA area?? cuss he;a local writer. not on BS[/b][/quote]
    Yep, seattle WA, little south, u know the area... ive seen some of ur tags around
  6. m0dem_

    m0dem_ Elite Member

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    Yep, seattle WA, little south, u know the area... ive seen some of ur tags around [/b][/quote]
    haha koo well im no actully in the seattle area but i know my homeboy "rime" is im in federl way ..? i rep "kik" and go by "motik"

    PM mee
  7. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

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    I go by rust, i suck way to much to do much more than sketch and im too new to rep anything... im WAY to linear, so im workin on it before i ever go out and put anything on the streets... but yea i know rime from school. hes been helpin me with my style cause as i said earlier i suck and i need all the help i can get... im right around the Kentral way area, i see rime everyday... in fact i could talk to him on an IM rite now
  8. m0dem_

    m0dem_ Elite Member

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    well thats smart of you..diss town is already coverd in meaningless graff.... so yea keep up the sketching and ......yea i can IM him
  9. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    i agree with some extent (sp)

    -as for the word "Toy"...the word its-self...its dead....meaningless, people use the word way 2 much..wich killed it..
    If someone calls you toy, fuck it. dont pay attention, its their ego talking, when you get to a point in graffiti your ego just blows up, you think you are the best...etc... so just brush it off and do your thing.....

    -yes, start painting....but not the town....find a chill place where you can practice. trust one wants to see "toy" shit all up and around the city...i agree with LongQuan, everytime you paint you learn new stuff....but till you get a bit good....dont hit up the streets. *buy a couple pieces of it and practice there in your backyard..., it helps*

    -Wildstyle does look nice...and like LongQuan said...its not for everyone...i see people these days trying to pull off wild styles and it dosent even feel/look right..why? because its not their style....wild style is not for everyone....who knows, maybe if you get well at your style enough, kids will start to copy you. and forget all about wildstyle...hahaa :lol:

    -and last. my own personal original....graffiti is for you...its supposed 2 be an extention of you...when people see a style they say...."oh theres ____"....or they know someone did a certain piece just cuz of the takes years to get style...dont give up.....even after you think you found your style, it evolves in to something greater later on...sooo just practice... and who knows..maybe in 10-20 years you might be the one who sets the new bar on graffiti... :ph34r:

    peaz&carrotz people...till next time..

    *its tired...i suck at spelling...both aint a good mix..
  10. h4ck

    h4ck New Member

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  11. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    ur 3d on the first piece is off
  12. m0dem_

    m0dem_ Elite Member

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    yea jus work on your 3-d
  13. BullshitTantrum

    BullshitTantrum Elite Member

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    damn did you make that first line up all by yourself?

    anyways, your sketch is ok, you should try to make your letters flow together and use more than one color so you can distinguish the letters better. keep on sketchin. nothin comes overnight.
  14. snag

    snag Senior Member

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  15. m0dem_

    m0dem_ Elite Member

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    i like how you at least started simple....jsut keep on skeatching'll evolve
  16. yuki

    yuki Elite Member

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    I found a post that someone started about being a toy and needing help right above this one on the list. That sux. If peepz would just use their eyes they would know to utilize this post. Oh well.
  17. h4ck

    h4ck New Member

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    thanks for the input fellas
  18. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    the curve on the top of the end of the R is curved and the line above it isnt, it doesnt match.
  19. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    ok i am thinking of doing some art type graffiti stuff on the walls of my room and ive never done graffiti before. I am really good at drawing the stuff in my notebook but ive never done anything with a can. if i can draw can i use a can? also what kind of respirator should i use? and what paint should i use?
  20. m0dem_

    m0dem_ Elite Member

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    post sum of your sketches...and yea you have a very long way to go..... a can is tottaly diffrent...all thought many peolple think its easy...its not. i suggest you buy sum ply wood,paint it with bucket paint...and start practice...and as for your resp. any thing with filters wuld work... alos rusto or krylon wuld be a good choice you can buy those anyware...but becues your going to b practicing..i suggest you go to your local wallmart. and buy their cheap arsole paint...its only 98 cents....and it wuld save yout tonz of cash....