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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    and it all about england....seriously what the dogg got to do wid paint??
  2. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    also u use different capps for different things like bombing and taggin u use a fatt cap.
  3. saucy

    saucy Senior Member

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    yo, i just got my name taken away and they no who i am! so im experimenting with a new name : guero, but cum up blank every time i try to comeup with a style! can any1 point me out in the right direction with a sig or throwie plz? much appreciated
  4. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Honestly, so many people go about choosing a name all wrong...

    Quick lesson little homies....

    Q= What's the most important element of a tag?
    A= The Styyyyyle!

    You can pick the freshest name in the world with the deepest significance to you....but if you can't write it with the over.... That's why you see cat's with retarded nonsensicle names... Cuzz they could write it with the def, def style ( and cuzz it wasn't taken...)

    So why is it so often that you see cats sayin "I got my ill name now, but I can't write it", or this name is so fresh but I suck at those letters"?....

    Everybody's so anxious to get up, but it doesn't do you ANY good to get up with a wack wack tag, only harm.... Work your alphabet over and over. Develope your style. Pick out the 4-6 letters you write the best and try them in different combinations until you find one that has......

    THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF A TAG.....FLOW! and flow go hand and hand. Hope that helps.. ;)

    [Broken External Image]:
  5. ToXiK

    ToXiK Member

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    wise words from Cezr. I hate it when people say stuff like "what kind of name is that?" or "what the hell does that mean? that's gay!". Graffiti isn't about caring about if the letters sound cool when said, it's all about expression on a wall.
  6. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    people u gonna change ur tagg anyway, so it done matter...
  7. glass

    glass Senior Member

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    i just wanna be sure that i'm practicing the right way, so when you guys say work on simples by just writing over and over you just mean doing this right?


    by the way the picture is negative cause i thought it was easier to read that way
  8. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    yeh just put abit more style in it, cuz ur s, r , t and many more dey just look normal...
  9. BEEZ<---631

    BEEZ<---631 Member

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    any one recomend what kinda caps are good and clean to do a outline on a piece..thanks
  10. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    I've had the same tag since 92...... :huh:
  11. Necro-

    Necro- Senior Member

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    ive changed my name a lot but i want to keep this one. ive developed the letters far and like the way it sounds. win win
  12. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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  13. whoarethereal evil

    whoarethereal evil Elite Member

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    whts up wit drast

    thts a coool name
  14. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    this aint no tag form...
  15. bouncingsoul

    bouncingsoul Elite Member

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    Ha, I remember I wanted to write Newt a couple weeks (maybe months?) ago... You're Newt handie looks sooooolid
  16. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    whoaretherealevil, yeah I don't mind drast but I'd rather have a name with four letter and I don't like the way the 'R' sits next to the 'D'.

    shamee1991, it wasn't about the tag, more about the name.

    bouncingsoul, yeah I used to write 'Newt' aaaaaaaaaaaaages ago, that's why it looks better than most of them (remember when you asked if anyone famous already wrote it I told you when I was writing it I looked into it?)
  17. IdontWriteThis

    IdontWriteThis New Member

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    Hey me and a couple of my friends have been writing for a while here in portland. We were thinking about starting a crew called "ides of March" or IOM. Is anyone big writing that or is it taken blah bla? I know there's some sail boat crew called isle of man or w/e

    **Edit: I searched and nothing came up on google but you can never be to shur
  18. Truth.

    Truth. Senior Member

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    why not RAST? i like the way your name flows
  19. Stevie

    Stevie Senior Member

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  20. glass

    glass Senior Member

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    there's a marker called the New York City Mop which is wicked drippy, i'm pretty sure that's the marker for that.

    NYC Mop

    try that, hope it helps