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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. joker00

    joker00 Elite Member

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  2. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Its all about hot railin the kief
  3. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    Share1, all i can say buddy, is settle down , big balla, leave the exctasy making to the people with the "Reciept" maybe you should do like all the other money making gang stars, and so sell some shitty weed at the movies .

    and the keif... Mmmm Mmmm Dee Licious! i would keep a gram or so to top off bowls, and press the jelous if you saved that up, i can never save my shit for so long, i find myself 2 days without smoking, and an oppurtunity to bake at my house and im scraping my grinder and picking stem corners...

  4. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    god damn it whos fucking arm is this?

    i need my percosets.

    OSET RAGE!!!!!11
  5. scr3w

    scr3w Senior Member

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    you REALLY post too much.

    and your sig annoys me.
  6. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    its annoying if you just browse over it quickly and ignore it

    but once you actually read it, you chuckle a little

    at least i did
  7. scr3w

    scr3w Senior Member

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    i wouldn't insult it without knowing what is consists of.

    i read it, it's stupid. enough said.
  8. [ERK1]

    [ERK1] Member

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    Fuck A bong fuck a pipe give me a grape swisher sweet and its a done deal...
  9. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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  10. Kingz514

    Kingz514 Elite Member

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    aw, pic didnt work for me
    just bought an eighth, not sure if its a good count.
    i need a scale
  11. Small Time Crook

    Small Time Crook Senior Member

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    So I'm gonna put smoking off for a little bit and save up every bit of cash I get for two reasons.
    1.) I got shit to pay (court fine, and now AOL is wanting money from me)
    2.) I just want to buy a fat fucking bag.

    So I was doing some math and in two months time I'll have close to $270 (this is after paying off AO-Hell)

    How much herb can I get for that amount? I know this one guy that says he'll sell me half on O for $200, but that just seems pretty pricey for half an O. I don't know, help me out guys.

    Should I go for it or save up longer for something bigger?

    I'm also considering a pipe and/or bong.
  12. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    id say get a nice roor and then get like 2 eighths
  13. 32rider32

    32rider32 Senior Member

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    200 a half o? i hope it's haze or something of equal brute force, it's in just some whatever kb then 200 is definitely too much a half.
  14. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Fuck all that, get your money's worth and buy 10 industrial sized containers of nut meg from costco and eat it all.
  15. otrfatcap

    otrfatcap Senior Member

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    yea but imagine how much coricidins he could get for that much money...
  16. scr3w

    scr3w Senior Member

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    that made sense.
  17. 32rider32

    32rider32 Senior Member

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    hahaha wow sorry guys i guess i didn't re-read that or something, pretty high right now haha

    what i meant to say was if it's just some kb.......and so on.
  18. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    or imagine how much benadryl he could get :drools:

    ...oh wait, you wern't joking were you? yeah dude triple C's are genious, you wont die from them or anything...stop being a pussy and just chug a bottle or two or robo max strength with the only active ingredient being dextromethorphan, then at least you know itll be safe tripping
  19. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    someone ban him please, i mean arn't computers supposed to be smart? they should not allwo someone to write the words "FUCK A BONG" ever, unless its some kinky stoner fetish porn thing
  20. Stear(Stare)

    Stear(Stare) Senior Member

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    or imagine how much benadryl he could get :drools:

    ...oh wait, you wern't joking were you? yeah dude triple C's are genious, you wont die from them or anything...stop being a pussy and just chug a bottle or two or robo max strength with the only active ingredient being dextromethorphan, then at least you know itll be safe tripping [/b][/quote]
    were you being serious about the drooling over benadryl? ive been sorta on edge for a couple days about whether to do it or not and finally realized i was being a bitch and got 15 waitin to be taken tommorow at school. cause if its not good or it sucks or something i wont bother. cause ive heard the whole spectrum from a lot of people on the experiance, from super tight, to completely gay.