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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. SCOPE2

    SCOPE2 Senior Member

    • Messages: 416
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    he gave you directions
  2. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    well...a nice funny moment!...
  3. South-Pole

    South-Pole Elite Member

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    Scope- Chill out on the beef with Shame. The 125 post day was rediculous, but he was suspended for 5 days and told not to do it again. I monitor his posts and they've all been pretty reasonable today, so there's no reason to start a fight with the kid. [/b][/quote]
    i didn't know why many people had fucking prick has no life for a sig,but now i get it lol
  4. DankNC

    DankNC Guest

    man, nc needs more artists, im a straight up toy, and im looked up too like im the best, its actually pretty sad. i want to have a crew war, but their aint no other crews
  5. dim

    dim Elite Member

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    what do u guys use to fade or blend ur colours together when you are doing a sketch?
  6. ''HAZE'' *88*

    ''HAZE'' *88* Senior Member

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    the cheap way is just to use colored pencils for just a sketch, but if you where gunna enter a battle or something then you would have to go get some of dem fancy markers..theres several different brands you can get tho..TouchTwins are good and theres like 140 shades of every colour..but for the best of the best you want COPICS...
  7. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    copics are very not cheap. could us a blender
  8. dim

    dim Elite Member

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    yeah i have prismas and twins
    and i have tried to use the prisma colorless blender and it doesnt acctualy blend it just makes the color like alot more transparent so transparent that if u put ur hand on the other side of the page u will be able to see it from the front
    i think maybe i was just putting it on to heavily
    but if u guys have any more tips on this question i would realy appriciate it
  9. faime

    faime Senior Member

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    aurora needs more graff

  10. Gist

    Gist Senior Member

    • Messages: 59
    • Likes Received: 0 in this site on the second video down at the end the guy writes like mad amount of names and crews n shit. whuts that for to give respect or somthn?
  11. [breakout]-azer

    [breakout]-azer Senior Member

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    not sure wat u on about but on some of those vids they lay dwn some nice shit
  12. Hot_Pocket

    Hot_Pocket Senior Member

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    He put down all the names and crew because those are the people that are in his crews, and those are the crews he's in. I think?
  13. [N01R]

    [N01R] Member

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    Umm i was just wondering if you rack some shit and youve got money to pay for it like and they catch you can you just be like ooops and give em thecash?
  14. slEEt

    slEEt Elite Member

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  15. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    No, that stuff works great, but if you don't know how to use it, leave it alone. I've seen some wicked flicks of kids fingers melted all to shit. It's disgusting... Seriously. Remember the scene in Fight Club were Norton gets the acid on his hand? It can get a WHOLE lot worse then that...

    Damnit... I had the chance to pick up 80 copies of A Day In The Lyfe issue #4 for 70 bucks today and passed it up out of laziness... I coulda made a grip of loot off that.... <_< I'm thinkin about opening up a sub store in a local music store that caters to graff shit. They already have a skateboard shop and a head shop in there. A graff booth would be pretty hot. I'm sitting on a nice chunk of cash to invest, so this might be a nice time to start stocking up shit and do my thing. :)
  16. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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  17. ASB_ONE

    ASB_ONE Senior Member

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    yeh man i been wanting to start up graff supplies for a while, might start up an ebay shop or somit.
  18. AcuTe1-StaSHBoy

    AcuTe1-StaSHBoy Senior Member

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    is there anyone who's in philly that know where to get some stuff from a seccluded place nuthin like home depot or that shyt just sumthing like cezr ones talikng about
  19. slEEt

    slEEt Elite Member

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    I think I need to get the dipping solution because this cream is too thick. Yeah i've read some stories about it getting on skin and burning people. That's why I don't even open the bottle without gloves..
  20. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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    etch will even burn through the gloves man so like be CAREFUL!