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Step Bi Step

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by CHILLEN905, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Steez

    Steez Senior Member

    • Messages: 220
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    I believe it was said in the inks topic that...

    The only reason why dot3 brakefluid (or any brakefluid for that fact) makes it stain harder, is because it takes longer to dry.

    Clearly, if it's still liquidy, it'd probably be more corrosive(sp?) to the surface it is on.
  2. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    dot 3 brake fluid is a corrosive it just slows down drying time as well leaern your shit all yall .
  3. fuqqdiqq

    fuqqdiqq Senior Member

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  4. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    ay man i didnt approve your topic becasue theres already a wheat paste topic, And the step by step. i was gonna message you to post it in one of thoes but i forgot, my bad
  5. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    Bump, don't let this thread die

    I'll get a guide up in a few days
  6. inert

    inert Member

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  7. alive

    alive Banned

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    its been posted a million times, and its not worth the effort
  8. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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    yeah, that was posted like 2 years ago n shit
  9. RustyBurrito

    RustyBurrito Senior Member

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    Many people can't seem to figure out how to make these so I figured I would throw together a little tutorial.

    1 Kiwi shoe polish bottle (leather brown scuff cover for easier cleaning but it really doesnt matter)
    1 can of oil based rustoleum bucket paint (whatever color you want)
    1 coat hangar/toothpick/fork

    OPTIONAL: a funnel or something to make it easier to get the paint into the mop

    Now after you gather these materials (all can be found at walmart) it's time to get to work

    STEP 1
    Look at your shoe polish bottle. This will be your new mop.
    View attachment 269828
    There you see the shoe polish bottle. I prefer the slim ones because they are easier to pocket.

    STEP 2
    Take the nib off the shoe polish bottle. Just grab the white plastic and twist and pull. It's easy to get off. Do not just rip the foam off like an idiot.
    View attachment 269829

    STEP 3
    Empty and clean out the bottle. You want to make sure you get all the shoe polish out so rinse it a couple times until no more colored water is coming out. Also make sure you shake the water out when your done.
    View attachment 269830

    STEP 4
    Before you do anything else take a look at the nib. You will see a little green thing. This is where the coat hangar or whatever comes into play. You want to pry that bad boy out because it will restrict paint flow. Some people leave theirs in but I like to take it out because it just makes everything work better.
    View attachment 269831
  10. RustyBurrito

    RustyBurrito Senior Member

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    STEP 5
    Once you get all the water out of your mop and everything is clean it's time to move into the paint. This is what you want right here. In the spray paint section at walmart you can find these tiny little cans about half the size of the shoe polish bottle. Cheap and easy to rack of thats what you prefer.
    View attachment 269832

    STEP 6
    Shake up the paint real good and mix it around with a popsicle stick or something. Now you want to pour it into the shoe polish bottle. You might want to put it into a paper cup or something first so it wont get all over when you put it in the mop. This is pretty self explanatory so I dont feel like taking a picture. I would only fill it up about 3/4 of the way just so it wont make a mess as easily when you put it into action.

    STEP 7
    Shove the nib back in and give it a shake or two. NOW YOUR READY TO GO! I would advise testing it out on a board first because its going to be a lot drippier then what you expect. You dont have to squeeze it a ton to get nasty drips.

    Here are some pics of the end result
    View attachment 269833
    View attachment 269834
    View attachment 269835
  11. CrankTIA

    CrankTIA Member

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    nice tut...i gotta try making on of those...does it ever leak out of the cap, or when you turn it upside down comes out, so when you open the cap it gets all over everyhting?
  12. -kosr-

    -kosr- Senior Member

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    It comes out nicer if you thin it atleast somewhat.
  13. RaZoR123

    RaZoR123 Senior Member

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    Mini Roller?

    Does anybody have a guide on how to make like a mini roller? I searched the forum, and i once saw a picture of one...ill try to find it ...but it was like the size of a pen but a little bigger, and had a mini roller on the end...ah hell...anybody have a guide?
  14. fnt

    fnt Senior Member

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    here's a repost of a tutorial from stencil revolution, lucky I archived before google's cached version died

    Written by Crozzy

    ok so lets say your a toy, youve asked your 10 questions about spray adhesive and over spray, and youve also swallowed your pride about being caught (recent few threads ) and you want to paint. for some reason or another you can only afford / find MALE cans... thats right that shitty old system that no caps are made for and the italic stocks (like those on white knight squirts) suck big time for fills and outlines (ok for outlines with italic piece taken out).

    so you make some ghetto female fat caps to go destroy your neighbourhood with your cheap (little bit cheaper than mtn ) paint.

    these are three orange dot ghetto female caps
    View attachment 282129

    ok so get all your materials set up, you need:
    View attachment 282130
    a METAL coathanger, the standard ones you get anywhere, a lighter, a female stock cap (i tend to used old ones), and your desired cap to be given a sex change (mine is an orange dot)

    whip out your lighter and heat up the end of the coathanger
    View attachment 282131
    you can also probably untwist the hanger but thats pretty pointless

    once its good and hot quickly grab your female stock cap and shove the sucker onto the hot metal wire
    View attachment 282132
    NOTE: the wire is meant to go through the opening of the cap where the male part of the paint can goes, but you shove the wire right through so it makes a hole in the top

    pull off the cap before it gets too cool to move easy, and you may need to heat up the wire again and shove it back through the hole you made ontop of the stock cap, make it a touch bit wider and make it hot, so you can put on your male cap into the hole in the top
    View attachment 282133
    squish it all the way down so its in there good and tight, and it should be fairly tight to push in, this is good so it has a better seal and less leakage

    View attachment 282134
    theres your special made female fat cap on your tin ready to bomb

    as far as i know you can do this to almost any male cap, including tuxans and other little caps. the added height is a little weird but you get used to it, and it sure as hell beats trying to fill in letters with skinnies.
  15. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    Nice post. Now all you bitches quick asking how to mod you caps!!
  16. Kacee

    Kacee New Member

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    That is awesome im gonna try that once i get better
  17. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    One thing you should mention is plugging up the original hole in the female cap, otherwise they squirt like a bitch.

    Also got any pics of how it sprays? I've made these before and the work fucking great for skinny caps, but the fat caps never work well, they just spray high pressure and medium sized. Annoying.
  18. Writenamehere

    Writenamehere Member

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    when you plunge hot wire thru the cap, original hole in female cap melts closed
  19. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    Don't post how to make one please. Some of these people can't even figure out what a mop is........

    They shouldn't worry about Etch yet.
  20. Tagger101

    Tagger101 Senior Member

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    u take a needle and light the tip (wear a glove kuz if you paid any attention in science youd no what conduction or wahtever that is called is haha)
    stick it in the whole and wiggle it side to side or up and down or kitty corner just in tottally oposing directions
    do this a few times and make it nice so it dont spatter
    there you have yourself a caligraphy (ghetto of course)


    u cut the lil slit bigger at the bottom then u do as in the caligraphy but you wiggle in the full circle every wich way keep testing


    find a saline soulition bottle (or nasal spray from a pharmacy)
    take cap of and pop the tip off and empty
    take the tube out
    cut off the tip with about three fourths inch reamaning
    find a socko around somewhere and cut about a inch wide strip by about four inches long
    fold about an inch over on the side you dont want to use for the "nib" so there touching
    then roll that sucka tight TIGHT
    stuff it trhough the bottom and push through with something (i used end of a nail clipper)
    the pull it through withabout an inch showing
    fill bottle with ink
    stick the danglin sock into the bottle and drip some ink on the nib
    turn upside down and squeeeze
    TADAAA you have your self a killer mop

    Sorry for no pictures
    me mp4/digi cam got stepped on so cant use it
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2007