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Wheatpasting 'n Posters

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by DNA, Nov 19, 2004.

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  1. Murder817Worth

    Murder817Worth Senior Member

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    Hey did u just draw them pandas then go over it with a sharpie or what?
  2. mosdef

    mosdef Member

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    the best is working at printing store, i'm going to be making madddddd posters
  3. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    I explained my Wheatpasting poster methods earlier in this thread, but yea whateva..

    I use my version of a Ghetto projector and take a smaller scale I drew a while back and expand the image over a large paper surface, outline with pencil, then fill in with DECO COLOR black paint markers. Works Fantastic!

    Have fun
  4. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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  5. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Just so you know, there really isn't anything wrong with using magnum or most permanent markers (NO PRISMAS THO). I should go down the street and flick a poster I got that's been up for 6 months now, and it hasn't even faded. Magnums are in my experience okay for the most part for LONG periods of time. But if you wanna use paint, you're garaunteed good results too I imagine. Do they make the posters heavy at all?

    Thanks for all the love in your sig by the way homie. ;)
  6. 14nick

    14nick Senior Member

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    lovin this wheat pasting shit.

    might start some.

    quetsions tho:

    pplz mostly draw charecters or what??

    and for code_sucht what "ghetto projector" ??

    if theres a cheap way 2 get a projecter can any 1 tell me? :) thanks
  7. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    Man I love this Thread! <3

    My Penguin is sitting outside drying on its first layer of clear coat right now..

    As far as I know, the deco's dont really make the posters heavy at all, it seems to be the clear coat that will make them stiff, in whatever fold you put them in.

    C3zr, I can't give you enough props, bro
    Your shit still schools whatever I've got!

    My ghetto projector is this..

    I trace my shit onto a peice of plexi glass large enough to be mounted so that I can enlarge the picture on the wall.

    I enlarge the picture by taking a bright flash light and putting it behind the plexi glass.

    I can move the plexi glass farther away from or closer to the flash light. You'll simply find that the closer you get, the larger the image gets.

    I outline the image onto the paper (or sticker) and them when I am done with that, I draw it in with the Deco color marker. I find that the lighter the color, the more visible the penciling is going to be through the paint. So you will just have to find your own way through that little problem there.

    That deco color black covers pen and pencils with no problem!

    Good luck to all on your Poster and we wanna see FLIX! :)
  8. CHUB

    CHUB Senior Member

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    anyone ever use golden harvest wall paper paste? its the shit and its cheap as hell, most hardware stores carry it and i got a box for like 3.50. the only bitch is that u got make up ure own ratios cause there only instructions is that for the whole bag u gotta have 8 pints of water, so if u use like 5 tablespoons and a cup of water that shit works pretty good
  9. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    I haven't had much luck with it personally. It's either too thick or too thin for my taste and it peels on me quite a bit, but I always keep a couple boxes on hand in case I don't have time to cook paste. Shepard Fairey swears by it tho, so it's gotta be good stuff if you get it right. He adds an expensive fixative to it for longer lasting results tho.
  10. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    Some finished wheat pasting posters.
    Yard stick thrown in for perspective..
    Those in the top row are all curving on themselves because I kept them in a tube for transportation for a while and never got around to using them.

    all hand made
  11. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    Missunderstanding, my bad
  12. Klone

    Klone Senior Member

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    Enlarging Stencil Tutorial

    ^^I made this some time ago because I needed something bigger in order to make life size stencils. I didn't have a projector at the time, so i just used the same concept of it. I suggest you don't ust regular computer paper or whatnot when u wheat paste. UNles your wheat paste is strong enuff to hold it up. I had this picture of KATO that I used to and wheat pasted on this electrical box. And it lasted a good 3-4 days till the rain kicked in and it just came off like wet toilet paper. Some still is stickin on there. I suggest you use newspaper material. Like the ones you find in art stores or w/e. The thinner, the better it sticks. I got these wheat pastes of Marylin Monroe thats been stickin up since October. Ink is still fresh, its still sitten there as if nottin happened to it. And we've had a mixture of snow, rain, and all that from time to time and it's still up there. Tearin it off is a bitch too, so i guess thats a thumbside up. I would also suggest, laying a thin layer of acrrylick over the wheat paste. It lamenates it and keeps it a little more weather proof as well.
  13. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    I suggested doing the same thing with acryllic clear coat and I got called a dumb "toi" fuck by some guy with two posts.

    That is all basically the same thing I had said before in both here and the stickers thread but Thanks for the input because maybe they'll listen to you, god knows they dont listen to anything I try to offer..
  14. Tri1

    Tri1 Senior Member

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    Man i might try wheat pasting since i cant get my hands on cans o'r decent markes its probablly the best thing i can do at the moment.
  15. Walters

    Walters Senior Member

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    ai175.photobucket.com_albums_w123_walters247_100_0308.jpg ai175.photobucket.com_albums_w123_walters247_100_0304.jpg ai175.photobucket.com_albums_w123_walters247_100_0306.jpg
    one of them is on alight post one on the top of a bilbord and one on the busyist intersection in my town B)
    i like the penguin and kuala bear nice shit man min are kinda toy
  16. MoLD

    MoLD Senior Member

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    i think its a panda bear

    yours are pretty nice i think theyre good

    just gotta make em bigger

    like 3 ft tall
    and cut out the white background
  17. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    It has clean lines, whatever it is, lol

    Use a ghetto projector to make em bigger and put more detail into it, unless it has no chin, lol

    Thanks for the props on all my stuff everybody
    It's a Panda bear and a Penguin
  18. Tri1

    Tri1 Senior Member

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    This might sound a really toy question but whats a ghetto projector. Is it one of those thing were you put a transparent piece of plastic with the pic on it and it sines it on to wall o'r paper but bigger?
  19. Code_sucht

    Code_sucht Banned

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    No biggie,

    Just look about a page back or so through my posts and you'll find instructions and everything on my version of the projector boards.

    Any other questions, just pm me
  20. WaCKO

    WaCKO Member

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    cezr it sounds like u saw that bonus thing of the obey giant on some scratch dvd.. w.e thats what i saw and it changed me.. so i blew up some posters, copped some golden harvest, and im going out tonight but i wanna know how long the mixture will stay as a consistent glue like in a container.. i prolly wont make the whole bag and ill prolly put it in a micky d's cup or squirt bottle or some shit.. but just for reference.. how long will golden harvest paste be storable??