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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aCId II nz, Oct 23, 2004.

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  1. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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    what the fuck is up with all this rascism???
  2. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    haha i actually laughed at a good deal of those racist jokes. then again i laugh at this one:

    michael jackson to another pedophile: ill trade u 2 fives for a 10.

    or whats the best thing about fucking twentyeight yr olds?

    theres 20 of em...

    doesnt mean im a racist pedophile lol!

    and u go around calling canada a racist contry blablabla...

    how come we hardly have ne serious hate crimes? how come europe has ALOT of them?

    maybe u misstook canada for another country?

    back in the day canada was known as Free Land for black and mulato ppl seeking freedom from slavery. if u could make it to canada u where free. never read the stories of slaves undertaking the long south to north journey?

    im very much against racism... but when u start getting all heated up over some jokes your pushing it too far.

    its like ppl who dislike blacks. ok fine dont like black ppl. but keep it to yourself. when they start cussing em out etc etc... thats taking it too far. so if u dont approve or find our jokes funny then fine, make a post about, explain your point of view... then move on.

    making it an obsession and becoming vehement about the subject wont convice ppl u are right, instead u are making ppl rebel and act even more racist just too piss you off....
  3. TIONZ_ER!

    TIONZ_ER! Elite Member

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    im not racist... just scared of 75 % of all blacks because they randomly come in big sizes here in texas and talk alot of crap for nothing... someone like me that 6' 160 has no chance against them :D but ya there are alot of good black writers too... just look at chillen.. his ish is ill...

    btw.. waster them jokes had me crakin up!
  4. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    :lol: :lol: at least one of my 7431 posts was funny!
  5. TIONZ_ER!

    TIONZ_ER! Elite Member

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    i been here almost as long as you and im still in the 200's geez!
  6. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    what did the woman on the beach say to michael jackson?

    'scuse me mate ur in my son'

    a man on his way home see's a priest stranded so he offerz him a lift on the way home the man sees a nigger on the pavement normally he would run him down but today he just swerves because of the priest and the man hears a loud 'THUD!' he turns around and says 'what was that' to the priest the priest replies 'you missed the black bastard so i opened my door'

    Garfield the movie has been rated 18 apparantly theres alot of pussy in it
  7. TIONZ_ER!

    TIONZ_ER! Elite Member

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    haha i like the preist one :D
  8. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    ya ive heard that priest one like 6-8 yrs ago haha

    garfied one wsa good also hehe

    and if u add my 2-3 thousand posts i had b4 the forums crashed...
  9. TIONZ_ER!

    TIONZ_ER! Elite Member

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    wish i had the chance to be here before it crashed... i heard there were some hardkore writers on here back in the day!
  10. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    ya there was.... plus i was the lil toy bitching at ppl for not liking my sketches hahah!
  11. TIONZ_ER!

    TIONZ_ER! Elite Member

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  12. yuki

    yuki Elite Member

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    A young couple was out carousing one evening. While driving down the highway, the guy says to the girl, "If I go 100 miles and hour, will you take off all your clothes?" She agrees and he begins to speed up. When the speedometer hits 100 she starts to strip. When she gets all her clothes off, he is so busy staring at her that he drives off the road and flips the car over. The girl is thrown clear without a scratch but her clothes and her boyfriend are trapped in the car. "Go get help," he pleads. She replies, "I can't, I'm naked." He points to his shoe that was thrown clear and says, "Cover your crotch with that and go get help from that gas station down the road." She takes the shoe, covers herself between the legs, and runs to the gas station down the road. When she arrives, she is frantic and yells to the attendant, "Help!Help! My boyfriend's stuck!" The attendant looks down at the shoe covering her crotch and replies with some astonishment, "I think it's too late... he's too far in!"

    I might start copy and pastin' these more often, they're kinda funny.
  13. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    a man is at the bar chattin 2 another man the posh man says'i bought my wife a bentley to go to the horse races in a rolls royce to go to dinner and a mercedeez for going around town in' the other man replies 'i bought my wife a dildo and a pair of slippers, so if she dont like the slippers she can go fuck herself'
  14. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    a man walks into a bar and goes up to a woman, "the names bond" he says. she says "let me guess, james bond".
    "no" he replies,
    "uni-bond, iv come to fill ur crack"
  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    Battle of the toys is a joke.
  16. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    haha, good one
  17. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    why did the women cross the street?

    why'd she even leave the kitchen
  18. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    a man goes into a chineese resteraunt and says 'hey you'
    the chineese man replies'how u know my name'
  19. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    this 1 iz for all u from the uk and know about the cockel-pickers that died in morcambe bay

    The chineese cockel pickers were told 2 come in when the tide reaches knee high but kneehigh was in the van
  20. bruce

    bruce Elite Member

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    glue im not starting shit with you but you sound like a white middle class kid. im from montreal and i know theres racism here aplenty. whether its language based or ethnic based it exists.