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Markers That mucho sucko

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by sKope, May 23, 2004.

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  1. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    i just realized why the magnum was worse that i remembered, the kid who had it used it on cement before i used it and like it tore up the nib. but whatever, i dont know why i just posted this

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    i only use ym magnum on cement..i dont giv a shit about it because it SUCKS on im just fuckin it up since i have caused me 2 stiches to -_- fuckin magnums
  3. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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    the first bomb i ever did was with a magnum, the first bomb is always a nice true black but they get a little shady after that, anyone that doesnt like meanstreaks can go fuck themselves and find me a better marker that writes on rusted metal. tagstars sucks only because they dont have a pump system and in that sense there basically the same as magnums just with a 30m nib, my personal favorite is my pilot with homemade ink

    (india ink,otr hard to buff ink,higgins ink, black bucket paint, paint thinner,etch bath, dot 3 brake fluid)

    the trick with pilots is to replace the inside ink absorber thing with a ripped of piece of chalkboard eraser(it hold more ink) then add as much ink as you posibly can and that thing will run like hell

    its nice if your looking for the 6-8 inch drips
  4. Ketamine

    Ketamine Senior Member

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    Yeh.. "Painters" markers are easy to buff... BUT, when I first racked some I opened em up and hit the top of a nice garbage can, it's still there and that was like a month ago, didn't fade or anything... SO I mean, if it's not gonna get buffed they are worth it.
  5. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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    what the fuck are these "paniters" markers, are the the deco colors, the zigs, the permaques or what?
  6. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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  7. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    That is one fucking huge nib. :lol:
  8. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    I'm still a toy, but I gotta agree, mags smell like shit. I had a sticker in my bag that I made the back of it with a mag and it made my whole class smell like shit....
  9. Seek

    Seek Member

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    lol! sharpies for bombs?! you'd be there all day! anyone who actually uses a marker for bombs is mad toy and should stick to paper IMO.

    i usually use Sharpies just for drawin pieces on stickers. even on paper labels the ink fades quick and isn't very permanent.

  10. Ketamine

    Ketamine Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    The ones in the middle are painters (sorry for the fuzzy pic)
    They have a nib about the size of a normal sharpie, they aren't great, but they aren't bad.

    They ARE waterbased though, these aren't the paint markers your used to.
  11. kyer

    kyer Senior Member

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    wow ur a dumbshit, who the fuck dosnt like a streak. some people shouldnt be able to have an opinion.
  12. tronz.

    tronz. Elite Member

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    meanstreaks have less control, but last forever.
  13. Ketamine

    Ketamine Senior Member

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    My Staples doesn't even sell meanstreaks...
  14. hitshit89

    hitshit89 Senior Member

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    mine staples dont have them either if u live by a raindew they usually have tham thats were i got mine :ph34r:
  15. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    the only markes I can find are sharpies and painters, and mags....
    any ideas where to get good ones? I'mma try to make some....
  16. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    sucky ass markers they last like for 3 days and then they fade i just use the shitty ink for home made funky colors they horribly suck ass and they are just labeled painters no specific brand
  17. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

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    markers that suck are sharpies but a good marker is tha otr .070 h2b
  18. random victim

    random victim Senior Member

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    uni posca paint pens suck bollox, there bright but they faid in a week and are easy as fuck to buff :angry:
  19. Ketamine

    Ketamine Senior Member

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    They suck, but they dont fade... We hit stop signs like a month ago and there still there.
  20. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    thats because their water based. I added white UNI w100 ink to it, and a little pilot, and it stays better (and a little oil). Try it its kinda cool, makes a darkish pink color.