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Tips On How To Get Out Of A Bad Situation

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kaz1, Apr 22, 2006.

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  1. allcitybomber

    allcitybomber Senior Member

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    heres an idea. DONT GET IN A BAD SITUATION. know your surroundings.
  2. gamf

    gamf Member

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    that just doesnt make an sence at all even if u kno ur surroundinz there could always be someone walkin by or there could be a cop in his car goin to the local donut shop or watever so even if u are aware its still not as easy as just "not gettin in a bad situation"
  3. Hazbin

    Hazbin New Member

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    if they see ye finsih up and walk away quickly running draws more attention. but if they walk toward ye finish it and qalk away they grab ye they take a swing or sumthing get the fuck outt there!
  4. pocket change

    pocket change Senior Member

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    this is the stupidest thread. scope good you dumb fucks. someone runs up you fucking run. is it that hard? no!
  5. younopewho

    younopewho Member

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    Usually, especially with abandoned buildings, you only have to worry about getting in. Once you're inside, you're good, and if somebody sees you leaving, who cares?

    What works almost 100% of the time is to act like you belong there, no matter where you are. As long as you're not acting all sketchy and suspicious, people will usually ignore you. Unless you live in a hick town like some of you on here. You have to remember that the majority of people are either not paying attention, or have their own shit to do in the first place and don't want to go through the hassle of calling you in(unless of course it's their property).
  6. Attican

    Attican Senior Member

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    These have already been covered, and should be common sense, but some people are dumb and don't follow these rules.

    1. Don't listen to headphones while you're painting. It's just a dumb fucking idea.

    2. Don't go painting with people who don't paint. They'll sketch out and just be annoying.

    3. Although going alone is a good idea, I think going with a lookout is a better idea. But make sure this lookout is a painter.

    Follow that, and you'll be relatively ok in most situations.
  7. Kaz1

    Kaz1 Member

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    pocket change wtf...i havent been on here in like four years but when i see stupid shit like that it maks me angry these people are only trying to learn so deal
  8. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    hahah i jus about pissed myself...

    i rather jus fucking run my ass off till i cant no more or till i no the douchebag is deffinitly gone outta my site... if he comes backu hit him wit the nearest object... aka rocks sticks or ur can for example lmao n then leave ur tag on his back... n then run like a fucking idiot again!
  9. xtitansx0

    xtitansx0 Banned

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    cops are easy to get away from..
    i dont know if anyone knows about the abandoned curtis wright factories in burgan county nj but it was great so much shit to tag and never any problems untill one day i decided to pull the fire alarm on the way out by time we were down the street 5 cops in an suv and 2 patrol cars where on us we split up and ran no1 got cought
  10. T O K E

    T O K E Elite Member

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    if your with someone, split up, it'll be harder to catch both of you
  11. RUDE_Bwoy

    RUDE_Bwoy Elite Member

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  12. SnowOner

    SnowOner Member

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    If a car drives by continue..if it slows down for no reason...continue painting but watch ur back.... I live in NYC so if someone yells "HEY" out their window but they're not cops I just put my hand up..say "sorry" nd walk away...adn just wait til they leave.... it doesnt even give them a chance to be like "WTF are u doing?" or w/e
  13. younopewho

    younopewho Member

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    If you get confronted, just act like you're fucked up on 53 different drugs and talk as crazy as you possibly can. Think about it, if some crazy person started chanting or something at you, what would you do/think?
  14. B$uR2EaTyOuRc0oKiEs

    B$uR2EaTyOuRc0oKiEs Member

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  15. kog_throwie

    kog_throwie Senior Member

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    aha it was the funnyest thing. i was walking to school yesterday morning and i went into an alley and i crossed out sum faggot tag that looked like shit and she things hes so fuckin good.... so any ways i crossed it out and wrote my tag all i hear is a knocking on the garage door from the other side he started to open his garage and i jus booked it
  16. kog_throwie

    kog_throwie Senior Member

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    it really suks cuz im 13 and my parents dont let me out late and i cant sneal out cuz the fukin dog and its really hard to tag on good spots im only in alleys............any tips or anything?
  17. igots0le

    igots0le Senior Member

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    whats the latest time they let you out? if you can, go at that time. or say your sleeping over at a friends house and go bomb instead. or you can always kill your dog. haha. ORR just go daytime bombing. thats what i do. just find some chill places around your city.
  18. kog_throwie

    kog_throwie Senior Member

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  19. TASK SvS

    TASK SvS Member

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    It depends who it is. With my spots I scout get-a-ways. (cops) But in the 304 we have a mad homeless problem. I cary nucks and pray them in the eyes. I hate hobos.
  20. h!de7

    h!de7 Senior Member

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    ahha werrrd 304s half homeless methheads
    but thats WV for ya

    h!de7 3o4!