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Getting A Blackbook

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Runk, Nov 18, 2005.

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  1. Epoc

    Epoc Senior Member

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    how do all you kids get caught with drawings on paper? or....why would anyone question graffiti on paper, thats not illegal.
  2. KidReny!

    KidReny! Senior Member

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    they match what you write from paper to anything that u may have bombed, but thats why I just straight up stopped answering the fucks in school who come up to me and are like "WHATS IT SAY THATS SO COOL!!"
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Senior Member

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    My suggestion is just sketch letter styles in school, dont write what you tag in public. Just make shit up to write in class, cause yeah they'll see your shit and swoop yo ass!

    STFUPPERCUT Senior Member

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    Yup when i wentto school i got this liek 12 tiems aday i just made random shit up half the time
  5. Chowdah

    Chowdah Banned

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    The percentage that has more shit than you? You can only steal so much. But you can buy anything you fuckin' want if you got the money.

    Stealing art supplies won't get you anywhere.
  6. SONE.

    SONE. Senior Member

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    yeh it will. itll get u all the supplies you need at zero cost.
  7. Chowdah

    Chowdah Banned

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    And that makes you a thief. Lowest of the low on the street totem pole.

    Say you can fit like 3 sketch books in your pants/shirt/bag, whatever you put your shit in when you gank...Ok so you got 3 free.

    Now if you're not a broke bitch...You can get a shopping carriage and fill it up with all the sketchbooks you want. Proceed to checkout. Indeed checkout. Head home and fill up book after book without worrying about having to steal another one in a few days. And now you have all the fucking sketchbooks you could possible want, minus the bad Karma for being a low end thief.
  8. CoronaOne

    CoronaOne Member

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    ^^^that sucks.... i also use school worksheets they give me....whats the square root of 75?????ITS OCTANE BIooTCH!!!!!!!!:D
  9. TrikAssHoe!

    TrikAssHoe! Senior Member

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    i just racked a mini blackbook from barnes and noble the other weekend. never take it to school though because dumbass kids always ask me what it says and it got tiring after a while. but ^^ i do the same shit just draw on worksheets.
  10. OOPS!

    OOPS! Senior Member

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    Dude I have a mini black book from barnes and noble.. and I take it to school and EVERYONE asks me what it says.. and it gets REALLY annoying. And I always have fucking chicks asking me to write their name.
  11. NeVeR4O1

    NeVeR4O1 Senior Member

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    ^^^^ same here im glad im done with school and i can fuckin draw in peace, but i still get the ocasional person whos tries to read what im writing but just dont kno anything bout graff so they think its just a bunch of lines haha
  12. RedEyes

    RedEyes Elite Member

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    I steal my black books from Michael's along with over 100's of prismas and decos, they just restock in a month an go back for more!
  13. NeVeR4O1

    NeVeR4O1 Senior Member

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    ^^ rofl its true, michaels is the easiest store to rack
  14. labmadelift

    labmadelift Senior Member

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    hahah, false. complete fail. Stealing supplies will get you 100% times farther than buying, think about the logic. If you got the money buy it, if you don't; rack it.
    we need to write, stolen or bought.
  15. RedEyes

    RedEyes Elite Member

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    Chowdah you buy your paint to? lol
  16. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    100% times?
    Need to write?
    Complete fail.
  17. TrikAssHoe!

    TrikAssHoe! Senior Member

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    shit and another thing is SOME teachers will confiscate your book and turn it over to crackers if they see you drawing during class. and CHOWDA, you might have money to blow on paint but times are rough and i sure as hell dont have money for paint. i'd just rack.but either way racking or purchasing you've got a chance of ending up in a holding cell by the end of the night so what difference does it make?
  18. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

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    don't you? whenever i hold something that can can write, i get an itch to bust out a quick one.
  19. Smookey

    Smookey Member

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    I just use paper or what i got on that moment, mabye get a blackbook later when my skills get up :)
  20. Chowdah

    Chowdah Banned

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    We probably haven't seen a post from this guy since cause he's been locked up for shoplifting. :p

    Yaaaaa, unfortunately. Ugh. Haha. Racking a few cans here and there would never support my painting habit. I have no choice but to buy.