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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Edward"Sezer"Hands, Aug 17, 2007.

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    AZTEKA Senior Member

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    I think i might of seen evades but the one i seen in elon under a bridge was one that started with a gr and some other letters. Yo you ever been to the were bored skateshop? We should meet up some time and go writin'.
  2. crimateNC

    crimateNC Senior Member

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    cool, umm that one under the bridge is my friend's old shit, he did that like 5+ years ago. I don't know where any of evade's are at cause i've never been out with him; only out with joy, jot. ummm the mods might get mad about us just convo-ing like this. I'll pm u and shit.

    but yeah, me and my homie is going out again tonight :)

    AEROSOL_FEEN Senior Member

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    wow its like im in another world when i look in this thread!!!
  4. crimateNC

    crimateNC Senior Member

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    what is wrong with people now a days?

    first, we was spraying on this old "barn" and a cop drove by, went around, drove by again and saw that the stuff was slowly filled in. He stopped right in front of the barn got out and looked/walked around a bit. I was telling my friend "dude, let's fucking run. now" lol, we ended up just sitting tight and nothing happened. my friend was pissed at me for doing a top2bottom.

    and then the next day I was supposed to go with another friend doing the same thing. Krylon paint, stock caps, my money. He ended up canceling and I had to solo it. I walked fucking 3 miles to an abandoned gas station that is the edge of 2 highways (old 87 and new 87). out of fucking NOWHERE this dog starts barking and running at me, I was scared shitless but I clicked my tongue and he ended up being a cool dog. Anyways, I was doing my thing: my throwie, my crew, and 3 more throwies. I get finished and 'bout to leave after this one last car drove past, but the fucking car pulled in and stopped. It was somesort of SUV (expedition/tahoe) I think. I walked around to see it and instead of doing what we did before I slid through the treeline and walked my ass back home.

    WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE STOP LIKE THAT? it wasn't like the first night, not ONE car passed within' veiw of those tags while I was painting them. As a matter of fact not ONE car passed me period, only one came close but I dived into the trees. sorry 4 such long post. :p does anyone else know what I'm talking about?
  5. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

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    yeah, people do that cuz they know it'll make some writers bounce.

    does it seem like a crazy idea to go snow shoe bombing? cuz theres like 2 feet of snow here and theres a bunch of walls by this field i wanna get. you think anyones gonna try and chase a dude in snow shoes. or would you even look twice at some guy in a flanel shirt with snow shoes
  6. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

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    well the snowshoe bombing was pretty ill, the snow crunching was louding than the cans clinking, so no one even looked twice... well at my bag at least. everyone stared at my snowshoes
  7. crimateNC

    crimateNC Senior Member

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    lol hope ur paint was good. cause i think most off brand shit doesn't do well in cold weather
  8. ghostwriter

    ghostwriter Senior Member

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    fuckin eh man evrytime i do anything tags trowies peple slow down and stare im always thinking its a cop off duty but then they just drive off it just make me awre of evrything around me and if it happens another time it get me paranoid and if again after i start shaking aha
  9. Brian Peppers

    Brian Peppers Senior Member

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    Videogame; Mark Dickface: Getting Up... One of the songs played in that game; "ghostwriter" by RJD2... dope song... but you just look like an idiot now.
  10. crimateNC

    crimateNC Senior Member

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    dude ok I was taped by an ATM doing a bomb. it got me good too. the only pos. is that my prints ain't in the system and I live in a completely different state. no one knows what I look like or where I'm at. I think I'm safe BUT!!!
    when I was driving away like an hour later, the cops were talking to people.... I bombed the bathroom stall in the place across the street too. DAMNIT!!! and I'm on probation :(
  11. a maze

    a maze Banned

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    aw, damn, sucks for you dude. I really haven't had anyone do a double sweep in a car while I was bombing, maybe once or twice.

    xBREAKDOWNx New Member

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    hey what do you guys think of the tag name PAYNT like its supposed to say paint
  13. tha.dank.bomber

    tha.dank.bomber Senior Member

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    i duno im not a fan of ys when an i can be done to look more dope, if your just starting out i wud do a 2 letter tag, its easier to fuck up 5 letters than 2
  14. Street Smart

    Street Smart Senior Member

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    what the hell? why would you only tag 2 letters?

    xBREAKDOWNx New Member

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    wat do you guys think of the name KLWN (clown)

    NICCSACC Banned

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  17. BombingSciences Bitch

    BombingSciences Bitch Senior Member

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    But it doesn't sound like clown...

    If people walk past that they're not gonna say "Hey look it's that graffiti writer, clown". They're gonna say "K-L-W-N?! Wtf is that shit?!?!"
  18. Rots takes your Daughters

    Rots takes your Daughters Elite Member

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    I think it has something to do with owning an SUV, because only people with SUVs seem to stop me.
  19. NEZ89

    NEZ89 Senior Member

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    question, how many black writers are there on here, or do you all know of in your local area, under the age of 20.
    i'm 1 of like 3 others in my area, feels kinda weird.
  20. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    i know like 7 where i live. but thats just under the age of twinky.