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Flicks of Your Inventory [POST PICS OR GET AN INFRACTION]

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by oblong, May 3, 2004.

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    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    Home depot is more of a, waistline and jacket place, grab a few cans and get out quick, be happy with what you got. Lowes is kinda the same, dont fuck with the carts at those places, at the most grab one of those little baskets. Their such a universally large franchise of hardware stores, theyre on top of their loss prevention game.

    Ganking a shopping cart load is a 3 man operation if you want to do it right. 1 person keeps it lit in the whip, 2 people fill the cart, bring the cart out the store, and shovel cans into the trunk as fast as possible while the third starts the car and gets ready to dip the fuck out. Dont be doing it in your town either, or a town you got to go to frequently. the plan is as simple as that, dont go making things more complicated than they have to be.

    RUGEDRUGE Member

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    yeah its a real draw that they have their color selection on point

    so how do u get out, just run with that shit out of there? cuss i feel like no matter who has a shopping cart of spray paint it raises eyes
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
  3. subcyde

    subcyde Senior Member

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    if your sneaky and live in the area just shub 3 cans down ur pants and walk out the entrance doors in home depot they dont have alarms on the entrace doors and in co op and peavey mart they dont have alarms at all but i live in canada in the states security must be prety tight in most stores
  4. barish

    barish Guest

    flicks>toy talk and busters
  5. subcyde

    subcyde Senior Member

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  6. Evoke-HMW-SGC-

    Evoke-HMW-SGC- Member

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    current stash, used to have more paint and mops but i got arrested and had most of it on me, so it all got siezed :(
  7. barish

    barish Guest

    hows that stealth ink? im sitting on a bottle right now. i was thinking of using the same marker body
  8. Evoke-HMW-SGC-

    Evoke-HMW-SGC- Member

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    the most permanent shit ive ever used, it can take layers of paint over it and its still clear as!
  9. badder boy

    badder boy Senior Member

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    how to rack graffiti aerosol spray paint? pls
  10. Finster315

    Finster315 New Member

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    new to the arts

    Only been writing for few months but its a start. Boxed cans are empty.

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  11. OskarERK

    OskarERK Member

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  12. dmgraff

    dmgraff Senior Member

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    been writing for almost a year
    only payed for a little bit of the paint
  13. biblebeltbangerz

    biblebeltbangerz Elite Member

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    finally ordered a metal head too should be here tomorrow.
  14. wolfgang2142

    wolfgang2142 Senior Member

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  15. biblebeltbangerz

    biblebeltbangerz Elite Member

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    tryna keep this new metal head kinda low key. great size.
  16. dmgraff

    dmgraff Senior Member

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  17. toop

    toop Senior Member

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    where i live these days racking is at a point where u wont get more then 5 cans and ur face will be on the news next night or so, though i got mates who do the shopping cart shit just not with paint as its all behind cages, but they do it with other stuff

    and they be doing single man runs hahaha
  18. wolfgang2142

    wolfgang2142 Senior Member

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    The first time I went bombing, I was compltly disorganised I hadnt even drawn what I was gonna write or decided where. I was just walkingg down this street with my friend and we were such dumbasss cuz it was during the day. I tagged one wall in this alley and did another on the next building about 15 ft away. My friend was the worst fuckin look out. He didnt tell me when this dude started walking towards us until the guy was less than 10ft away. We both fuckin blitzed but it was in the winter in montreal and the ice was slippery as fuck so we both slipped and the dude tackled us. He held onto both of our shirts and took pictures of our tags and called the cops. It took them a fuckin hour to show up. We waited for an hour in the freeaing cold. I was 13 and didnt have any ID i look alot older than I am since im tall (14 and 6ft) and when the cops showed up they decideed they didnt have to speak english to me so when I fumbled around saying my birth day in french they got suspicious that I was lying. Luckily I didnt have any weed or a knife cuz they patted me down. they didnt even cuff us tho. Eventually they took us to the police station and after pretty much asking us all the same shit they asked when we were in the car they let us go with a warning and took all this stuff I made and bought.
  19. biblebeltbangerz

    biblebeltbangerz Elite Member

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  20. Cyco

    Cyco Senior Member

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    IMG138.jpg IMG139.jpg

    This just arrived. Im so motherfucking proud of it.