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Step Bi Step

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by CHILLEN905, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Lol the NYC mop IS a homemade mop. It is pretty much some soft felt inside a Kiwi Mop bottle. The Oink mop is just a window chalk marker, The DED Mop is just a ________ mop which can easily be found, and as for soultip I haven't seen it so I couldn't tell ya.
  2. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    ok this is for all the dummies out there *looks at titans*
    [Broken External Image]:
    first grab ur mop. im using a stazon thing but this is the same for bingo dabbers and whatever else.

    [Broken External Image]:
    it looks like its fused together at the top but really its not.. look at the first ridge on the right.. thats what we are gunna seperate.

    [Broken External Image]:
    im using a knife but u can use anything, but a knfe works the best. poke it where the ridge is so u get a small gap. dont poke it to hard or you'll fuck up the plastic and make a hole

    [Broken External Image]:
    now since you poked it, it should be raised slightly.. take the sharp flat end, stick it in the small opening so you c an start trying to raise it.

    [Broken External Image]:
    once its in, take it thumb and push up on the bottom, keep movin the knife around so you pop each side up a bit every time

    [Broken External Image]:
    it will get more loose and it will start to come out

    [Broken External Image]:
    if your not a little girl. then you can just pull the rest out and boom it will come out. now if u got shit in there empty it and wash it out and wait for it to dry, if there is nothing then ur good

    [Broken External Image]:
    fill with ur favorite ink or paint, flood the tip and last but not least...

    [Broken External Image]:
    crush shit!

    ****if you did not know how to do this, you suck and should take up fencing or lawn bowling***
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2007
  3. xtitansx0

    xtitansx0 Banned

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    what is that staz on shit?all i could c was all purpose and are the drips from squeezing?
    how hard to squeeze is it
  4. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Lol staz on is the blank I left in my post. Essentially its a DED Outdoorsman Mop. Its a stamp cleaner. Go rack michaels. It is pretty easy to squeeze as well.
  5. xtitansx0

    xtitansx0 Banned

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    eh michaels-2 hr buss ride any where else u think would have it?
  6. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    most arts and crafts stores like Jo Ann's should have it. Maybe the arts and crafts section in walmart but don't quote me on that one.
  7. xtitansx0

    xtitansx0 Banned

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    ok ty, i just am tired of homemade fucking shoe polish bottles and shit (mostly the leaking and gluing and the other hassles). the staz on looks kick ass...
  8. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    they are sick.. u get drips by taking out the valve, having your own mixed paint and squeezing how every much u think u need.
  9. Moderator

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    for the record. i taught him how to do THAT. lol
  10. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Yea the Staz On mops are really good. And I feel you about the shoe polish mops which is why the person who thought of the NYC Mop just took off the sponge nib and put in some felt. It is HIGHLY overpriced and I wouldn't spend 15 bucks on it, I'd rather rack a shit load of Kiwi mops and a shit load of soft felt from a craft store and make my own.
  11. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    yea but im canada's #3 best lawn bowler so w/e
  12. BizerkIZ

    BizerkIZ Elite Member

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    HAHAHAHAH FUCKING HELL!!! how lazy can you get? oh my god.. fucking hell.. how toy and lazy can you be.. to try not to touch a marker to refill it..

    please. someone sig that.
  13. ForOhWun

    ForOhWun Senior Member

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    Roflroflrofl Roflcopters
  14. ForOhWun

    ForOhWun Senior Member

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    just for that i shall receive the recipe for an ulmitey, super opaque , super fucking staining drippy , motivational ink. Yes motivational has to be in there
    edit: for the record im #2 at lawn bowling
  15. BizerkIZ

    BizerkIZ Elite Member

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    sure.. you have to come over to my house.. because. when you milk my teet, the hardest staining violet ink comes a plenty.
  16. ForOhWun

    ForOhWun Senior Member

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    Yay ive always wanted to milk teet. Step 1: Remove ShutStep 2: Milk teetStep 3: Spit out super staining Violet into gatorade flask
  17. ekimboi1

    ekimboi1 Senior Member

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    well since there arnt really anymore graff related step bi steps im going to post a step by step on a sandwich i made called SPICY FUCKING TUNA!!

    step1- get a can of tuna, bread(or rolls), pepper jack cheese( or regular cheese and a container on pepper flakes), george forman grill!
    step2-open can of tuna and drain the liquid out.
    step3-put a slice(or 2) of pepper jack cheese on a piece of bread or roll then put a layer of tune then put another slice of pepper jack cheese on then another piece of bread!
    step4-put your sandwich on the george forman grill and close top.
    step5-cook until the bread looks toasted and the cheese is melted.
    step6-let cool for a lil while and enjoy!!

    mods feel free to delete this i am at my house, sick as hell, with nothing to do :)
  18. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    ^^^ I'm gonna have to try this soon
  19. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    yummy cesadillas "<--cant spell"

    1. make a cesadilla.
    2. make sure u used good cheese
    3. make sure you added salt
    4. THE BEST. add syrup!

    im seirous its fuckin delicious.


    i should killl you.
  20. ekimboi1

    ekimboi1 Senior Member

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    i think its spelled quesadillas or sum shit, but the best way to make them is to use a large flour tortilla shell(soft thing) and put shredded cheese and maybe even strips of pre cooked chicken and then fold it so it looks like a "D" and then pu tthat bitch on the gorge forman grill!! i swear you can cook anything on hte gorge forman grill!!!!